i l
  Probation. With the exception of the Colleges of Law and Pharmacy any (
Q full-time student who fails either to pass nine semester hours of work during a sopho
3 regular semester (or five semester hours during a summer term) or fails to quirer
1 attain the following designated standing shall be placed upon probation by the sopho
  college in which the student is enrolled. junior
, F reshmen——average of 1.4 quality points I
g j Sophomore—average of 1.6 quality points P1€t€(
i Juniors and Seniors—average of 1.8 quality points 50 OT
g Probation shall continue until the student attains the scholastic standing deny
  specified for his classification in the University. Any student failing to meet the Stude
i minimum standards specified for two consecutive semesters or terms shall be (
~ dropped from the University. The above regulations, with the exception of the versit
E minimum number of semester hours required, shall apply to part-time students. classy
, Each college shall submit to the Office of the Registrar a complete list of stu- deper
J dents placed upon probation or dropped from the University, within two weeks tmgs ,
‘ after the dean of the college receives the grade reports from the Registrar at (
_ the close of each semester or term. f
A The dean of a college may recommend to the Scholarship and Attendance be gll
` Committee that any student enrolled in his college be removed from probation Eondl
: and the committee shall review the case and take appropriate action. ts; P
i The dean of a college may recommend to the committee that a student who exam,
` has been dropped from any college be readmitted to the University either with
° or without probation; however, such student shall enroll in the college making l
. the recommendation for readmission. bachc
. The committee shall review the case and take appropriate action. Any stu- Cours
. Y dent dropped a second time shall not be readmitted to the University. 0n€'h
` The above rules shall apply to part-time students with the exception that both']
the minimum number of semester hours a part-time student is required to pass .d
V shall be half his scheduled load.  
T Poor Work in English. Any instructor who finds the written work of any bgfgn
student seriously defective in its English is expected to report the case, to- gradr
gether with specimen papers, to the dean of the student’s college. A committee ]
V composed of this dean and the Head of the Department of English shall have one c
power to require additional work in composition without credit. This remedial show]
work shall begin not later than the following semester and shall continue until been
the committee is satisfied with the student's proficiency. When a student is inclui
required to do this additional work, the committee will report this requirement .
to the University Registrar, who will indicate the fact on the student’s record. gradr
p Foreign Languages. No student whose native language is other than tensu
English, and who has had formal instruction in schools of his own country, J
may be permitted to take elementary, intermediate, or conversation courses Non}
in that language. ing C
Unsatisfactory Scholarship and Attendance. A student who is doing Lmsat-
isfactory work, or who is irregular in attendance, is reported to the dean of the <
- college in which he is registered. Such a student is under the special super- '
vision of his dean. If after a suitable length of time it becomes apparent that l
no improvement is being made, the student may be dropped from the course,
on recommendation of the dean to the Registrar. —
Repeated Failures. The head of a department may refuse to allow a stu- 2
dent to register in a course for a third time. ·