Best Copy


Almtmt fag?



Alumni Secretary

Club to Arrange for En




ccived her M. S. in '21. Her per- Dear Alumnus:
If you havo Information nbout nny of the alumni listed below, kindly fill
manent address is R R. 2, Nicholas-vill- e,
out the blank and mall It to tho Alumni Office:
Clarence Barbour Shoemaker 15 Is now located at

Clyde R. Barker is an attorney
Brooksville, Ky.



A number of men desiring to sit in the next General Assembly have
already announced themselves as candidates for places in the senate and
Others have been active in building up their political fences and
will soon throw their hats into the ring with the hopes that they will have
n voice in making future laws that will mean much toward Kentucky's progress in years to come.
These men, no doubt, want to serve the best interest of the whole state
interest, will
and if properly approached now on questions of
gladly commit themselves and do what they can after they have reached
Frankfort next winter. It is not possible for nny one man to know all the
i..f:..r in Mm mnnv Miimrs whirh those representatives and senators
have to vote upon. The advancement of our educational institutions certainly holds the center of interest and is very important if we are to make
the sort of real development in our state that should bo made.
Many of our lawmnkcrs will not have a good opportunity to get as much
information about our institutions for higher learning as they should have.
It, therefore, behooves all alumni residing within the borders of Kentucky
and our friends to acquaint these gentlemen with the facts regarding the
university at least, and ask that they give their support for the full appropriation asked by the university authorities. The next legislature should
approve some sort of building and maintenance program that will extend
over a period of years, thereby giving tne ooaru oi trustees oi me uiiivursii.?
i tutf ntmv n mnl luiainnsa.liWp nlnn of advancement.
Your representative should know that since 1908 the enrollment in the
university has increased over 340 percent and during the same time recitation floor space has been increnscd about 10 percent. As a result class
rooms arc crowded and many students are prevented ironi uikmik uiu cuisus
neeu lor uormuorius is eiiimuy
they desire because of this condition,
..,,:., nr Dm oivik aHwlnnta. nnlv ino mn bo cared for in the dormi
tories. One of the dormitories for women is rented and the rooms of all
are filled to capacity. The beauty of our grounds is diminishing because
of lack of funds.
n.'ntnnnnxn nml ermivMi nf this institution denends larcolv on
the attitude of our next legislature and it rests with you mainly as to
what this attitude will be.



Detroit, Feb. 27. (Last Friday-Reg- ular)
dinner at Dixieland

Somerset, March G. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Nor fleet's office.
Philadelphia, Mar. 7. (First Satat
urday Regular) luncheon
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce
Lexington, Mar. 11. (Second Satat
urday Regular) luncheon
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.
RufTalo, Mar. 11. (Second Satur1:15
day Regular) luncheon,
p. m.. Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca streets.
Chicago, Mar. 16. (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at Field's


Mrs. Smith Alford is a
Visitor in Alumni

interest on borrowed money and the
university the embarrassment of such

conditions ?

J. V. Faulkner, Class of
'95, Furnishes the
The Contest has started. In a let
ter recently received by Miss Mary
L. Didlak, secretary of the Class of
95, from J. V. Faulkner, Manitou
Okla., he says: "I recently had a copy
of The Kernel and noticed that there
seemed to be a dearth of college
songs, and to relieve that it was sug
gested that a
prize would
bring out enough songs to last a decade. The
check is 2 for
the Kernel and the third dollar is
prize suggested above. In
for that
case we get a real producer, I mean
to take out a life sized receipt for
dues and The Kernel."
Although it was mentioned in the
Kernel article that a dillar be offered
as a prize, it has since been suggested
that that would be a rather small
prize for a real college song that
would be used for years by students
and alumni. Perhaps two or three
other alumni would care to make a
like to make a donation.
Prof. Carl A. Lampert, head of
the department of Music at the Uni
versity of Kentucky, has accepted the
chairmanship of the judges. The
names of the others will appear in
next week's issue of the Kernel. The
contest will close May 1.
It is hoped that we will receive
many songs. We welcome them from
anyone who is attending or has ever
attended the university.
Another member of the Alumni As
sociation has read this "Just a Word"
item which appeared in the Kernel
of January 16 and she has answered
it by sending in a college song which

