in and heel ont; sit upright in your saddle, throw your weight
forward-one third of it in the stirrups-and hold your rein
tight. Should your horse scare, you are braced in your saddle,
and he cannot throw you.
              Indication of a Horse's Disposition.
  A long thin neck indicates a good disposition, contrariwise,
if it be short and thick. A broad forehead, high between the
ears, indicates a very vicious disposition.
                         Cures, &c.
  Cure for the Founder.-Let 1 gallons of blood from the
neck vein, make frequent applications of hot water to his fore-
legs; after which, bathe them in wet cloths, then give one quart
Linseed Oil. The horse will be ready for service the next day.
  Botts.-Mix one pint honey with one quart sweet milk, give
as a drench, one hour after, dissolve I oz. pulverized Coperas in
a pint of water. use likewise, then give one quart of Linseed
Oil. Cure eflectual.
  Colic.-After bleeding copiously in the mouth, take a half
pound of raw cotton, wrap it around a coal of fire in such a way
as to exclude the air; when it begins to smoke, hold it under the
horse's nose until he becomes easy. Cure certain in ten minutes.
  Distemper.-Take 1 gallons blood from the neck vein, then
give a dose of Sassafras Oil, I-li ounces is sufficient. Cure speedy
and certain.
  Fistula.-When it makes its appearance, rowel both sides of
the shoulder; if it should break, take one ounce of virdigris. 1
ounce oil rosin, 1 ounce copperas, pulverize and mix together.
Use it as a salve.
            Receipt for Bone Spavin or Ring-Bone.
  Take a table-spoonful of corrosive sublimate; quicksilver
about the size of a bean; 3 or 4 drops of muriatic acid; iodine
about the size of a pea, and lard enough to form a paste; grind
the iodine and sublimate fine as flour, and put altogether in a
cup, mix well, then shear the hair all off the size you want; wash
clean with soap-suds, rub dry, then apply the medicine. Let it
stay on five days; if it does not take effect, take it off, mix it
over with a little more lard, and add some fresh medicine. When
the lump comes out, wash it clean in soap-suds, then apply a
poultice of cow dung, leave it on twelve hours, then apply
healing medicine.

                    Temperance Beverage.
  One quart of water, three pounds of sugar, one tea-spoonful