President Oswald would like to shy away from cither
three-par- t
First of a
When John Oswald took office as president of the
University, new life rocked the century-olcampus alThe catch phrase, "publish or perish," with its
most immediately. His program amounted to an academic
derogatory implications, has oversimplified and partially revolution.
obscured a controversy raging at the heart of American
Since his arrival, criteria for faculty evaluation have
higher education.
changed and become more clearly defined. Although
The question, essentially, is whether publishing confaculty committees had already set a "research and pubtributes to the educational process more than it takes lish" philosophy in motion before Dr. OsvTald came,
from it.
some instructors and professors refer to it as "Oswald
In some quarters, there is criticism of emphasis on policy."
When he arrived, Dr. Oswald helped in preparation of
publications on the grounds that it results indecmphasis
on teaching. On the other hand, proponents of rewards the present plan and passed it along to the faculty on
for publication cite a university's obligation to contribute Oct. 28, 1963.
This was the first formal statement of University polinew knowledge as well as to disseminate existing informacy on faculty evaluation.
President Oswald's statement outlines criteria in four
The type of "publishing" implied in the debate is the
areas: teaching, research, professional status and activity,
scholarly research behind articles published in refereed and
University and public service. Lesser emphasis is
journals these journals which have boards of experts w ho
placed on the latter two "service" criteria than on teachscreen articles before publication.
ing and research.
"A major consideration in any appointment or promoEmphasis on research, as one mode of faculty evaluation, has been given greater priority in the two years tion which carries tenure," writes Dr. Oswald, "must be
since the administration of President John W. Oswald superior intellectual attainment as evidenced in teaching
and in research or other creative activity."
began. Of that there is little doubt.
But one student referred to the system here as "pubAt this point, however, no designated system of weights
lish and prosper" rather than "publish or perish." has been formalized for the criteria.

Dean Ginger Says
'Money No Problem

Kernel Staff Writer

"The College of Education


Dr. Ginger estimated this
grant would ultimately result in
a grant of from $125,000 to $145,-00depending on the number of
Dean Ginger said, "One program which the College of Education now has that will not be
renewable at the end of the year
is the training of school administrators in the Eastern Kentucky
region." This grant wasfor$125,-000- .




Summer grants applied for involve 30 teachers in history
($30,000), teaching of reading
($30,000), use of television ($42,-000- ),
research for the culturally

deprived in Lexington and other
areas ($400,000), and a training
program for 90 teachers for
and slum areas.
A grant that will be a free
summer program for people without a college education has been
applied for. This program would
train them for the preparation of
children. This grant
is for $25,000 each summer.

pre-scho- ol

Vol. LVI, No.













Sponsor Election Set

The Kentucky Kernel

2, 1!M5

Eight Pages

Extended Hours Approved
As Permanent AWS Policy

Assistant News Editor
Extended women's hours for
final week was voted a perman-

ent policy by the AWS Senate
Thursday night.
A temporary legislation for
the past four semesters, the lengthening of women's hours until
12 p.m. will now automatically
go into effect two weeks before
the first day of finals, and continue through the end of final

Extended hours will begin this
semester on Sunday, April 18,
and be in effect, as usual, from
Sunday to Thursday of the three
following weeks.
The resolution, submitted by
Blithe Runsdorf, allows the in- -

SC Releases

For Officers
president, secretary, and treasurer of Student Congress should
apply now to SC Secretary Janie
Olmstead, it was announced at
Thursday night's meeting.
Miss Olmstead acted as president of the meeting in the absence of President Steve Beshear.
On a motion by Larry Kelley, she
appointed a committee to look
into the nomination and election
of student government officers.
Members of the committeeare
Winston Miller (chairman), Rich
Robins, John O'Rrien, Larry Kelley, Michele Cleveland, Rarry
Porter, Lois Kock, and Willis

Nominees for Air Force ItOTC sponsors were introduced at
session Thursday afternoon. Election of seven sponsors from the 22
nominees will be held Monday and Tuesday. The jam session was
sponsored by this year's sponsors.




for the offices of president, vice




University of Kentucky

Students interested in running


them apart."
Quality research is relatively easy to judge, he said,
because definite evidence can be seen in the articles a
professor has published. However, what constitutes good
teaching, and the means to properly evaluate it present
serious difficulties for adminstrators.
"If the methods aren't properly balanced, emphasis
on one tends to pull a man away from the other," Dr.
Oswald said.
Evaluation of individual professors begins at the departmental level. Periodically, members within a department make judgments as to the proficiency of a particular member on each of the four criteria. A continuing
record of these evaluations is kept in the respective
dean's office.
A professor, up for review to gain tenure or promotion.
Continued on Page 7


is for $125,000 yearly.