The women of the Class of '98 met
for a reunion last Monday, February
23, in the University Cafeteria. They
are: Mrs. Smith Alford, formerly
Miss Ida West Lucas, Miss Margaret
I. King, and Miss Lila Beatrice Terry.
This is the first time that Mrs.
Alford has been back to the campus
She has been
since her Graduation.
living for some years at Flushing,
husband, Smith
New York, where her
JUford '96, of "The Mighty Team of
1894," is in business. Mrs. Alford
devotes much of her time to civic
and social work, through the "Big
Sister" organization, of which she is
the president for the Borough of
Queens, Greater New York. She is
also an ardent athletic fan, due largely to the fact that her son, Oliver Alford, like her husband, is conspicu- is quoted below:
ous as an athlete, having played at
fontor on the winninir football team
at Princeton in 1922, and being now
(Tune: "Cincinnati")
a coach of the Princeton team. Mrs.
Alford's address is 5 Locust street, In the Bluegrass of Kentucky
Lies the school we love;
TOlnRhinL' N. Y.
Miss King has been head librarian Fair the green fields that surround
several years,
of the university for
Blue the sky above.
i.nnrolv throuch her efforts the old
been converted into a readchapel has
ing room to the great advantage of
Sing of U. K.! How we love her!
the students.
Love our school so dear;
Miss Lila Beatrice Terry, also a
loyal alumna, is teaching Spanish and Here we work and play together
Col- Through each passing year.
German at Kentucky Wesleyan
l.wm Wiiipliostnr. Kv.
There were also present at this
luncheon Mrs. C. J. Smith, formerly
Kii7.nhM.li W. Kinir. and Miss
Mary L. Didlake '95, and Mrs. W. A.
Hifncr, formerly Miss uiara uroo
Gunn, '97.
Thn .ilnmn:ifi of '98 exiiresscd the
hope that it would be a reunion of

the entirp class next time, anu unit
time might not be far distant.

Of the 1215,027.82 pledged to the
Greater Kentucky fund, $102,313.33
has been paid. Of this amount
has been paid since February
1, the date on which the fourth payment was due. At that time about
135,721.17 was past due. There is
still more than $25,000 past due. Is
part of this amount due from you-I- f
so, will you not please send in
your check for the amount you owe,
thus saving the Alumni Association


Loyally we sing her praises,
Sing for U. of K.,
We will strive to keep her growing
.Greater day by day.
Louise George.

Ralph Emerson Illtncr


Is now

located nt


Marcus A. Dodson is cashier of the
Peonies Bank at Science Hill.
married Miss Lucy Denton ex- -, and
they have one child, Flora Lucile, G.

Gustavo Berry Foster '21 is now located





Holton Cook is county road engi
neer of Mingo county, Williamson,
W. Va. He married Miss Marie Kuy- kendall December 28, 1915, and they
have two children, Elizabeth and
Thomas Edward.






Homer Wilson, who has been on
the "lost list" for some time, is now
living in Buena Vista, Ky.

V- -




Jesse Otto Osborne '21 is now located at
Emmet Otis Shultz '21 Is now located at
Mary Theressa Ross '21 is now located at

We note with regret that the last
Thomas B. McClellan is a horticul
athone of the
turist with the U. S. Department of act ofKentucky most prominent to
ever produced was
Agriculture, Mayaguez, Porto Rico. letes

suffer defeat at the hands of Western Normal College, of Bowling
Herbert Covington, a man
who has been hailed throughout the
state as one of Kentucky's greatest
athletes, performed his last act in
sport clothes for' his institution, Centre College; unless, perhaps, "Herb"
dons the baseball uniform this spring.
We feel that it is a lamentable oc
currence that such a brilliant man
should be compelled to close his col
lege athletic career amid the pall of
defeat. No banners were waved, no
shouts rent the air, no bands played
as the "Mayfield Flash" bowed in
defeat to a group of athletes he had
In a silent
never before considered.
dressing-roohe doffed his trunks,
drew about him the robes of defeat
and vanished from the public eye,
probably never to return as an athlete.

