I A 126  
Post Office and Custom House, Broadway, 6th to 7th Sts. QQQ
This office, established in 1865, was located in what was then known gg?
as the Post Office Building, Third and Liberty Sts. In 1892 it was fr}
moved to the old Post Office Building, nth and Chestnut Sts., where it )jQ
remained until 1952, when it was moved to its present quarters. In QQ
December 1956 the local office was placed in charge of the Seventh &§)
L District, comprising the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Its func- jg
tions are to make investigations of law violations, principally counter- E?
feiting currency and forgeries. Periodical reports are sent to Wash- 1  
ington. A
992. GENERAL FILE, 1915 to date. Form 1589, counterfeiting; E j
correspondence with Washington, FBI, ERB, TVA, WPA, District Attorney, §·#
and 15 district offices throughout the United States; contraband proper- l2`
ty and statistical reports; confidential and weekly bulletins; Secret Q Q
- Service and district circulars, and court decisions; records of auto- { f
' mobiles, photogmuyn and finger prints of law violators, property and 1
supplies; suspense file, counterfeit checks, fugitivos, split notes, (
and strip stamps; transmittals, storage and destruction lists. Ar- QLQ
, ranged by subjects. (Active files, daily, confidential; inactive files, I
never.) 9 x 12 folders, L6 ft., in lh drawers of steel filing cases § Q
( and paper packages on floor, B. 625. (7222, 7225) { Q
( 995. CASES, PENDING AED CLOSED, 1927 to date, Correspondence and (
data relative to forgeries and counterfeiting actions, inc1u*i~; jacket l
_ Gases. 5 x 5 card index, 6 ft., in 6 drawers of steel cabinet. (Daily,
confidential.) 9 x 12 folders, 52 ft., in 16 drawers of steel filing ‘ I
A cases. R, @25, (YQQO)  
[ 99n. PERSONNEL FILE, 1955 to date. Form 1587, daily reports,
4 efficiency reports, annual leave, applications, manual of instructions,
S training school records, and expense vouchers. Arranged by subjects.
3 (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, L ft., in 2 drmvers of steel filing
A cases. R. 625. (7221)
W ° ::.2 z.; •·•’ 3::.2; `