0 “ 7
11 nvnnx. .   ·
I ' _ Rage _ 
` · Earliness in ripening of tomatoes increased by pruning ............ 156   {
Economic unit in dairy farming ,..................................................... 113  
» Effect of amount of live stock kept on crop yield ..........l............... 116 _ ‘- \
l Effect of crop yields on profits ............t.............................. ; .............. 105 Q
3 Effect of number of hogs kept on profits .....................................t.. 118 3
. Effect of proportion of working capital to total capital on  V
i ` profits ...................,i._..,......_,.,.i......,..,.t..,. > ..,.._.,.,_....,,._.._i....__...,,......, 125  ’
, V Effect of close planting on yield of tomatoes ,...............................,. 158 `
` Effect of length of stake on yield of tomatoes per plant ............ 158
_ Effect of pruning on size of tomatoes ............,.... . .......................... 155 ?
Effect of severity of pruning on the yield of tomatoes ....1............. 154
` _ Effect of staking and pruning on earliness and size of t0ma—
toes ...,..._............,. . ...................................,..,..,.................t......_.......,.. 156 `
Everbearing strawberries .,.........,.....,..............,,,........t.. I .................... 79 3
V Fall pastures for sheep ....... L .i............1......................... , ..........,..i........... 22
Fertilizers, commercial, Bulletin 219, on ....,................................. 161
Fertilizer trade, abuses of ......................,...............................,t............ 164 `
Fine-woolerl sheep .....................t,.....,......i................,.......................,..... 15 _
Flat—grown versus pot—grown tomato plants .............t.......,................ 150 ,
Foot rot of sheep ...............,..1................................................................. 45
' Forage crops for sheep ......................i.................... · ............................... . 35
Free analysis of fertilizers .........t.............i.......................................... 166
Good, E. S., and L. B. Mann, Bulletin 215, by ....   ..................... 5
A Grub-in—the-head of sheep ...................................................................... 45
` Hampshire sheep .....,................,.......,...,.............,................................... 12
. Higlrproducing herd, a successful dairyman with ...,.................... 143
` Hutson, J. B., and NV. D. Nicholls, Bulletin 217, by .......................... _ 95
Index of relative value of commercial fertilizers ........................ 167
· Labor income explained ....................i................................................... 103
Maggots of sheep .....,,...............,.................................. ; ............................ 45
 _ Mann. L. B., and E. S. Good, Bulletin 215, by ...... Z ......................... 5
i ` Marketing the lamb crop ...............,..................   ........................,.......... ,38 I
- Marketing strawberries ........................................................................ 91
· , t Marketing wool .................................,.................................................... 33
i » Mathews, C. NV., and A. J. Olney,_Bulletin 216, by ...................,,... 67
Method of farm management survey ...........................................,.... 101
, 7 Method of reporting results of fertilizer analyses ........................ 166 ·
l   Needs of the Kentucky sheep industry ............ , ...,........................... 46
V Q Nicholls, W. D., and J. B. Hutson, Bulletin 217, by ...._...,,._...... 95
i Nodular disease of sheep ...................................................................... 43 \
I Obstacles to the sheep industry .............................. 2 .................__......_. [ 40
Olney, A. J., Bulletin 21S, by ........_................______.__,,,_,_______________,_________ 147
` Olney, A. J., and C. XV. Mathews, Bulletin 216, by ....... L .......... 67
. Organization of successful individual farms ..,._....... ` ,_.....,._......_ j ,__. 127
3 r I Oxford sheep .............................,...,.,............._._____._____________________ Q ,_______,__ __ 13