‘ i
e .
i Transcript of Record. A student who, for any reason, withdraws from con
Q the University in good standing is entitled to a transcript of his record. The  
. first copy is issued without charge and additional copies are furnished at a le .
  charge of one dollar each. Transcripts may not be issued for anyone who has gm]
  failed to meet all financial obligations to the University. Transcripts are sent SEE
= to other institutions, agencies, or persons, only at the written or personal request
· exan
1 of the student concemed.
{ Requirements for Graduation
E Undergraduate Colleges. To be eligible for graduation from any under- deg
1 graduate college of the University, a student must have completed the require- tow
i ments of the curriculum as approved by the University Faculty. In addition to den
i gaining the specified number of credits he must have twice that number of app
1 quality points—that is, a standing of 2.0—computed on all courses in which he sim
I registered at the University, The temr "Undergraduate Colleges” shaH not in-
- clude the College of Law. To be eligible for graduation from the College of
Q Law the student must have completed the requirements of the curriculum in
` = which enrolled as approved by the University Faculty and in addition to gain- Tm
= ing the minimum number of credits, he must have at least twice that number acij
‘ of quality points, acquired in courses approved by the Law Faculty as counted
toward the degree for which he is a candidate.
1 Curriculum substitutions may be made on recommendation of the college
. dean to the University Registrar's Oflice. ope
· To be eligible for a degree at any commencement, the student must file ASS
. K with the Registrar an application for such degree at least four weeks prior to hal
` the commencement date. The University requires the student to use his full
and proper name in registering, in applying for a degree, and in other similar
circumstances. The institution accepts no responsibility for difiiculties arising
· from a student’s failure to comply with this requirement.
Regardless of the length of time the student has attended the University,
a minimum of thirty of the last thirty-six credits presented for the degree must
` be completed in residence at the University. With respect to graduation re-
` quirements for veterans, this rule may be waived, provided that the total
previous residence credit has been not less than thirty credits.
` Not more than thirty-two of the credits required for an undergraduate
degree may be gained by extension (including correspondence courses), special
examination, or both. A student may not satisfy in excess of one—half the re-
quirements for a major by extension, special examination, or both.
The Graduate School. For the requirements for graduate degrees see the
statement of the Graduate School, page 150. joy
Commencement Honors. Students are graduated “With High Distinction” ad
. who attain a standing of 3.6 or higher for at least three years of residence worlc.
l Students are graduated “With Distinction” who attain a standing of 3.4
up to 3.6 for at least three years of residence work.
A student who does only two years at the University may receive the ap-
propriate commencement honors if he attains a standing of .2 greater than the
above. The amount of credit is the basis of determining the two years’ work,
and varies according to the degree for which the student is an applicant.
The bachelor’s degree with honors in the student’s major subject will be