S. Gif ts
                  From General Education Board -- $1,500.00.

     President Donovan read a letter from the General Education Board
which contained the information that the University was to be the re-
cipient of $1,500.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, to pay
the expenses of a workshop on the development of moral and spiritual.
values in education, to be held during the summer of 1950.    The
funds are to be used substantially in accord with 3orrespondence be-
tween the University and the General Education Board, and any funds
unexpended by December 31, 1950, will revert to the Board.    The
President stated that these funds will fill a real need and he recom-
mended that they be accepted.

     On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the grant of $1,500.00
from the Geneml Education Board was ordered accepted, and the Pres-
ident was requested to write a letter of appreciation to the General
Education Board.

                   From Mr. R. R. Dawson, R. R. Dawson Bridge Company,
                        Bloomfield, Ky.--Check for $500.00.

     The President stated that the University had received from Mr.
R. R. Dawson, Bloomfield, Ky., a check for $500.00, covering the re-
newal of the J. Stanley Dawson Scholarship.    He said that Mr. Dawson
intended to make this an annual grant for an indefinite period and
that it would be of great aid to young men of good ability who other-
wise would not be able to attend college,    He recommended that it be

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board directed
that the gift of $500.00 from Mr, R.R. Dawson, to cover renewal of
the J. Stanley Dawson Scholarship, be accepted, and requested the
President to convey to Mr. Dawson the appreciation of the University
and the Board of Trustees.

                     From Mr. Harry W. Schacter, Louisville, Ky.

     President Donovan announced that he had received from Mr. Harry
W. Schacter, Louisville, Ky., a check for $600.00, which represents
royalties on his book, Kentucky on the March.    He stated that Mr.
Schacter wished this money To eeuse-Tby7the Community Service Depart-
ment, and recommended that it be accepted.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board concurred
in the recommendation of the President, ordered that the check for
$600.00 from Mr. Harry W. Schacter be accepted, and requested the
President to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Schacter.