INDEX. r ole, on, 424; Plans to retake K askaskia, 163; Requests De Peyster to get Indian aid, 233; Retaliates for Hamilton's imprisonment, 413. H amilton, Col.   Accused of inciting I ndians, 379; American prisoners taken by, 216; Apple Toddy incident, 715; Army of, 180; Army of, Little River at, 207; Army, strength o i , 207; A ttacks Vincennes, 220; Authorized to employ Indians, 534; Begins march, 181; Boone prisoner of, 93; Capitulations submitted to Clark, 358; Clark paroles, 371; Clark suspects of i nciting I ndians, 282; Clark's reason for capturing, 697; C lark's second meeting w ith, 725; Clark's treatment of white prisoner, on, 740; Commandant at Detroit, 12, 16; Complains of treatment at Williamsburg, 385; Date of arrival at Detroit, 516; Death of, 424; Describes imprisonment, 375 , 396 , 421; Describes Wabash Portage, 208; Effect'of capture of, 461; Errors concerning force of, 673; Force of, at Detroit, 648; Force of, at Ft. S ackville, 681; Force of, at V incennes, 239, 677; Goes to M ontreal, 46; Haldimand c riticises at Vincennes, 678; Holds I ndian C ouncil, 173; Imprisonment, on, 410; Incites Indians, 39, 150, 153 , 647; Indian policy o f, 169; Indians aid, 166, 178; Indians sent into Kentucky by, 65; Jefferson accuses of inciting I ndians, 391; Jefferson on imprisonment of, 405; Jefferson refuses exchange f or, 414; Journey o f, from Williamsburg, 418; L earns of Clark's success, 183; Lieutenant Governor at Quebec, 424; Marches against I llinois, 284; Marches to Kaskaskia, 29b; Marches against M cintosh, 283; M arch of, to Vincennes, 652;

809 Oath administered to citizens of Vincennes by, 674; Officers of, 650; Official report of, 748; Plans for campaign, 170; Plans to aid Haldimand, 161; Plans to retake Kaskaskia, 162; Prisoner at Falls of O hio, 374; Prisoner i n V irginia, 378; Proposals to C lark at Ft. Sackville, 718; Reason for fall of Vincennes, by, 364; Reinforcements for, 213; Remains at Vincennes, 230; Removed from Williamsburg to Chesterfield, 412; Replies to C lark's demand for surrender, 348; Sails for England, 423; Sends force to Falls of O hio, 260; Signs parole, 415; Southern Indians favorable to, 240; U lterior designs of, in Illinois Campaign, 678; Urges Wabash Indians to assist B ritish, 158; V igo's information concerning, 696; Vincennes, at, 334, 345; W inters at Vincennes, 239; W hy he wintered at Vincennes, 675; Writes to Haldimand, concerning Indian allies, 159.

H and, General   Commander of Western Dep't., 265; Furnishes supplies in Illinois Campaign, 91. H armar, Josiah, 504. H arrison, Benj.   Clark relieves of command, 496; Clark writes t o, 429, 755. H arrod, Capt., 87 , 90, 103 , 663. H arrod, James, 2. Harrodsburg   Attacked by Indians, 63; Clark's meeting of citizens at, 26; Meeting of June 6, 1776 , 520; Mythical account of Indian sieges of, 535; Made county seat, 53. Harrodstown   Hamilton prisoner a t, 374. H ay, Major John, 259 , 733; Jefferson paroles, 416; Letter of, to Capt. Brehm, 644; LieutenantGovernor of Detroit, 424; Taken to Williamsburg, 399; V incennes, sent to capture, 218.