The Newman Center will hold
an election of officers Sunday for
the 1965-6year.
The candidate for president
is Denny Bricking. Nominated
for vice president were Tim
Lynch, Frank King, Ron Wheat,
and Joe Degrieso. The other offices will be appointed.
Voting will take place after
every Mass Sunday at the Newman Center. All Catholics on
campus are members and are eligible to vote.

Dean M. M. Wliite of the College of Arts and Sciences has proposed that the two service areas each be
given a weight of one, and that the teaching and research components be given a weight of two each.
Dr. Oswald prefers to keep evaluation on a more informal basis, at least until committees, now reviewing
aspects to be used in making standardized judgments of
teaching ability and research come up with proposals
acceptable to a majority of the faculty.
"Tcacliing and research," the president said, "arc so
intertwined, people do a disservice when they try to pull


will have at least $1.5 million
in federal grants, if we get all
that we expect," said Dean Lyman Ginger recently.
"At this moment, as far as
grants for refearch are concerned," Dr. Ginger said, "money
is no problem. We need at least
25 more staff and faculty members to take care of upcoming
For the area of special eduSeveral grants already have
cation, the University now has a
been awarded to the College of
of $35,000 which may or
Education, and applications have grantnot be renewed.
been filed for several others.
The state has approved a vocaA grant to conduct its second
National Defense Education Act tional education project for $100,-00- 0
which may be renewed each
Counseling and Guidance Instithe Univer- year. However, the University
tute was received by
sity recently. The project will be has not yet approved the project.
for 30 students, each of whom
A grant which the University
will be paid $75 per week and has applied for is one for research
$15 for dependents.
work in Lexington vith recreation
and mental hygiene. This grant

Newman Center
To Hold Election

Complex Problem
Is Oversimplified

Representative Kelley also explained the provisions of a proposal to expand and reorganize
student government.
The proposal is to be presented at the upcoming campus leadership conference, to be held
April 17.

dividual women's residence units
to determine their own desk policies after the regular closing
hours. Women will not be allowed to leave their own units
or to enter another residence after
the regular closing hours of 10:30
p.m. on weekdays and 11:30p.m.
on Sundays.
The AWS Senate for the current year stepped down Thursday
night, and 14 new members were
initiated into office.
The senators for the coming
year are Madeline Kemper, Janice Ashley, Dede Cramer, Ann
Brreding, Courtney Helm, Dede
Alexander, Linda Lampe, Connie
Mullins, Ann Randolph, Gail
Mayer, Marion Spencer, Becky
Snyder, Suzanne Ziegler, and
Winnie Jo Perry.
Brock handed the chair to Dede
Cramer, the new president.
In committee, it was announced that the
annually published by AWS for
the orientation of freshman and
transfer women, will be printed
by the University Press.

Outgoing President

Head Resident's Day will be
April 25, in the President's Room
of the Student Center. The program will begin at 9 a.m.
The High School Leadership
Conference, held March 27 and28,
was reported to have been a success. High school juniors from
across the state were on hand to
receive an introduction to UK.

Interfaith Council
Elects To Disband

The Interfaith Council has vot ed to discontinue functioning for
the rest of the semester.
The decision was made beshowed up at all the meetings.
cause the organization was not "We couldn't do anytliing withfulfilling its purpose said Penny out support and we couldn't have
Price, president of the council. support without doing anything,"
she said.
"According to the constitution,
the purpose was to coordinate
Miss Price said this is not
to indicate students are not inthe religious foundations. A
body was to meet and terested in the religious organitalk about their dif ferences and to zations. The groups have their
learn from each other. This is own projects and the students
where we ran into trouble," said do not feel the need lor an interMiss Price.
faith group at this time.
The organization was not
If the council is to be active
really an interfaith group, she again the idea must come from
said, because it did not have the students rather than the
representatives from all the counsthrs of the individual
groups, and only a few iK'oplc groups.
