We likewise had plans and specifications made for a
      boys' dormitory several years ago.   This dormitory would
      take care of 365 boys and would also have a cafeteria that
      would serve all the young men in the other four dormitories
      which we now have.   The estimated cost of this dormitory
      at the time plans and specifications were made was
      $1,893,660.00.   We have proposed to the state that if it
      will bear one-half of the cost of this project, the Board
      of Trustees will float revenue bonds to cover the other

           (3) The Substation at Princeton has been urgently re-
      questing a small extension of its auditorium, which is
      estimated to cost approximately $50,000.    So many meetings
      are held at the Princeton Substation for the farmers, the
      farmers' wives, and 4-H Club groups that cannot be accommo-
      dated in this building.   I think we should put in an appli-
      cation for the extension to this auditorium.

           (4) From the standpoint of classroom needs, the most
      imperative is a new Science Building, for which plans and
      specifications have already been made.    This building has
      been planned to be placed on the tennis courts on Rose
      Street.   It is estimated that it will cost approximately
      $2,000,000.   This building will house the Departments of
      Physics and Chemistry.   When it is erected we can move
      other departments into the present physics and chemistry
      buildings and get a number of departments out of temporary
      frame structures which are a fire hazard at all times, and
      which at present clutter up the campus.

          The University has other building needs but the four
     projects outlined above are in the order in which I think
     our requirements should be met.    If you will authorize
     that we make an application to the Building Commission
     for these projects, we shall proceed to do so at once.

     President Donovan and members of the Board of Trustees discussed
the immediate needs of the University and the effect of inadequate
housing of students and building facilities upon the p."esent and fu-
ture growth of the University.

     After due consideration, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, President Donovan was requested to petition the State Prop-
erty and Building Commission for funds necessary to build a girls'
dormitory and dining hall and a residence hall for boys on a 50-50
basis; the necessary funds to add a small extension to the auditorium
at the Princeton Substation Experiment Station; and the necessary funds
to construct a new science building to house the departments of Physics
and Chemistry.