xt7vmc8rd299 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rd299/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2002 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Series- University Bulletin, Volume 94, Issue 1, 2002-2003 text University of Kentucky Series- University Bulletin, Volume 94, Issue 1, 2002-2003 2002 2002 2013 true xt7vmc8rd299 section xt7vmc8rd299 Q ·
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 » UK

The infomation in this bulletin is current at the time of publication. lf you are pursuing a degree, you are obligated to fulfill the requirements as they
are listed in the bulletin for the semester in which you enroll in that program.
If the requirements change after you have enrolled in the program, you have the option of fulfilling either the old or new requirements. lf you elect to ·
fulfill the old requirements and find that necessary courses have been eliminated or substantially revised, you may substitute other courses with the approval
of the dean of the college. If the revision is required by an extemal accreditation certification body, and this body submits a written statement to the
University that the accreditation of a program or certification of its graduates is in jeopardy unless students fulfill the new requirements, the option of
fulfilling the old requirements shall not apply.
If your study in the program or the University is interrupted for more than two semesters, your college dean will decide which program requirements
must be fulfilled.
The University of Kentucky will provide each new student with one copy ofthe Bulletin. Additional copies may be purchased at either the University
or Kennedy bookstores. Reference copies are distributed to all high school counselors in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Infomation about the
Community College System may be obtained by contacting the Community College System Office, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0056.
For specific infomation about different parts of the University, direct inquiries to members of the administrative staff The post office address is:
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. Telephone: (859) 257-9000.
General infomation, transcripts of credits: University Registrar Academic Scholarships: Dean for Undergraduate Studies .
Admissions: Director of Admissions General publications about the University: Office of Public Relations i
Student Affairs: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Placement services: University Career Center ,
Living Accommodations: University Housing Office Counseling and Testing: Director of Counseling and Testing Center
A particular college and its programs: Dean of the College, Director of Distance LeamingTechnology Center: Director,Distance Leaming Tech-
Admissions nology Center
Community Colleges: Chancellor for the Community College System Evening and Weekend and Correspondence Courses: Executive Director,
Graduate Work: Dean ofthe Graduate School Umvcrslty Extcnsmn
Student Financial Aid: Director of Student Financial Aid
The University of Kentucky is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern ,
Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097: Tele-
phone number 404-679-4501) to award undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. I
The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of providing 5
educational opportunities to all qualified students regardless of economic g
or social status, and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color,  
religion, sex, marital status, beliefs, age, national origin, sexual orientation, l
or physical or mental disability. }
Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, ¢
which prohibits sex discrimination, and with Title VI ofthe Civil Rights s
Act of 1964 is coordinated by Mr. Terry Allen, Equal Opportunity Office,  
7 Gillis Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0033, l
(859) 257-8927. l
Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to people with
disabilities are also coordinated by the Equal Opportunity Office, as I
required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Volume 94 Issue I ;
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. ·  
Questions conceming compliance with regulations may be directed to The Umvcrslfy of Kcnfucky Saws (USPS 384`  
UK’s Equal Opportunity Office, or to the Director ofthe Office for Civil 610) ls pubhshcd 4 mes a year (Jimi; _July*  
Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. September and Deqcmbcl) by thc Uliwcrslty Of  
The University is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of Eg;  SZ  jstone St" L€l§ng;m’.KY l
1988 and the Dnig-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of mn KQ 405il Egggtlca ?pf);ta§ zi: at lfxmg-
1989. Questions may be directed to the Vice Chancellor for StudentAffairs t [ini cr -   Iélaicré in 1 réssc age?
or the Human Resource Services Director’s Office. 0 . . V sltyo cri C   cU€S’ cglstmn . n`
_ _ _ _ _ _ Mailing Center, University of Kentucky, Lexing-
Questions about admission to the University should be directed to the mn KY 405060001
appropriate admissions office. ’ i

2002 - 2003
i UK Mission
The University of Kentucky is a comprehensive, public, land grant university dedicated to
preparing students for an increasingly diverse and technological world, and to improving
  the lives of people in the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world through teaching,
Q research, and service.
  • Our instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, profes-
p  sional, and lifelong education informed by scholarship and research, and guided by
a spirit of integrity and mutual respect.
  • Our research, scholarship, and creative activities promote human and economic
  development through the expansion of knowledge and its applications inthe sciences,
A social sciences, arts, humanities, business, and the professions.
  • We have a unique responsibility for outreach and public service to support the citizens
  of the Commonwealth. We collaborate with our educational, professional, business,
  healthcare, and agricultural partners here and abroad to disseminate, share, and apply
l — UK Strategic Plan, adopted by the
i Board of Trustees, May 1998
Principles of Inclusive Learning
The University of Kentucky principles of inclusive leaming have been collectively created by students,
faculty and staff as ideals to strive for in order to reach a more inclusive campus environment.
