The Kentucky Kernel




Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the Btiidciit body
of the University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the students,


THE KENTUCKY KERNEL is the official newspaper of the University.
It is issued with a view of furnishing to its subscribers all the collcgo news
of Kentucky, together with a digest of Items of interest concerning the

Entered at Lexington Postofflce as



mall matter.


MlM Eliza M. Plggott
Mlas Bllsa Spurrier
MlM Mildred Graham
CJmutIm Planck
Frederick Jackson
Bam Morton
Lee McLean
Miss Austin Lilly
John J. Leman
Virgil Chapman
Miss Virginia Helm Mllner
Miss Elizabeth Murphey
Miss Louise Will


Managing Editor
"Squirrel Food"

Sporting Editor
Feature Editor
.Home Economics
Literary Societies
Patterson Hall
Exchange Editor


R. J. Raible, Miss Bessie Conkright, W. S. Sherwood

Edwin T. Tapscott
J. P. Barnes

Economics Prof. "Doflno the
mate consumer."
Did you over fall for a Btago beauty?
Bright Light "The man that gets Did you really quite lose your head 7
the hash."
Did you forget all your marital duty,
And wish that to her you were wed?
She's mad with Hubby,
Did you think that no one else matNo joking,
The light of her life
For all others you'd ne'er givo a fig!
Is smoking.
And then were your hopes all shattered
The Woes of Women.
When the impersonator pulled off his
First Girl "What's the matter?"
Second Girl (Sobbing) "My eyebrows have gone out of style."
Speaking of tragedies what about
the man who forgot to set his watch
More Camouflaie.
up Saturday night.
This camouflage is awful
There are metres iambic and metres
'Twould aggravate a saint
Why girls even spread the powder on
There are metres of musical tone,
up the paint.
To cover
But the metre that's sweeter, completer and neater,
Don't waste your time reading this
Is to meet her in the moonlight
stuff If you want to laugh. Come to
"Mice and Men" and see Fred Augs- The little girl had attended her first
berg try to play the gallant.
Easter service In the Episcopal
P. S. Sure, we get paid for this.
church. When they reached home her
mother asked her if she understood
"Look pleasant please," said
to the more or less fair senior.



Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager



Hooper, head of tho department

of animal husbandry, from E, H. Ram-

alumni and faculty of the institution.

Universities of other States and Canada.

letter hns been received by Prof.



Before the curtain is raised on the stage of the
"It is all over ma'am. You can now
Opera House Friday night for "Mice and Men," the resume your natural expression."
1917-1- 8
Stroller play, the Kernel, in behalf of the dramatic organization and the entire student body, again ROOKIES SHOULD HAVE
urges each faculty member to attend the show. The enCOURSE IN HOME EC
terprising business managers of the Strollers have
mailed tickets to the professors. Is it asking too much
One week's confinement to the bar
to urge that our own instructors attend our own play
racks for failure" to make up his bunk
and thus not only help to swell the receipts but also enin the latest approved style is the sen
courage its players?
In the last few years Stroller plays have incidental- tence that was meted out to a member
of Base Hospital Unit No. 4o and said
ly meant occasions when all the vigor, vim and enthusmember is this week serving the sen
iasm stored up during the hibernating period, has found
outlet. This year will supply no exception to the rule. tence.
The man referred to graduated from
Tickets have been selling fast. A University night, a
the University in 1916, was a fellow
big University night, with joy unrestrained, is forecast
in English at the institution the next
for "Mice and Men."
year, and up to the time the unit was
called into service he was engaged in
newspaper work in Lexington. A mem
ber of the unit who was in Lexington
this week, said the Maysville lad is
confident he will know all about
housekeeping before the war is over.

"Yes," she replied, "but I would like
to know more about the Pompous
Pirate they were all talking about."

President McVey at the last meeting
of the Executive Committee, was au
thorized to communicate with some
landscape gardening concern with the
idoa of beautifying the campus. The
firm of OlmBted Brothers, Brookline,
Mass., among the foremost landscape
gardeners in the country, sent a rep
resentative to the University last
week, to get data from which plans
will be made for campus improvement. These will be submitted to the
Executive Committee for approval be
fore any active steps are taken.
Olmsted Brother's laid out the
World's Fair grounds at the San Fran
cisco Exposition. This firm also made
the plans for Woodland Park in this

