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l H E     IDEA
University of Kentucky
Vol. V LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH 13, 19l3 No. 24
SBB I he Lost Paradise ll cla Hausa F mia 8- I 5 P M
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it ·—-—— Henry lk: MiIle‘s "llosl l’uralllse" to |)l'l(‘Klllg hiin, foresees that. an allllia- lor aliotlier. 'l`hle injnstlee of moneyell ————~
L The UmV¢’l'¤liY €¤mDll¤ will bf! l¤· DG presentcll by The Strollers of the tion with llnlph by allowing him to oppression, t'0IIel:e rivalry of a new sort. will be °
* Vlldéd l0m0l'l‘0W by 0v0t‘ One hulldivétl university of Kentueky, next, l·'i·llln.y marry Margaret, will, in lx way, pre- The strike oc-l·ni·s. (i()Ildlll()llS are lll €\'lll**ll<‘*‘ all Walt! lllln week Whell
‘_ ¤l0¤ and W0¤l€¤ fl`0m 0lll9l` l¤Bl|ll1· night, Mi1I`('ll ll, shoulll prove one of pure for nny l‘llrturo llillleullles B.ll(l in norrihle, llIf'()ll(’(*lV8.l)l€‘. \Vlll‘Ilt·I` for- l‘<‘l¤l‘*.‘=·lt*llll1llV·‘H of the 0lh€l‘ C€Hl·l'8|
UODS who ¤¤¤€¥¤bl€ lwl`9 ill lhé C0ll· the lllealriral events of the season. at l¥I¢‘(l.SIlI`<‘ repay Ilr. °SlZ\.ll(llSll l'or the sakes his own home null goes to his t\*‘lllll¤‘KY l`<>|l<‘K*‘ Y· Nl. l`- A-`S H¤l·h€l'
l€l`€¤€€ of Ulf? Shldéltl V0|lll1t€€l`¤ for l'hl· play was originally produeell in lhel‘t, ot the invention. Margaret is people, alleviating their sullerlng with ll¢‘l‘·.‘ lol` l'*llll'€l'*‘lll‘€ lolliiélll.
1"0|‘¤i8¥} Ml¤¤l0¤¤· Thlll lll 016 second this country by Mr. Uavlll Belaseo, coerced and the marriage arranged. kinll words of encouragement and ap- l¥•‘t‘<‘H·. li€0l‘i4*‘l0\\'¤. Uélll-F8!. W€¤l€Y·
¤¤¤¤¤l` ¢¤¤f€l`¢¤€€*ll ssl t‘€l€d to handle lllé
i`¥'¤¤¤YlV¤·¤l¤ U¤lV6l'¤i¢Y 8 Y€8¤l' 880- nouses throughout the United States. no was superintendent. This young Standish remains unmoved. Again ¤· NL U- A- W0l‘K in lh¢S€¤ i¤BUllll·i0¤¤
The Dl‘08¤·¤1 b€S'l¤¤l¤8 0¤ I•`l‘ld¤Y l`Il9 drama ls, ln Itself, a work or un- mlm, Philip Waimer, with the spur ot and again he plays the coll and Mar tlutllls l·h€ next Watt`- The newly
¤l8'h@ it 7¤30 0’0l0¤k will Dt‘€¤€¤l- ¤ usual strength and interest. Taken nr. Stxmdlshs encouragement had garelt in a passion of grief and reallza- €l€¢t€€‘l` S€‘·l`VlU¢S, 0ll Sl1ll·
impression on those who heard him in *   ` g }·   I . , » ` ` —   . _ ` tluy afternoons, inillweek meetings
u Vesper Service address ill January. Q `·   "   `° ` ·` unll Classes in the study ot missions.
This great niovelnent that is yearly l ___#A______ _ l ` the l"l'l*‘llll5llll) l‘ainl»uii;n" along the
sending out over 400 of the best ineu ni 7*   7   I U · V llllv of social lite is lil espeeiul in—
and wonleu of Ou,. Colleges to Uh,.iS_ lnnor, und lilo tnnnors ireatnient or a love with Margaret, but realiz•.—s the powlr to spin-n ills love; that his own ,,_,,.t,S,_ Tm, mmm also ml_,ud__ me
mm $0,.,,m, in other mms has u_ wow nig, vnni subjoet as lntlnsely interest- Lllllf between them. one day en— nleas assembled by inn stanlnsn and wuslmg U,. uum,,_Sm. mm in \.m_M,S
awful Powe,. in hundwds uf Amermm lng ol-on inspiring. Icourngell by enthusiastic words from so the tJl&l`)' reads, to ne left to nnn _,,m,,.l_,.,S,,5 mm ,,__m,h out in Suda,
colleges. 'l‘he University of Ken- 'l`lle seat olllllc Sl0l‘Y ii lll the **0** he ****°*°°**S*m°S ***°**` “*°m**“g “»**°'** the *)°°*°*' ***"*** ****“? *’°°** st·l‘vll·e lo those in the eoinnlunity
Lucky is just beglllnljlg [Q (·3,[()h [hog r\llU\\][0ll ll`0ll \\*0l`kS, DCU? UUSU-Nl- and [CHS hor or his love' Xlal-gurct IS ulphed by Huowltolh \\llU fllll be llL'l}>t‘tl. llllc Sugg05[lt)ll
spirit ot movements or this typo, und .»\ndrew knowlton, the owner of the ****°*'**°‘* *** ***‘* l’*`°`S*****l’**°** ‘***‘* *`°‘ The realization stuns hint and out ol u lnivei·sny l‘in·isnnn lxssoeiution
this gstliering or the students or the works, allows his better sense to be *’***“‘** ****** *’**°*`*‘*Y· w***`***’*`· ***° **8*** et his love tor Margaret he resolves building it is l·tpol-tell nin nnet with
state here presents further oppor- inllut~nl·ell by an unreasouiug infut- 5***** "*** °* ***°* ***"· **3****** *° ***° **`°** to say nothing of his discovery. llut universal t‘nl·ol·_
tunlty for gaining inspiration and en· nution tor his tluushter. l\lut‘saret. Ho “°*`*‘°’· when his neoiile. without ineans ol —--W--—-———~-—
[llUBl8.§lll lor strong serviceable livillg. uns built up an t‘l'llUl'lIlULlS business by At this jnnl-ture young llnlph $I.&\lld· l support, hure reul·lil·ll the llepths ot FINAL KENTUCKIAN NOTICES.
