UNIVERSITY  OF KENTUCIKY

                          May 8, 1918.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met

in call session at 11 o'clock on the above named date in the

Trustees' room on the University grounds, with the following

nresent: Messrs. J.I.Lyle, H.E.Froman, R.C.Stoll, P.P.Johnston

Jr. , Rainey Wells, J.M.Turn-er, J.M.Elliston, V.O.Gilbert,

R.P.Ernist, Matt Cohen, R.G.Gordon and President McVey. Governor

Stanley telephoned that he had been delayed about an hour and

came into the room later. In the meantime Mr. Stoll called the

Board to order and acted as chairman until Governor Stanley


       Ur. Stoll explained that the old Board having been

abolished by recent act of the Legislature, the Board now sitting

constituted the new Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.

       The Board proceeded to organize by electing the following:

       R.C.Stoll, Vice-chairman

       Wellington Patrick, Secretary

       John R. Downing, Treasurer.

       Executive Comnmittee R.C.Stoll, chairman, Lz!essrs. Ernst,

Gordon, Elliston, Johnston.

       It was announced in this connection that the retirement

of Mr. Grehan from the secretaryship was at his request in order

that he might give all his time to the Department of Journalism.

       At this point Governor Stanley arrived and took the chair.