. I . .
Geer e W Ptrile 24 Initiated   ¤·¤ RMON M W
g ‘ [ [ So many alutnni have aslgtr .
_ "how does the Dix Plan ol` t‘l;t~
      8     reunions operate? that we han  
pp appealed to our good lriend attr
_ 7 _ _ _ Y _ _ _ expert. Dr. \\'yli<· lt, \\'endt, 'tlt. I
Cieorge l\. l’n‘tle, 2·l.` a consulting l)r.· l.awrent‘e lhomhpson. tltrector ol Hm only U) 1.c\,i5(_ mu. (lm], Im I
geologist lrom Tyler, Tex. antl Dr. University libraries. Iaculty members. y In giw Us the CX[)lmm(iUn· t
l2gCl`\i2lllgl12lll Murphree, `20, chtel ol l’aul Lggum. (iUl`l)lll.· president ol l,'(_l(m, is H (lumc I-mm my .
the LI. S. Delense Departments Guided ODli presided at the nnttatton and book` ..Highcl_ l,;dmmi(m jy i
Missile program, were elected to ment- the banquet which lollowed. and pre- ·\]m_]_i(_u`·· (_diu_(l by [hc Imc In
bership lll·Nll(%1l`ClC ol Omtcron Delta sented to President. and Mrs. ll. l., Rm_m(m([ A- RCM: lm_§M(_m U
lvappa this spring. l)ono‘van a l?2ll1`()l`Sll\'Cl`(`1lll(l(‘l2ll)l`1\.1lS [hd UHi\_L_]_SiW Ul- Imlimilly ‘
M1`. l’irtle was present lor the initia- Only 5 [>Tl1`Ullg gill l to the retiring [mm the (_lwi)lCl_ [mul wm It  
tion service on May 24, but because ol lllcflllclll illlll vlllf ‘l'll¤· _\hmmi_~ Wim-], (INC,-i|,L.> [I. w
the Pmstutc ol his autres in ivas1t1¤g— lll? Mr- ll ¤lll=¤¤l V- <*=_·l‘~ vii g kr · “
ington’s Second Presbyterian Church, ton has been elected first vice-president llll‘Cl “'llll llll lllc l>lll<‘l` l`llll*l`*· ll<‘\l ll1l‘ Mlllll
.li‘lll*`“ T_hQlml$_ SQYMS; H°l)kmS"_lllC: Miss Gilford, who received a LL.B. l`il‘“" [hill WCW ml)hUlmml\` All
james \’\’tll1am Smith, l·o1tde, and havnt- in W2?} and il BJ" in Eduuuiou in >ll‘tYlll· I y _ l
` Wil ROY “i°°daui Pudu°"h‘ "(`uw 1924. has been verv active in women’s _ ill? (limilm_(CHltillil.llI.l— Ml
l ' members: and Dr. Lyle Dawson. head clubs in Lcxiugum; >¤lll1*l<*llll‘l1Hl1ll illl|ll\<'l*irllll'* ~
ol the department ol chemistry and <‘¤ll`ll <`l1l5$ mily still l>l’ ¢‘l?l<‘l>1`i·l·~
______4 . ..-.L--..Y, .__.___ working them into the scltedtt
` with the concurrattce ol` the tl.t~ Will Ec
p .   attd the least amount ol` int·»· formerly
` ,,.i venience to the class lll(‘Illl)t‘l~ the Univt
‘ I - V   ‘ in his sen
. l , ...=-=     fz?.   iii  A ‘ all f00ll>il
`   V:».j   j   jg;  .3., , Jresidem
~ ‘ ,   V   i    '»   Alum"' Holm" iw mail I
  id  _;. A ~ ·*       —    · i (Continued from Page 'it of the asst
{ y V          V   iliii   scltoolmate at Uli; Dr. .\. l., idlmcc ill
l V   .--      _   n V “ Nashville. Tenn., and l"1`i1lll< (··· gc?/5¥i;]_';l°
. ··     ·     _ . New Boston. ()hio. lellow-sttttltr ll my liml
·_v`V    4 _ up   ‘=A.. ‘ ;   l *¤ ‘ Dr. Donovan at \\’estern liy. Hiatt `)l_€Si({\L (
_   ·¢·t   i         . _     lege: Dr. .»\. M. Stickles, one ·~ lvl Cm
,   ‘l»:   __“_     .   V 3        U  { teachers at \\”estern: .-\. D. liirw;tt~ gm im ill
          AWA         ‘ (  ' history professor, who reenattul M1; (*0
  - ‘f‘ _   V     ’   _ ’ ’ ( · l¥l56 presentation of the Optitnistlgle blt"]
i‘’=     `               wp to the President; Mts l)ott»_0gslgS“"`
N     '¤     »,__       il ‘   and Homer L. Baker. president r m slll¤¤<
  _ ·,-{     I .\lu1nni .\ssociation. vf the BOY
  w        llli   V V .»\t the close ol` the program  
    .-·    nyvv     {   Baker told the lllli Presttlent tlt.» Mr‘Cu1
      _ "“’°i'" ‘ .‘\llllIl1ll· .\ssot·tatton was ltavni; t luck ’ C l
·=‘‘’‘     t .    is - duced lor hnn the desk whirh It, dl} Or
    llsctl during his tenure at Nia igghgyljsysc
.;r’ $é1`   Z Place. ‘ ·
‘   . y, lll\`i)(`2lll()ll and benetlitition \t’t`lGilI;;$Cli
SILVER‘CANDELAl3RA were presented to the retiring President and his Lady f§|·l(lilChi.·i;[l] '(i|,l,i;;lI;,,,? LII :;.;(ll,( In Other t
by Nu Circle of Omicron Delta. Kappa, campus leaders’ fraternity, at the an- _ H _ cle. ,l -
nual banquet last May. Paul Eggum, Corbin, president of ODK, made the "“md "ml Pl`“”l‘l“lll D"ll"“"l ` l', _ (im {O
presentation. pastor. M “‘€lllll¤