It is not intended for purposes of enforcement or to be exclusionary of any race, ethnic background,
V religion or culture.
{ Individuals are encouraged to use these principles as a learning tool in a process of personal growth and
One who reads these principles is encouraged to adopt them as one sees fit and to continually explore
one’s own interpretation of them, thus collectively working for the betterment of the University as a
As a member of the University of Kentucky community, I will strive to promote:
Lifelong learning
Academic excellence and personal integrity
Individual responsibility and self empowerment
_ Freedom of thought and speech _ `
Z Mutual respect and collective responsibility
. Culture diversity and human dignity ‘
  Teamwork and shared decision-making _
Physical accessibility and personal safety
Q 'Environmenta1 stewardship

 2 Policies  
http://www.uky.edu/Registrar/ferpa.htmI 1 
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are: l ;
(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit  
to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The  3;
University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. lf the records are  
not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request i 
should be addressed.  
(2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate. Students may ask the University to amend a  
record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want  —-
changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. lf the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student _
of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing i
procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.  
(3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA  V;
authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational Q
interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including *4
law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attomey, auditor, or collection I 
agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official cornrnittee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting ‘
another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record _Q
in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Q  _
1 .
Upon request, the University discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. [N ote: ` ` 
FERPA requires an institution to make a reasonable attempt to notify the student ofthe records request unless the institution states in its annual notification ' 
that it intends to forward records on request.] j 
(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University of Kentucky to comply with the requirements i
of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland  `.
Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C., 20202-4605. _· 
The University may release information without the student’s consent where the information is classified as "Directory information." The following categories  
of information have been designated by the University as directory information: name, address, telephone listing, e-mail address, photographs, date and place ‘ 
of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, .
degrees and awards received, full-time/part-time status*, and the most recent previous educational institution attended by the student. I 
Direct questions concerning this law and the University’s policy conceming release of academic information to the Student Records Office, (859) 257-7 I 57. A 
Students who do not wish such information released without their consent should notify the Student Records Office in writing. For complete information on (1) E
adding and removing a privacy flag to prevent the release of directory information; (2) the definition of education records; (3) the types of directory information 3 
that may be made available without the student’s consent; and (4) the annual FERPA notification deadline for prevention of release of directory information, 5
please visit: http://www.uky.edu/Registrar/ferpa.htrnl. "
*For a description of full-time and part-time status, see Notes 1 and 2 under "Tuition and Fees" on page 21. · 
Student Right-to-Know Act (P.L. 101 -542) .
University of Kentucky [_
2002-2003 I5 
Section 103 of the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-542) as amended by the Higher Education I
Technical Amendments of 1991 (Public Law 102-26) requires public disclosure of relevant graduation rate information for students enrolled in
colleges and universities receiving federal financial assistance annually beginning July 1, 1993. The following statement is the University of `.
Kentucky’s official disclosure statement in accordance with the requirements of P.L. 101-542 Section 103 for the 2002-2003 academic year. _
Graduation Rate of Entering Freshmen 1  I
The graduation rate for all students entering the University of Kentucky as first-time freshmen during the 1995-96 academic year* was 57.2 percent. This , ~
graduation rate represents the percentage of students entering the University of Kentucky as first-time (i.e., new) full-time degree-seeking freshmen during the it 
1995 Summer and Fall terms who subsequently were awarded baccalaureate degrees by the University of Kentucky within six calendar years (i.e., through August I  
2001). This rate was calculated under definitions and procedures established by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and reported to the NCAA   ”
on the University’s 2001 Graduation Rate Disclosure Form in March 2002. {
Final regulations and guidelines for the calculation, reporting, and disclosure of graduation rate information required under the Student Ri ght-to-Know Act have  
not yet been issued by the Department of Education. Definitions of the entering student cohort in the Department of Education’s proposed regulations (Federal
Register, July 10, 1992) and the NCAA Graduation Rate Disclosure Form differ slightly. However, the University has determined that the graduation rate .
