

Finally Getting Around To Bobby Baker

This finally gets around to the

Bobby Baker case.
Alan Arkin, star of the Broadway success LUV, in a recent
interview about himself (including that mysterious region we

call "the innerself'), discussed
briefly his trouble with a previous role in which he was asked
to interpret his part as "a sunny,
charming one."
"They wanted me to be the
boy charming," he said "and to
me that word is death. Charming
is a surface effect. , I suppose
you get your way more if you
are charming,, but I don't think
it has anything to do with values
or ideas. , .1 did it (the role)
their way and they were right
. . .but what did we prove, that
life can be cute?"
This brings us to the Bobby

Baker case because Bobby Baker
was perhaps the most charming
man in our time. He was charming and cute and made himself
man in
his job, because he worked very
hard at it. He was efficient, always available, and he served and
charmed Democrats and Repub-lican- s
equally. Everyone liked
him because he was so charming
and did his work so charmingly.
It was inevitable that a man
so charming and on such friendly
terms with those for whom he had
done so many chores that they
would like to do him a favor
would attract the attention of the
type who hang around
any legislative house, court house,
city hall, state house, or the
House on Capitol Hill by the


fast-buc- k

How deeply Bobby Baker became mixed with the
promoter types likely will never
be known. Any reporter who has
covered city hall, the court house,
the legislature or the congress
knows that few who talk about
influence have it. An influence
peddler will whisper that he is
very close to someone who is
even closer to someone who
makes big deals. Sometimes, of
course, this is true. But for the
most part it is bunk. Charm is
perhaps the greatest asset in the
"influence" racket.
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money to buy into things are dead
and can't tell why they made the
loans. We live in a
in which a great many persons
with the moral decor of Las Vegas are big operators. A charming
fellow can do very well.
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The Baker case came along
with a political campaign. The
more fanatic opponents of the
nominee Lyndon Johnson whooped and hollered so much about
the Baker case they ballooned it
to absurd proportions. "What
about Bobby Baker?" was a cry
that echoed at the rallies, on
Bobby Baker was in the big radio and TV, and in the ediinfluence pool. At least some of torial columns. Nominee Lyndon
the people who used him, or Johnson had, as majority leader
said they had used him, or tried of the Senate, sent the charmto use him obviously lied about ing fellow a Christmas-presen- t
it. Some of those who lent him hi-- set. It was a small thing to

do for a man who was always at
hand to run an errand or carry
out legitimate orders of business
and do so smilingly and charmingly.
The Justice Department, after
a thorough investigation in the
major Bobby suit, (the TFX
contract) finds that the
charges made of Bobby Baker
influence are not substantiated.

So, what about the Bobby
Baker case? It appears that we
have proved, as Mr. Alan Arkin

said, that charm has nothing to
do with values or ideas and that
life can be cute. Maybe the income tax people know something.
Otherwise, we apparently have
a story of
boys who
know how to stay inside the law.
(Copyright 1965)
fast-buc- k


International Attitude: Effect On Universities
the conclusion of a
series contributed by an Indian
graduate assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering.
University is a miniature
world where men and women of
different civilizations from different parts of the world meet to
pursue knowledge and to seek
truth and wisdom by various
means of research and study.
The morality of all members of
the university should be to establish, by several means, the statement "There is nothing which
is equal, to . knowledge in this
world." In trying to establish
the same, the various academic
persons indemnify knowledge as
God and consider university as
the seat of learning or knowledge. Each university has its
own traditional god or goddess
of learning depending upon the
tradition of the country or nation.
University and other educational institutions are often referred to as "Temples of Learning," where learning is personified in the form of traditional
dietes of various nations. A
thinks that truth is God
meaning thereby that he is
identifying "truth." A communist thinks "work" is God. A
philosopher thinks Brahma the
Creator is God. A Buddist thinks
Buddha is God. A christian thinks
"Learning" is God and a cosmopolitan never believes in God,
but believes in "Divinity" and
indentifies the same. All teachers should impart knowledge to
students who should learn the
same with real zeal.
The earliest university was at
Athens where eminent scholars
like Plato, Zeno, etc. rendered
their valuable services in imparting education to various young
minds. A university should have
a motherly attitude towards the
students and hence the name
"alma mater" is used often to
the university.
Education is a useful asset
to all men and women in this
world. The progress that man
has acliievcd today is mainly due
to Education that has no end
in any branch. Hence there is no
limit to acquiring education in
various fields such as arts, sciences, and tecluiology. Further education is the touch stone of all
human civilization. Unhersity is
the place where knowledge is im- various men and women
Earted to
civilized methods. The
civilization of an nation depends
upon the geographical, geological, social, religious, historical, traditional, and association-of-ideainfluences.
The object of making provision for iRTsonnel of various civil




izations to meet at the university
is to enable each university student to study various civilizations
of the international world at the
campus of the university to benefit himself and his fellowmen to
build up a cosmopolitan outlook
for the progress of mankind. University education enables various
men and women to study world
civilizations economically and
hence is a valuable asset to them.
One can be great, earn money, study the world, be happy
and successful in one's life
through university education and
and women of today.
Every university contains four
types of personnel. These are
administrators, professors, students and staff. Good relationship should be established among
these personnel. The teacher-studerelationship is the most important one to be achieved, and
maintained by all. Both the teachers and the students should aim
at, achieve and maintain the
following lands of relationship:
(l)let us get on together; (2) let
enjoy together and (3)let
us not hate each other so that
we may become famous togeth-

