5.   Provision of 130 new graduate student assistant-
                    ships to advance graduate education

              6.   Implementation of a few new instructional programs
                    including planning education, computer science,
                    statistics and applied mathematics

              7.   Further activation of four interdisciplinary
                    research programs--institutes on water resources,
                    public administration, engineering mechanics, and
                    the Center on Developmental Change

              8.   Continued activation of programs in the health
                    service fields, particularly medicine and dentistry,
                    including neurology, cell biology, medical technology
                    and allied health fields

              9.   Continued activation of the University Hospital

              10.   The extension of the sophomore year in the community
                    colleges at Somerset and Hopkinsville and planning
                    funds for new colleges at Blackey-Hazard, Jefferson
                    County and Maysville

             11.   Expansion of terminal technical programs of nursing,
                    dental technology, fo'estry, mining and agriculture in
                    the community college system

             12.   Provision of 48 new teaching positions in the community
                    college system to accommodate an estimated increase
                    in enrollments of 730 or 20 per cent above the current

             13.   Re-programming for research and service in agri-
                    culture with an emphasis upon area specialists and de-

    In asking Dr. Albright to comment on the budget, Dr. Oswald commended him
highly for his leadership in the development of the budget. He also commended
Dr. Albright's staff and Mr. Kerley and his staff, who provided the necessary fi-
nancial data. He commented that this was the third budget which he had presented
and each one showed marked improvement over the preceding one.

    Dr. Albright reiterated the President's statement that the budget is the fi-
nancial expression of an educational program. The 1966-67 budget attempts tohelp