information in the annual NCAA report is substantially comparable to the information required under the Student Right-to-Know Act, and is reporting that r
information at this time pending release of final federal regulations. L
March 2002
* 'I'lre information to bedisclosed by July 1 of each year is "the graduation rate for the most recent cohort of entering students thatall have had an opportunity to complete or graduate ;
from their respective programs" in the specified completion period (which for the University of Kentucky is six years). The most recent entering cohort meeting this requirement 2
is the 1995-96 freshman class. ‘

E 3
I UK Table of Contents
K Official Academic Calendar ...............................................................................................................................................,......................... 4
f  The University .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
‘‘  UK’s Distinguished Alumni ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
  Undergraduate Admission .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
  Fees ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 8
 -V Student Financial Aid, Awards and Benefits ............................................................................................................................................. 23
 Q_ Living Accommodations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 28
_  Libraries ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1
I  Cultural Opportunities .......................................................................................................................................................,..... 3 .................. 32
 j` Student Services and Activities .................................................................................................................................................................. 34
”  Academic Advising .................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
 I Special Academic Programs ..........................................................,............................................................................................................ 43
 5} Academic Requirements ...................................................,..........................................,.............................................................................. 51
·  Interdisciplinary Programs ......................................................................................................................................................................... 61
i  The University Studies Program ................................................................................................................................................................ 63
I  Agriculture ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 68
  Allied Health Professions (Health Sciences) .......,............................................................................................................................ 78
L  Architecture ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
  Arts and Sciences .............................................................................................................................................................................. 86
  Business and Economics ................................................................................................................................................................ 108
I Communications and Information Studies ..................................................................................................................................... 112
 I Dentistry ..............,.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 18
i  Distance Learning Technology Center ........................................................................................................................................... 119
  Education ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 120
 f Engineering ........................................................,............................................................................................................................ 145
 ·` Fine Arts ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 153
_ The Gaines Center .......................................................................................................................................................................... 161
I I The Graduate School ...................................................................................................................................................................... 162
I Honors Program ......................................................................................................................,....................................................... 165
  Human Environmental Sciences ..................................................................................................................................................... 166
M  Law ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 173
1  Medicine ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 176
· Nursing ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 177
[ Pharmacy ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 180
I} School of Public Health .................................................................................................................................................................. 181
  Social Work .................................................................................................................................................................................... 182
ll University Extension ...................................................................................................................................................................... 184
Zi Lexington Community College ......................................................................,............................................................................... 186
is  Course Numbering System ....................................................................................................................................................................... 198
A  Course Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................................................... 199
  Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 200
é University Faculty .................................................................................................................................................................................... 324
A Administration .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 350
University as a Drug-Free Institution ................................................................................................ . ...................................................... 351