of scholars and colleagues, arrogance and meaness on the part
of administrators and foolishness
on the part of others.
One or all these qualities may
be present individually or collectively as per the cooperative
team spirit. This has been confirmed by the poet Bhartruhari
of Sanskrit literature in his composition called "Subhashita," in
the first stanza. These evils
should be rooted out successfully.
Ignorance on the part of various
personnel leads to serious errors
with bad results.
Both teachers and students
acquire learning at different
levels in different fields by their
efforts. The term "effort" has
varied meaning from person to
person, place to place, time to
time etc. It means the industry
of an average student mentally
and physically to get through
modern examination. It means
research and study at various
levels. It also means the
that ancient sages at various levels. It also means the
penance that ancient sages were
doing to attain salvation from
worldly life.
The original concept of the
university can be traced back to
One of the causes for the
trouble in the Berkeley campus older days when a student used
of the California University was to go to the hermitage of the
under whom he wanted to
reported to be due to the fact sage
acquire learning. The sage was
that the above student-teache- r
considered to be the teacher or
relationship was lost, among Guru
by all those who were
them, basically.
Students have three types of taught learning besides getting
fed and accommodated. The studifficulties. These are (l)are nadents practiced good discipline
tural difficulties (2)difficulties
during the learning period and
difficulcaused by men and
even afterwards in their practities unforeseen.
cal career. There was no diffiNatural difficulties include
those which the student has by culty or discontentment among
them and the students used to
virtue of his position. Finan- leave
the hermitage after getting
cial difficulty is a natural diffithe blessings from their teacher
culty. Difficulties caused by men for future
include those which a student
All used to pay something
has to face because of misunderstanding between him and his either in cash or kind to the teacher in return to the learning wliich
teachers, superiors and unforehe imparted to them. The same
seen difficulties are the unexpecttraditional ideas are kept up even
ed accidents which the students
has to face. The student should now to suit the modern conditry to get over these difficulties tions. Every student has to go to
by his International Attitude some university or other, has to
combined with wordly wisdom. pay the fee, maintain discipline,
He should aclu'eve knowledge preserve teacher-studewith necessary enthusiasm and and relationship and after comeffort to suit various levels. Any pletion of the university course
lapse of duty may land luin in of education, has his duties as
difficulties. One main difficulty an alumnus of the university.
with some academic people is
The next quality that is
that they expect others to pracis concentration of
tice good things and they don't his attention on the duties he
practice the same. They expect has to discharge. This is referothers to be honest while they red to as "Daina" in classical
literature. "Concentration is the
are not honest. This acts adverserelationt
oil which makes the wheel
ly on the
go smooth," is a universal stateship and students should discharge their duties towards each ment. The next factor is "paother and towards their alma tience" which should be practiced
mater to acliieve lest results. by all at various levels. Lack of
The evils that block the path patience is the root cause of
of greatness are: envy on the part trouble in several universities.




By patience students can do full
justice in acquiring maximum
benefits in the university life.
The tendency to help the needy
should be practiced at all levels.
This is recommended or practiced
by all universities even now.
Sometimes, lack of practice of
this tendency is the cause of
trouble at some stage or the
other. At the same time "charity," should be practiced starting from the charitable disposition to practicing charity in various ways to suit the demands
of the needy. This promotes a
sense of service, sacrifice and cooperation to avert the various
difficulties and to promote efficiency in achieving the goal
among the various university per
All modern universities are
planned to train men and women to practice the above qualities individually and collectively besides imparting education
in the field of research and study
among the various faculties. The
difficulty with some is that their
practices are directed towards
achieving their personal interest without caring for the difficulties of others. At this stage
physical force is introduced at
various levels and the strong
party wins and the weak party
loses personal interests, at various levels. The activities of the
International Center and the Cosmopolitan Club have to be developed to avoid all these unpleasant incidents which include
strikes of various kinds; resignations, rustications and various
types of unpleasant disciplinary
actions on various academic personnel at different levels.
Men with theoretical outlook are responsible for the above

unpleasant incidents in modern
universities. This briefly explains the student strike on two
occasions at the Berkeley Campus of the University of California and the consequent reactions at various levels. Eminent scholars believe that practicing the above principles which
all personnel talk about will prevent unpleasant incidents and
will promote speed and efficiency
in achieving the planned goal.
All problems should be dealt with
bearing in mind "Humanly consideration." All are human beings liable to commit mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly. In this respect all should practice divinity bearing in mind:
"To err is human and to forgive is divine." One sided co-

nsideration, undemocratic


titude of vested interest etc.
promote the activities of various
personnel personally and priv ately, individually and collectively,
morally and physically to repeat

the same mistakes again and
again, and result in accidents.
Members of the cosmopolitan outlook can definitely prevent this
waste of time, energyiwealth etc.
collectively and individually and
achieve the objects of the United
Nations efficiently and quickly.
Hence all should practice cosmopolitan outlook to achieve the
planned goal, through international education, service,,
peace and prosperity, of world





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