John P. Compbell is Manager of
the National Electric Service Company at Morgantown, W. Vn. He is
We are pursuing a policy of watchful waiting. We are waiting for the
living at 228 Walnut street.
group which committed the most exM2
asperating act of vandalism we have
Jones Otha Gill is an attorney with seen committed on this campus to reoffices in the Gloyd biulding, Kansas veal their gentlemanly qualities and
give to the university sufficient funds
City, Mo.
to repair the damage they did when
they dismounted the cannon in front
The following letter has been re of the Administration building. It
was presumably a thoughtless act
ceived from William C. Rudd:
"My address is shown on your rec and the fellows who did it should
ords as 207 Phillips Court, Owens have enough commendable qualities
boro, Ky. Please change to Webster to come forward and offer to redeem
Hall, 5050 Cass Avenue, Detroit, Mich themselves in the eyes of the univer
"I have recently moved to Detroit, sity authorities, their fellow students
We have heard the call to service,
having been located in Cincinnati and and the public. Be gentlemen; do not
Seen the urgent need
Florida during the past year. I am cower throughout your lives; redeem
Of a broader education
connected with the Department of your thoughtless wrong.
If we would succeed.
Water Supply for the city of Detroit
The Felines are in Georgia. Wo
as assistant engineer, in construction
Thinking over of Kentucky
work on new water works to be des hope by the time we go to press that
Whom we hope to sorve,
igned and constructed in the next few they will have made their presence
known in tho south. We anticipate
We would follow Learning's pathway, years."
great things from our teum while
From it never swerve.
they arc gone and we wish to assure
them that, win or lose, we are with
To the Purchase and the Mountains
William C. Almstedt is
Send the welcome call,
dent of the Bowling Green Quarries them. We know they will fight the
In the heart of old Kentucky
Mail should be addressed battle fair und hard. We can ask
no more.
There is roopi for all.
to him at Box 35.
Swiftly pass the days at U. K.,
Filled with work and fun;
Each one leaves a happy memory
Of some tusk well done.


