l Comptroller of the University to cover the cost of any lost or damaged articles.
  If nothing is lost or damaged, the entire sum is refunded to the student when Al
; he completes the course or leaves school.
  Students formally enrolled in AS III, The Advanced Course, will receive A‘
  an Air Force uniform, under the commutation of uniform allowances system. C1
A This uniform is tailored to individual measurements. Students successfully  
K completing the advanced course, Air Force ROTC, upon commissioning, will
3 be permitted to retain these uniforms as personal property.
I Subsistence. Advanced course, AF ROTC enrollees receive an allowance
Q of 90 cents a day for subsistence in lieu of rations.
  Basic Course. The Department of Air Science offers a two year basic cr
2 course. The basic course is required of all male freshmen and sophomores a;
l who are citizens of the United States, over 14 years of age, and who con-
g form to the physical requirements as prescribed by the Department of Air 2,
¥ Force for units of the Air Force Reserve OfHcers’ Training Corps. (The basic 1,
? course may also be taken in·Military Science.)
. The successful completion of the basic course, Air Science or Military I
Q Science, is a prerequisite for graduation in the University. Z
‘ Q Advanced Course. The elective advanced course of two years, including
` one summer camp, is offered to students who have successfully completed the l
basic course, and who have been recommended by the President of the Uni-
` versity and the Professor of Air Science for further training. Recommenda- {
l tions for this course will be limited to those students who have manifested ,
. special interest and demonstrated ability during the basic course, and who
desire to pursue the course to completion, with a view to qualifying for a com- ‘ 1
mission in the Air Force Reserve.
’ ` Reserve officers on active duty in the Air Force may compete for com-  
_ missions in the Regular Air Force. Those who desire pilot or other technical `
training are permitted to train in grade as ofiicers rather than as cadets.
The courses offered by the Department are prepared with the purpose of
making them of educational value and at the same time, providing a prelimi-
nary training in the theoretical aspects for those students who plan to study
for advanced degrees in Anatomy, Physiology, or related subjects.
Premedical students who intend to obtain their degrees from the College
of Arts and Sciences before entering a medical school and who choose Anatomy
and Physiology as their major will have met all the requirements and recom-
mended courses of study for all medical schools.
Students of Anthropology, Art, Agriculture (Animal Husbandry, Animal
Pathology, Genetics, Home Economics), Education, and Sociology will find
advanced courses that will be of practical value to them.
Recommended Courses for Majors in Anatomy und Physiology
First Semester Crs. Second Semester Crs.
Psych. 1—Intro. to Psychology 4 Chem. 130b—Organic Chemistry 5
Chem. 130a—Orgun1c Chemistry 5 Zool. 106—Embryology 4
Zool. 101a—Histology 4 Anat. & Phys. 109—Cellular
Anat. & Phys. 105——Architecture of Physiology 3
Human Skeleton 4 Zool. 157b—Adv. Vertebrate Zoology 4
Bact. 18§—General Bacteriology 4