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V , l _ Pages  
1 I Strawberries, cultural (ll1‘€(JtlOllS for .........,.............. ; ....................... 81  
Strawberries, description of varieties, and notes ..,....................... 72   Q
, Strawberries, everbearing .... l ........................_.............»...................... 79 _  _;
Strawberries, marketing ..........................,,...............>.»............ 4 .......... 91  
Strawberries, most productive varieties at the Station .............. 72  
, Strawberries, publications relating to ,...,......................................... 67,93,94  
Strawberries, varieties desirable for market .......................,........ 71  
V Sunscald and wormy tomatoes, amount of rin lbs. from 10 .  
plants l..._,.....,...........,...................,..............,l,.................................   151  
System of flock management .....,....................................,,.................... 16  
` Tenant dai1·y—fa1·m, a successful ,t............t............. L ...............,............. 131-2  
· Ticks kllld scab of sheep t.......................,............................................. 45 ,  
4 Tomatoes, eifect of close planting 011 yield ........t........................... 158  
g Tomatoes, effect of length of stake on yield .......l...... 1 ................ 158  
’ Tomatoes, effect of severity of pruning 011 yield"., ..................... 154  
, Tomatoes, effect of staking and pruning on size of fruit .......... 155,156 l  
Tomatoes, effect of staking 2`llld pruning on yield ..,......l.............. 150-3  
Tomatoes, ilat—grown versus pot-grown plants ................................ 150 -  
Tomatoes, increase of earliness by pruning ................................ 157  
Tomatoes, some experiments with, Bulletin 218, 011 .................... 147 A  
VVinter management of sheep .................................... ; ,........................ 22  
Wool, marketing ,.,.......,...,....1.._..............,........,....................................... 33  
R WVool, weight of the fleece .................................................. ; ................... 32 `  
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