Policy on Residency ................................................,................................................................................................................................ 355
1 Index ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 358

 4 • • i
2002-2003 Umverszty Calen ar UK » 
o .
Check the Schedule of Classes for any calendar changes that may have been i_ 
- approved after the publication of this Bulletin. l
  Fan Semester August 20-26 - Tuesday through Monday —Fall registration for students who entered `  
_ _ _ _ the University in either the 2002 Four—Weeklntersess1on or Eight-Week Summer f
February l - Friday — Deadline for International, Allred Health, Dietetics, Interior Session  _`
Design, and Nursing applications to be submitted to The Undergraduate School . , {
August 20-26 - Tuesday through Monday — Registration for new program graduate  is
for the 2002 Fall Semester ·
students  ,’
February l - Friday — Deadline for submission of all application materials, College f . d j
Of Medicine, for the 2002 Fan Semester August;-ig TVt:’ednlesdl;yt thrcltulglth Sgturdzlyatt Add/Drop or regrstere Students i 
February 15 -Friday—Deadline for freshman applicants seeking admission to the Fall Ajigjg Sttldetlts algtzizléd fgfttc Igjnufzlgek I:`-@{2:;;;: glgsxlvazin gftllilgg si 
or Surruner 8 week terms. Applicants for the 2002 Fall Semester by this date who Sc _ Ot Fun Sc ester ’  _
meet selective admission criteria will be offered general admission; applicants Ssmn _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ i
after this date OI' ddrpnsd decision candidates win be considered on s space- August 23 - ftuutlw — guuulus Cgufersgcu sud R;g·;u;u¤¤¤ fur new ¤¤u=m¤u¤¤=u  
available basis onlie stu ents w o ave een c eare or a mission ut r not priority register  =t
February t5 _ Friday _ Priority tiling deadline for the 2002_2003 eeedeniie year for August 23-24 · Friday and Saturday — Registration for Evening/Weekend students  t;t
financial aid for entering freshmen ~ August 24-27 - Saturday through Tuesday — KY Welcome for all new undergraduate  ,;
March l - Friday — Deadline for all applicants to the College of Architecture smuculs  
Mnreli l _ Fridny _ Deadline for Submission of nnnlieetion and all required August 26 - Monday—Adv1s1ng Conference and Registration for new freehmentand  
doeuinents to the Orliee of Admissions for UK Community College transfer transfer students who have been cleared for admission but dtd not priority register it 
applicants planning to attend April Advising Conference (including registration August 26-27 - Monday and Tuesday — Opening-of-term add/drop for registered  5
for classes) for 2002 Fall Semester students ‘ 
March 25-April 17 - Monday through Wednesday — Priority Registration for Fall August 26-30 - Monday through Friday — Approved time period for students to if
2002 change academic majors (note: please check with college for admission deadline) i 
April 1 - Monday — Priority filing deadline for the 2002-2003 academic year for August 27 - Tuesday — Advising Conference and Registration for readmission, i
financial aid for continuing and transfer students transient and non-degree students who have been cleared for admission but did not  .t
April l - Monday — Deadline for NAAB Architecture transfer applicants Puuruy mglslcr E 
April iz - Friday - Advising Conference ini transfer snidsnis ndniinpd fOl' rat Ausuét 22; Tuésuuy — Lust dey u Stuuuu muy Ofuuully itu? u ¤¤urS<= ur uuuucl i _*.-
April 15 -Monday —Deadline for applying with college deans for reinstatement after mglsmmon wnh the Umvemty Registrar for a fun rcfun O fees  ·
a second academic suspension for the 2002 Fall Semester August 28 ' W°du€$uuY ‘ First uuY uf Classcs  
April 30__lune l 5 _ Tuesday through Saturday _ Add/Drop for registered Students August 28-Septernber 4 - Wednesday through Wednesday — Late registration for  l
. . . . . retumin g students who did not priority register and new applicants cleared late for  ‘·
May l - Wednesday - Deadline for undergraduate rntematronal applicants to submit _ , _ _ , , , , .
2002 Fan Semester application · admission. A late fee rs assessed students who register during this time period. ~  l
June 1 — Saturday — Deadline for submission of application and all required September 2 ` Monday _ Labor Day _ Academic Holiday  
documents to the Office of Admissions for undergraduate applicants, excluding Sclummucr 4 ‘ Wednesday ‘ Lust day [O add u slugs for the 2002 Full Scmcstcr  Q
freshman applicants who will be considered on a space-available basis September 4 - Wednesday — Last day to officially withdraw from the University or f 
June 15 - Saturday -Earliestdate to submitapplication for regular and Early Decision reduce °°u'S° load and r°°°“’° au 80 Pcrccm rcfuud iv 
Program admission, College of Medicine, for the 2003 Fall Semester September 4 - Wednesday —- Last day for students in the Employee Educational  ‘l
June l7__luly 18 _ Surnrner Advising Conferences for new tcreslunent Community Program who registered and/or changed schedules after August 7 to tsubmrt EEP  _.
COllCgC transfers, advanced standing (transfer) srddenrs, sind ipndrniiipd students f<>u¤ to Huuuut Rsuuutcc Sauces tu cuufum 2002 Fu] Scmustu trguuauuu uu  
enrolling for the 2002 Fall Semester tuluuu Wfuvcr .  ?_
July ig - Friday _ Deadline for applying for admission to s program in ind Graduate Sur>¤<=mb¤{ 18 - Wcumuay — Mu uu to dmv =¤ <>¤urS¤ Wiuwut it avvwiug ¤u uw 0 
School for the 2002 Fall Semester. Applications for readmission, post-baccalau- Studcm S mmscupl I
reate status, and visiting student status will be accepted after the deadline, September 18 - Wednesday — Last day to change grading option (pass/fail to letter t" 
July 20_AuguSt l _ Saturday through Thursday _ Add/Drop for registered Students grade or letter grade to pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit)  
August 1 -Thursday—Final deadline forsubmission of allrequired documents to the Scplcmbcr 20* ‘ Fuday T Last d°Y fur r°lusuu°m°u[_°f Studcuts °_uu·¤¤ll*=0 fur ‘ 
Office of Admissions for undergraduate admission, excluding freshman for the u°ul°“Ym°“t°f’°glSu;atl°u fees aud/Orlmuslug aud uuuug f°°S· Rcquucs paymcm {
2002 Fall Semester, who will be considered on a space-available basis. Non- uf fccs and may mquuc puymcm uf uuusuuemcut f°°·  
degree students who enroll through the Evening/Weekend Program registration September 25 - Wednesday —Last day to officially withdraw from the University or '
before the beginning of classes are exempt from this deadline. reduce course load and receive a 50 percent refund l
August 1 - Thursday — Postmark deadline for mailing payment for Fall 2002 September 26 — Thursday — Last day for filing an application for a December degree »` 
August l - Thursday -— Deadline for application for Early Decision Prog