Orchestral Instrument
n. 2d Sem. lst Sem. 2d Sem. 1st Sem. 2d Sem.
CES. Cgs. Cas. A 1_ d M _ { h Cris. Cris.
'dM' ,13 - PPIE 810¥€,y8y_
2 lt}ilhl;ll:EC15a2a(?rbaor Sec. Appl. 1 1 Secondary Applied Music 1 1
2 Music 11a, b (Theory I) 2 2 Music 53a, b (Theory III) 2 2
1 Performing Organization 1 1 Music 19a, b (History) · 3 3
2 l English 1a, 5 3 3 Music 116a, b (Conductmg) 2 2
3 Biological Science 3 3 Music 13a, b _
3 Foreign Language B 3 (_F0rm_& Analysis) 2 2
(2) iMmgm·y gr Air Science (2) (2) 5SOCl8l $$:181108 . l 3 3
` Physical Education 1 1 Performing Organization 1 1
·— ¤Recital Attendance - — Recntal Attendance — -
17-19 ——— -—
.... ... 18 18
17-19 17-19
l. 2d Sem; SENIOR
Crs. SOPHOMORE 1st Sem. 2d Sem.
4 1st Sem. 2d Sem. C;-S_ (_'};s_
2 i _ C1‘S· CFS- Applied Major a, j, k, 1 4 4
2 i Applied M810¤‘ C, d 3 8 Music 113a,b (Counterpoint) 2 2
2 , Music C15c, d or Sec. Appl. 1 1 Music 117a,b (Orchestration) 2 2
j ¤Music 51a, b (Theory H) 2 2 Music 119a,b(Composition) 2 2
1 Music 52a, b (Theory 11) 2 2 Music 47a, b (Methods) 3 3
Humanities E (Music) — 2 Performing Organization 1 1
1 Humanities _ _ 2 2 Elective 2 2
1 Performing Organization 1 1 Senior Recital — —
2 Hygiene 9 2 — Recital Attendance ·— —
· Physical Science 3 3
— Military or Air Science (2) (2) T .....
E Recital Attendance -— - ]_5 16
16-18 16-18
TOTAL CREDITS—132, exclusive of physical education credits.
  Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Music
2d Sem.l This curriculum, leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in
Cy-   music, is intended to provide the student with a general cultural background
1 ‘ with emphasis on music.
g   Music Requirements for a Major in Music
2 . Requirements in the Field of Concentration: Forty credits of advanced
E i work in the Held of Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts during thc junior and
( 2 ) I senior years, including the major work.
Q l Music Prerequisites: ]unior standing and the following lower division
6-18   courses in music:
2d S l Humanities E, Music: The Renaissance to the Present
Crim Theory 11a, b; 51a, b; 52a, b; 532., b
g Applied Music- 8 to 12 semester hours
g Upper Division Music Requirements: A minimum of 30 semester hours
of advanced work in music in accordance with the student’s articular interest
2 P
Ai and as directed by the Music Department.
·· Notes
F 1. Required of all able-bodied male freshmen and sophomores who are citizens
of the United States.
2. All students are required during each semester of residence to attend a
certain percentage of the departmental recitals as directed and posted each `
semester by the department.