Arthur Etigeno Wogort '15 la now located nt




Nowoll Pcmborton Smith '16 Is now located

Becker, instructor Norbcrto Dovora '16 Is now located nt
in history at the Dnnville high school,
was a visitor on the campus last Sue Hunt Frost '16 Is now located at
Thn reciilnr monthly luncheon of week.
IOgan Notirso Green '16 Is now located nt
the DuiTnlo Alumni Club was held
February M at the Chamber of ComMrs. Bessie Fogcl .Tiuld '16 Is now located nt ...
We had a very good attenmerce.
Robert M. Davis is in the Marine
18 being present.
Snlcs department of the Westing-hous- e Charles Frank Kumll '1G Is now located at
The new ofllcors were installed with
He should
Electric Company.
Benjamin Harrison Mitchell '1G Is now located nt
full enromonv. but owine to other be addressed at 439 Rebecca street,
pressing business matters, the innug- - Wilkinsburg, Pa.
William Harrison Mitchell '1G Is now located at ...
ural speech by Mr. Worsham was
posponcd until the next meeting.
George Pago Nenglo 'lG Is now located nt
Miss Eleanor Flora Enkcr is teach- OrvnieRoT)ort
The following committees were apwTlio"'' now located nT
pointed to serve for one year: Enter- ing in the Livingston county high
E. E. Johnson, chnirmnn, school, Smithlnnd, Ky.
John Henry Williams '1G Is now located at .....
R. T. Thornton, and J. E. Bycrs;
Herbert H. Green is a partner in
Placement I'. L. Blumenthal, chair- the firm of Maddox and Green, real Carrie Frances Blair '17 Is now located at
man, 0. K. Dyer ami L. U. Milward; estate agents, at Ashland. He should
Publicity E. E. Johnson, chnirmnn, be addressed at 115 2 West Win- Benjamin Frnnklin Foster '17 Is now locntod at
G. Frankcl and D. D. Wile; Execuchester Avenue.
Jesse Forrest Gregory '17 Is now located af
tive Council Herman Worshnm,
chnirmnn, Ross D. Hnyncs, J. J.
Ronnld Hutchinson '17 is now locntod at
and J. B. Slattcr.
Mary Eliznbeth Davis is head of
A letter from Dean F. Paul Anderthe Department of Science at the Elmer Burton Jones '17 is now located at
son was read, stating that the senior high school at Ocala, Fin. She is
Jnmcs William Norris '17 is now located at
engineers woul come to BufTnlo again living at 703 East Fifth street.
Junius Lewis is teaching vocation Burton F. Williams '17 is now located at
this year for their annual inspection
trip. This was very good news and al agriculture at Harlan.
a special meeting was called for FebGeorge Clifton Bradley '18 Is now located nt
ruary 28 to make necessary arrange'18 Is now locnted at
ments for their entertainment.
Walter M. Baulch is principal of Henry J. Kolbc
Edgnr E. Johnson '14, secretary. the high school at Crutchficld, Ky.
Minnie Evelyn NeVlllo '18 is now locnted at
George A. Hillsmnn is with the
Wcstinghouse Electric and Manufac
Constantino Nlckoljoff '18 is now located at ...
turing Company, East . Pittsburgh,
Pa. He is living at 752 Franklin Todor Nlchoioft '18 Is now locnted at
Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Arnold Henry Webb '18 is now locnted at ..
Ruby Knrl Diamond '19 is now located at
Boen G. Gibson, of Altoona, Pa.,
who has been visiting his mother, William Whitfield Elliott '19 is now located at
Mrs. Emma Gibson, of Lexington, has
Mrs. G. W. Dunlap, formerly Miss returned to resume his duties with Ola Logan Figg '19 is now located at
Katherine I. Adams, is now living at the electrical department of the Pitts Elizabeth McGowan '19 is now locnted at ....
328 East Indiana street, Escondido, burgh Railroay Company.
Mose Smith '19 is now located at
Carl Albert Timmer '19 is now located' at
Clyde Filbeck is superintendent of
Thomas C. Kellcy, consulting en- the Benton high school.
Cardwell Douglas Trlplett '19 is now located at
gineer, has offices in the Second NaThomas H. Hagan is an , engineer
tional Bank building, Cincinnati, Ohio, witli the American Roller Mills Com Herbert Proctor Haley '20 is now located at
He married Miss Cora Davenport De pany, at Middletown,
cember 26, 1899, and they arc living should be addressed at 606 Baltimore Ruth Phyllis Hoag '20 is now located at
in tne uuuun ujjui iiuuiua, uiiuci
Jos. Stuart Misrach '20 is now located at
Mr. Kelley received his M
E. in '06.
Jno. Caleb Morris '20 Is now located at
Hariet Salin left Saturday for
Morris Vilcofsky '20 is now located at ...
Robert B. Hunt is a mechanical en Sharpsburg, where she has accepted
gineer for the Florida East Coast a position as principal of the Sharps William Yourish '20 7s now located at
Railway Company at St. Augustine, burg graded and high school.
Reginald Ernst DeAltry '21 is now located at



Fill Out

and Mail To

Alumni Office
plates for me at U.

Please reserve

of K. banquet to be held at Brown Hotel, at


p. m., April 23, 1925

Carrier Engineering
750 Frelinghuysen Avenue,
Newark, N. J.
Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia




with the help of the following Kentuckians:


E. T. Lyle, '00
L. L. Lewi, '07
M. S. Smith, '08
J. I. Lyle,

J. E. Boling, '15
H. Worsham,

Several of tho 'cats went to Georgia
without overcoats. Wo approached
them on the subject and they assured
us that they would stay south until
R. L. JonM, '12
the weather is warm. They intend
to play in the finals and they feel
J. R. Duncan, '1 2
sure that by that time the weather
R. R. Taliaferro, ' 3
will be so moderated that tho over
Miss Mary King Burrier is teach
ing Home Economics in the public coat would be a liability. "We'll stay
schools of Midway. Miss Burrier re- - right there until it's over over there." jl52529CR5Z5Z5Z5Z5252SZ5Z5in525Z5


J. H. Bailey, '20
R. Waterfill,

W. B. Thornton,
N. O. Belt,



A. P. Shanklin, '23

