the employment of better and better faculty members and the retention of ablefaculty.
Provisions in this budget will keep the University in a mid-position among the eleven
benchmark institutions used for comparative purposes. This has been accomplished
by realizing increases of from 5 1/2 per cent to 6 per cent. Dr. Angelucci asked if
the University was not now recruiting new faculty from the so-called "upper class in-
stitutions". Dr. Albright agreed, saying two from Princeton and two from Cornell
had recently been recruited. He continued that faculty and staff advancement also in-
cluded extension of retirement benefits to include more people and greater benefits.

    Another objective, in addition to development of research, is improvement of
teaching, including the increased emphasis or advising, counseling, and guidance of
students, the provision for teaching and learning resources, instructional aids for
faculty improvement, the use of closed circuit TV on a large scale, faculty teaching
improvement grants, and summer improvement programs for the faculties of the
Community Colleges.

    Program revision and reorganization, based on action already approved by the
Board, are reflected in the budget in the departmentalization of the College of Busi-
ness and Economics, the establishment of the Schools in the College of Arts and
Sciences, the transfer of the College of Pharmacy to :he Medical Center, the
strengthening of the Computer Center, and the enrichment of library holdings.

    In the budget request which went to the Governor and the Legislature, an attempt
was made to develop a program budget. In time it is hoped that the internal budget
will become more and more a program budget and less and less a specific expendi-
ture budget. This means asking each unit of the institution to do three things:
(1) state what it proposes to achieve in a given year; (2) what kind of programs are
envisaged; and (3) how each unit proposes to assess the progress made. A work con-
ference with the deans and other administrative officials will be held in May prima-
rily for the purpose of discussing with them the movement in this direction.

    Mr. Kerley was asked to present the budget for the University Hospital, agri-
culture, and retirement. He explained that the total beds for the University Hospital
when fully activated would be 465. At present 264 are activated and 318 will be acti-
vated by June 30, 1966. It is proposed that by June 30, 1967, 364 beds will be acti-
vated provided nursing service is available to permit it. The 1966-67 budget for the
University Hospital is based on the following three assumptions: (1) full year oper-
ation at 318 bed level; i2y special reserve for activating 46 beds to 364 bed level on
June 30, 1967; and (3) special reserve for remainder of state budget projections
should further activation achievement become possible. The adjusted budget for the
current year and for 1966-67 follows:

                           1965-66                      1966- 67
                           (318 Beds'    (318 Beds)   (364 Beds)   (465 Beds)
Estimated Income        $2,205, 000    $3; 402,440     $156,055      $680,114
General Fund Support     3,648,000       3,730,010      123,176       168,605
                         $5,853,000     $7,132,450      $279,231     $848,719

The reserve remainingfromthe 1964-65 Hospitalbbudgetamounts to $340,000. The total
funds appropriated by the state are based on activ7ation of the hospital to 465 beds.