mation or opinions on the subject. Horses, in this respect, are no
better or more sacred than men; and reputation should be measured
by their deeds and character. The reputation (of all animal is largely
dependent upon its owner. Many horses of great merit are not so
known to the public. because their owners do not employ all the arts
and appliances that pertain to the business to bring them famously
into notice. When I have found such an animal. I have not hesitated
to disclose to my readers some glimmer of his voneealed light. On
the other hand, it is equally true that by dint of artful advertising,
and the employment of cunning devices-the ways of which are
without number, and past finding out to those whose interests lead
them to be duped-mnany animals have for a time secured a fame and
prominence which gathered money into the lockets of their shrewd
and unscrupulous managers, but whose real nierits were so meagre as
to give no reward to the enterprise, or return for the mooney of their
misled patrons. Where I have encountered any such as these, my
pen has not failed to prick the bubble that swelled with their great
nothingness. I deal with facts as I obtain them, arid in opinions as
I hold them.
  It is not believed that we have yet bred a stallion so near perfection
that we may not discuss his merits, arid refer to his faults if he have
them. Some exception can lwrhalp be taken to the best stallion we
have seen.  Administrator, Cuyler, Florida, Volunteer, Almont,
Thorndale, Daniel Lambert, Blackwlied and Governor Sprague, and
the many others described herein, are all good horses, and great stal-
lions, but to each souse just exception mnray be properly taken, vet
their merits are so great, that their respective owners need feel in no
way sensitive because they can not be pronounced alnsolutely perfect.
It will be seen that while I have found and p1Kinted out defects when
they existed, my work has been mainly devoted tm lportraying excel-
lences and the better traits. This results fromi the fact that I write of
the best and most distinguished horses of our niay, rather than those
which only exhibit inlfiruities.
  Inasmuch as it has been my aini to make each subject as complete
in itself as possible without reference to its being a part of an entire
treatise, there will be found very frequent repetitions of similar matter
both in facts arid in application of principles advanced, and in each
of two instances I have repeated a page or more is rnrbis. Such
repetitions may occupy much space, but the recurrence to the matter
thus brought out in new relations will not be without its value. Some