sey, Stato Director of Dairying for'
Tennessee, who is a graduato of the
College of Agriculture here, stating
that ho had resigned his position to
enlist in tho marino corps, and will
leave this week for Paris Island, N. C,
to enter training.
After his graduation at tho University, Mr. Ramsey entered
work In Tennessee and after the creation of the post of dairy director wns
created by tho Tennessee Legislature,
ho was appointed to the office by the
governor of the state.
His letter follows:
"March 28, 1918.
"Prof. J. J. Hoopor,
"Lexington, Kentucky,
"My Dear Prof. Hooper:
"I have been intending writing you
for some time, but pressing duties,
have not permitted my doing so soon-- ,
"I have felt it the call of duty to
resign my position as Dairy Commissioner of this state in order to serve
with the colors, with the other descendants of a liberty loving, patriotic
ancestry, for a cause which is no less
than the liberty, of not only those we
love, but humanity.
"I feel well pleased with the results
we have been able to accomplish in
the short time we have been in this
state, and I fully appreciate the fact
that the credit for these results is
due yourself and the other members
of the Agricultural
faculty at Kentucky, in a large measure.
"I have enlisted in the Marine
Corps and will leave Nashville next
week for Paris Island.
"Assuring you that I appreciate
very greatly past favors and hoping
that I may be able to meet you after
the cause of Humanity is won, I am,
with fond regards,
"Very sincerely,
State Dairy Commissioner of Tenn."




Esther Rider, graduated from
Fountains, fountains everywhere and not a drop
the College of Arts and Science In
of water. Hot weather and dusty days are just apace.
1916, has accepted a position as Filing
The class of 1918 won the Golden Jubilee parade prize of
and Index Clerk In the office of the
$100 last fall a year ago, and with the money, erected a
Chief of Ordnance. Miss Rider was
fountain at the northern end of the Administration
formerly a teacher in Cynthiana High
Building. It is, of course, understood that the Kernel
considers their gift to the University beneficent, but
like a prominent member of the class, the fountain is COP ENJOYS COMEDY
as useless without water as that man is miserable withBY STROLLER STARS NEW RUSSIA SUBJECT
out speech. It is the desire of the Kernel, therefore to
AT LITERARY SOCIETY A. O. Whipple, Grand. Fork, N. D.,
"Almost Jugged," or "All for the
see that both wants are speedily supplied. Pipe the founselected as Inspector of Buildings and
Strollers," was the name of the little
tain for water and let the senior make a speech.
The Horace Mann Literary Society Grounds for the University by the'

It is here and here it is spring fever. It produces
a sluggish, tired feling that is at once ambitionless,
and a check to good work. When it becomes prevalent upon the campus there is a let-u- p in all
things but one, and that thing is loafing.
None ever become hardened enough to be entirely
free from infection. It is, as the logician would say,
casually connected with green grass, with the smell of
the earth as its surface drvs after a gentle rain.
These few lines are in the nature of a warning.
Classwork is at a critical stage. No one should loosen
his grip.
The new inspector of buildings and grounds will ar8, and take up his work at the University of
Kentucky. No institution ever needed intelligent attention in this field more than this instituion. Buildings are
in bad repair; ground's are allowed in many instances to
become unsightly. Class rooms need reappointment
and refurnishings and the entire campus needs general
overhauling. With the new era of activity into which
the University is entering, the work of no man in the
clerical forces is more imperative than that of the Buildings and Grounds Inspector.

rive April

drama staged by Lee McClain, stage
discussed the new Russia Thursday
manager, Milton Revill, Grover Creech
evening, March 21, at its regular meetand Gus Gay. The place was the cor- ing, in the Education Building. Miss
ner of Main and Broadway, the time Frances Graham gave a short talk on
was 12:03 a. m., Tuesday, and the the life of Kerensky, and Miss Marie
Collins told about the "Battalion of
critic was a Lexington cop.
Death," Russia's legion of heroic
It was the consensus of opinion
among trie amateurs that their act deAfter the program Professor James
served praise rather than censure, but made a few remarks on what the sothe cop had evidently had much thea- ciety could mean, and Professor Baker
trical experience and also knew some- gave a short talk on the importance
thing of college boys At any rate, he of affairs of the day to college stu
forbade the nailing of posters on telephone posts.
The denouement was developed in

the conversation that occurred on the
Prof. H. L. Donavan, who is con
nected with the Louisville public
way to the "cooler."
in the play were completely resolved schools, a graduate of tho College of
Arts and Science in 10114, has enlisted
when the Strollers agreed to buy the
in the United States army, and has
guardian of the laws a nice round
been sent to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., for
drink of "Bock on Tap," at 13:03 a. in. two months' training as a pyschologl- Wednesday.
cal examiner,

Executive Committee, will arrive April
8, to take up his duties here.
Whipple was formerly superintendent
of buildings and grounds at the Uni- versit of North Dakota.



baseball practice will be
held every Monday and Thursday afternoons beglnnig next week. All students are eligible and Daddy Boles
wants a team from every college. The
bats and balls will be furnished by the
athletic committee and the accoutre
ment of a catcher will also be pro


Eugene Wilson, former businessmanager of the Kernel and tho 1918
Kentuckian, u member of Good Samaritan Base Hospital Unit No. 40, left
last night for Camp Zachary Taylor
after a short furlough spent with
.f '.
friends here.
