Abdallah                    - 1-56
Abdallah and his descendants --- 157
Abdallah and Bellfounder  -  171
Abdallah Chief        --      33
Abdallah's Daughters  -     -39
Abdallah, Goldsmith's    - 161
Abdallah, Lakeland -311
Abdallah Pilot-               267
Abdallah's Sons -              35
Abdallah, Taggart's-       5
Abd-el-Kader -337
Aberdeen -                    251
Addison Horse-                510
Administrator -               212
             in Kentucky-    219
             as atrotter- -218-222
             sons of -        224
Acquired qualities inheritable -- 10
Alcalde-                      46.5
Alexander's Abdallah and descen-
  dants -                     262
Alhambra -- 226-231
Allie West    --  --- - .287, 474
Almont -279
Almont's Sons ----------------- 290
Ama7onia-                     162
Ambrose Stevens -422
American Star daughters-   2.56
              sons-           250
              records -       2.56
              Seely's-        257
Andrew Jackson --     -        8
Antiquity of Pacers-          100
Argonaut -148, 492
Ashland Stallion -------------- 436
Auburn Hors-: -         -      48

Baby Trotters - -             453
Bachante         -         65, 450
Banner Chief - -              464
Barnard Morgan --     - 525
Bashaw and Clay record-  384
Baslhaws and Clays ------------- - 867
Bashaw, Greenes ---    370
Bay Chief                      3--43
Belle Brandon - -             402
Bellfounder and Abdallah -- 171
Bellfounder blood in Clays-- 138
           branches of -- 138
           English card -- 127
           imported  t--123
           long leverage -- 134
Belmont --                    268
Black Coach horses - -  113
Black's lIambletonian -- 302
Blaekhawk, Long Island -- 369
Blackhawk, Vernont. ----------50
Blackstone ----------  301
Black Warrior- -              3.53
Blackwood ------              469
          as a sire -         43
          and Swigert -- 476
          sons of --          484
Blandina  -   -470
Blossd forces, a contest of -- 33
Blucher --                    19
Blue Bulls-                    97
Bonner, Robert, of New York_ - 240
Bosott, James -124
Bourbon Chief--               46
Boutwell-charge of ellfMounder 126
Breathing Room   - -------------- 62
Breeding Problem -9