States Navy from 1942 to 1944. In 1944 he became drama critic for the Saturday
Review and in 1955 he became editor-at-large of this distinguished publication.
He is a judge of the Book-of-the-Month Club and has been a panelist and con-
ductor of several literary programs for major television networks.

He was an Overseer of Harvard College from 1949 to 1955 and Trustee. of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1951 to 1956. He is presently a Trustee of
the New York Society Library and Recording for the Blind, Inc.

Mr. Brown is the editor and author of numerous articles and books covering a
wide range of subject matter including history, the theatre, and the arts. His
most recent work is a biography of Robert Sherwood, Volume I. It has received
wide acclaim as have many of his other works. His ability to combine literary
writing skill with rigorous thought and scholarship are acclaimed by his associates.

                              LOUIS GORDON

Louis Gordon, professor of chemistry and Dean of Graduate Studies at Case Institute
of Technology, was born in New York in 1914. He received the Bachelor of Science
in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Kentucky in 1937. In 1939 he re-
ceived the M. S. degree in chemistry from the University of Michigan and in 1947
the Ph. D. degree from the same university. From 1942 to 1946 he served in the
Army Chemical Warfare Service. He was a member of the faculties of the Depart-
ments of Chemistry of Ohio State University and Syracuse University before join-
ing the Department of Chemistry at Case Institute of Technology in 1958. In 1961
he assumed the duties of Dean of Graduate Studies in addition to his professorship
in chemistry.

Dr. Gordon has conducted extensive research in analytical chemistry, especially
in the fields of nucleation and coprecipitation. He has contributed more than 100
scientific papers in this area and has participated in numerous national and inter-
national conferences on analytical chemistry. His research has been supported
by numerous grants from industrial and governmental sources. His studies have
contributed to the development of methods for and the understanding of precipita-

Dr. Gordon is coauthor of Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution and coeditor
of the 50-volume International Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry.
He is a member of several professional societies and has served in various offi-
cial capacities for several conferences. He serves as editor and reviewer for
several journals.

In 1965 Dr. Gordon was the Centennial Professor of Chemistry at the University
of Kentucky.