102-ORNITHOLOGY. A study of the life-histories, habits, identification, Strum“
adaptations, and physiology of birds. Special emphasis upon migrations, songs, nestsm'
economic importance of our native birds. Lectures; field excursions; laboratory Studiu
Prerequisite: Zoology 1. (4) H. S (Barbour)

103a—GENERAL ENTOMOLOGY. A beginning course in the study of this gm)!
group of the Animal Kingdom. Anatomy, morphology, adaptations, life-histories of rem.
sentatives of the most important orders of insects and other arthropod classes. Prerequim
Zoology 1. (3) 1 (Allen)

lOSb—GENERAL ENTOMOLOGY. Continuation of 1033. More detailed study Oill
orders and many representative families. Methods of making and preserving insect calla.
tions. Identification; life-history, ecology of many insect species. Making an individualcd
lection. Prerequisite: Zoology 103a. (3) II (Allen)

105—PARASITOLOGY. Protozoan, helminth and arthropod parasites of menu
domestic animals, emphasis on etiology, epidemiology, methods of diagnosis, control measuns
and life histories. Techniques for host examination and preparation of material for slur)
Prerequisite: Zoology l. (4) I, S (Edney)

106—EMBRYOLOGY. A general course in ontogeny. Studies in maturation, fenilin
tion, cleavage, organogenesis and anomalies of development with laboratory work basedu
the chick and pig. Prerequisite: Zoology 1. (4) II, S (Brauer)

IOSa—PRINCIPLES OF ZOOLOGY (Evolution). An advanced lecture course unsure
of the fundamental principles of animal biology. Organic evolution and related dynami

aspects of the living organism. Three times a week. (2) I, S (Allen)
108b—PRINCIPLES OF ZOOLOGY (Heredity). Lectures and recitations on principl:
of heredity, variation and eugenics. Two hours per week. (2) Il,S

109—ANIMAL ECOLOGY. An analysis of the environment and the respective adiut
ments of animal life to the environmental complex. Habitats, food, respiratory needsm'
mechanisms, lite-histories, animal associations, adaptations. Prerequisite: Zoology 1.
(3) I (Allen)
110a-f—INDEPENDENT WORK. Special problems for individual students whom
capable of pursuing independent investigations. For Zoology Majors.
(3 ea.) 1, II, S (Stall)
III—SPECIAL MICROTECHNIQUE. Special methods in histological techniquesln
students in Zoology, Pathology and Anatomy. Prerequisites: Zoology 101a, b.
3) I, II (Brauer)
112—ICHTHYOLOGY. Taxonomy of fishes with life-histories and biology of W:
Fish structure and physiology, habits, ecology. Fish—culture and economic Ichthyologywu
of fishes, aquaria, etc. Elements of fresh-water fishery administration. Prerequisite: Zoi
ogy 1. (4) 1 (Allen)

114a-f—ZOOLOGICAL SEMINAR. Reports on: technical papers in scientific iourml
book review, recent developments in Zoology, scientific meetings. Tutorial instructionlm
paratory to comprehensive examination. Required of all majors in Zoology.
(1 ea.) 1, II (Stall)
117—MEDICAL PROTOZOOLOGY. The etiology, epidemiology, pathology, diagnoll
prophylaxis and control of parasitic protozoa, with special emphasis on life cycles andi-
tailed studies of thc protozoan parasites of man. Given alternate years. Prerequisite:
ogy 105. (4) II, S (Edneyl

119—HELMINTHOLOGY. The etiology, epidemiology, pathology, diagnosis, 13mph)
axis and control of trematode, cestode and namatode parasites of vertebrates, with 5???
emphasis on those of veterinary and medical importance. Given alternate years. Prerequull
Zoology 105. (4) II, S (Edney)

123—MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY. Study of Arthropod vectors of disease. Struchm
collection, identification, control measures and life history studies. Given alternate l’w
Prerequisite: Zoology 105. ( ) 1, s (Edney)

126—SPECIATION. Mechanisms of Evolution. A discussion of modern theoriesilt
problems concerning the formation of animals and plant species. Three hours per W

Prerequisite: Eight hours of Biological Sciences including Zoology 1.
(3) 1, 11 (Carpenter)

140-HERPETOLOGY. Designed to acquaint the student with the amphibial'lila1
reptiles of eastern North America, their taxonomy, adaptations and natural histon’. Cl“
alternate years. Prerequisite: Zoology 1. (4) II (Barboull

141—MAMMALOGY. Designed to acquaint the student with the mammals of 23515
North America, their taxonomy, adaptations and natural history. Given alternate years.
rcquisite: Zoology l. (4) I (Barbour)

157a—INVERTEBRATE ANATOMY. An advanced course on the comparative ant
omy of invertebrate animals with special attention paid to phylogeny, organology, 8"
onomy. Prerequisite: Zoology 1. (4) I (Braufll

157b—COMPARATIVE VERTEBRATE ANATOMY. Systematic consideration 0f CW"
ates with emphasis on vertebrates. Comparative studies of chordate morphology. phylogfl‘
ontogeny, organology, physiology and homology. Laboratory studies on typical prochm'd
cyclostomes, gnothostmes and the cat. Prerequisite: Zoology 1. (4) I (Ednell

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