Q 06
1 Monday Forenoon Monday Afternoon O \
  8:00 to 8:50- U through Z 1:30 to 2:20- M  
1 9:00 to 9:5() -Si111 through T 2:30 to 3:20-I through L 1
Q 10:00 to 10:50- R through Sil 3:30 to 4:00- Miscellaneous
j I through Z
1 11:0() to 11:50- N through Q
1 Tuesday Afternoon
I Tuesday Forenoon
` _ ’ 1:30 to 2:20 — A through Bro
8:00 to 8:50-1:1
· _ 2:30 to 3:30- Rlisecllaneous
. 9:00 to 9:50- Flt through C A through Z 1 SE
A 10:00 to 10:50- Cro through Fle  
11:00 to 11:5() - Brp through Crn
I 1·`ehruary 8 - \Vcdnesday - Class work begins.
` 1·`e1>ruary 14 - '1`nesc1ay—Last date one may enter an organized class for the  
' Second Semester.
4 Summer Session 1956
A june 11 — Monday, 7:45 a.1n. — Classification tests and physical exa111inations
for all new students.  
_1u11e 12 - '1`uesday, 8:00 a.111. to 4:00 p.n1. - 1)1<.‘g1Sll`;111()1] ill1(l classification of
all students aeeorcling to t11e following alpliahetieal schedule:
Tuesday Forenoon Tuesday Afternoon
8:00 to 8:50- 1{11 through Ni 1,-gr) to 2;g()_(j]j thmugh CC
9:00 to 9:50- Nj througli Si 2:.30 to S;2()__Cf through Ku
10:00 to 10:50-Sj 11n·oug11 Z _ L';
3:30 to 4:00 - Xliseellaneous
11:00 to 11:50- A through Cli A 11ll‘(>llg1l Z
_1une 13 - \VC(lI1(‘S(lil}', 7:00 a.n1. — Class work hegins.
june 19 - '1`uesday — Last date one may enter 1111 orgaiiizecl class for the 511111- ;
1ner Session, with t11e exception of those entering for short courses starting
later than _1une 12.