Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was
authorized approved, executed and filed with the Secretary.

       I. Withdrawal of Fees for Animal Husbandry Courses.

       President Donovan stated that the Department of Animal Hus-
bandry, at a meeting of the faculty of the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics on March 20, 1950, passed a resolution for withdrawal
of fees for Animal Husbandry courses as follows:

       A.I. 27 and 127, Survey of the Dairy Industry...fee of $40,00.
       A.I. 46 and 146, Survey of the Poultry Industry.fee of y4O.00.

       He stated that since fees are authorized by the Board of Trus-
tees, the elimination or withdrawal of fees should also be approved
by the Board, and he recommended that the request of the faculty of
the College of Agriculture and Home Economics be approved.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in.

      J. Section of Minor Elements Research Discontinued.

      President Donovan read the following letter from Dean Cooper
requesting discontinuance of the Section of Minor Elements Research.

                                           March 24, l1950

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         On January 15, 1948, I recommended discontinuance
    of the Department of Chemistry in the Experiment Station
    and the setting up, as of February 1, 1948, of the Section
    of Minor Elements Research, which was assigned to the De-
    partment of Agronomy.   The experiences of the past two
    years have caused me to believe that this section is un-
    necessary and that it should be discontinued as of the
    close of business June 30, 1950 and the personnel of this
    section transferred to the Department of Agronomy for fur-
    ther assignment.   I recommend this change.

                                          Sincerely yours,

                                  (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                           Dean and Director