A SUlllIll3I'_Y of the progruni of the |llt‘ll|lS ol` un invention \\'lllt‘ll lie ish is inken into partnership by Mr. [>l'l\‘il.llUlI he is l·onlpl·llell to l`orl·e ree- —————
l'0·lll-£‘l`t*llC€ I<0ll0\\BZ |llt‘llt‘tl ll‘l)lll il l*&|l`lllt‘I' l~l'l\‘|ltl \\`llt) \\&\S l\lltl\\lItlll itllll RISSUIIIUS Llt‘|I\'Q lllllltlllgllllltlll ol- his tl•.‘lIlillltl:l by l‘t·\'t‘Ll.llll{J, llllu Il) llllll\UltlLlbl<> tlt‘ltl)'S [lit) Alb
Fridgy, 7;3Q p, m_ Qh;po|_ suddenly liillell in nn (‘X[IlU5lUll ul his l.§t’ll|\’|li ol lilo Irl-U`[Ul.icS· Al lllti the lrulh. uuatl piltures linve blen llelnyell ono
Stereoptil·uu Allllress, "'l‘he \V0l'l(l· luborntory. This l`rienlI, ine reul in· works at strike is iinlnilleiil Lllltl llulph Knowlton, biuken illltl lI.Slll\lIl•.'tl, ull- week. This nil-uns thnt if you get
Wide Student M0\'t*lIlt‘ll[" Ur. W. ll. ventor, ll. llr. Sllllltllsll, leaves an only lll an l‘Il(l(‘LL\`t\l' to relievo the Sllll&llUll{llll{S ills guilt null \\'urner beeonles your [llt'll1l`\‘, llesign, group or what-
\Vt>a,tllel'l'ol‘ll. son, lllllph, who is at bluse (‘USlllU[ll) loses his l•.'lll|¤'l`1L|ltl prl-eipitzlles llls ilhe lllLl5l\‘l', where he hull been the lltll. in this week, it will get lll tho
Salurday, 9:00 a. m., Y. M. C. A, lite Alter his l'lltlil·r`s uuexpeetell HIHI ngutu he plltys the bud lllltl Mar- [Il‘t‘Slllll[IllllllS \\'Ul'klll2lll. llis pilllllllll, nook. Alter this week lllt'll it is
.. ,.... .. .i          
Rooms. lleath llnlph blulltllsll returns lo Mos- gzllel is present when the ¤tt‘ll\‘ ol- llllllll} I\‘lU¤dl to luke ltllmlltzlge ol. (i0hl· has an opplwtuliily to ob— Lost l‘ltrinllsl-. Alargu.ret‘s low. llllvklllll hy wi-nnig LL (`lnss llistol·y_
IIZUU R. lll. A(l\|l`\}SB, "l'l'1·sell( Volt-! SlLLlltllSll lll·l·lilll•*s ll l‘t*l:,llllll‘ \'lBllUl' sl·l‘\e llll· Sllllt‘l'l|ll.§ tlllll B0l'I`U\\ lll` pov-I '|`ll\‘ l'UIIl11llt`\‘ of "llob .\|l[l(‘l{UIl," lll )`tllll' lllllllll5t`l'l[ll lllllsl bln sllbllllllcd
tlltlous in t‘hlnu." llev. J. tl. (lurrittput the Knowlton hlnne null linully be erty null siekness. \\'u,rner in his big.,null l'l·llow well niet Lllltl "l'olly@ to the stntl by xlttreh 150. .\fter that
of L`lllllu.. ICUIIICH inlutuzilell with Murguret. lllllllly wuy shows her the bigger, 11101*8] l"lt*(t’ll\‘l`,H tt breuth front the open} illne the eonlest will be eiosell.
(Continued on page three,) IKIIUWHUII, his uneasy ('UllBl'l0llt'•3 vital things ol life. ’l‘he joy of lahori (t·0,,m,u,.d on pag`, gl sign up nn- un .»\unuttl Now,