xt7w3r0psj03 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0psj03/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19200526 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-05-may26-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-05-may26-ec. 1920 2011 true xt7w3r0psj03 section xt7w3r0psj03 

     Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of'Trustees,
University of Kentucky, for the regular monthly meeting, Wednesday,
May 26, 1920.

     The Executive Commit!~ee of the Board of Trustees, University
of KentuckyF met in regular monthly session in the office of the
President of the University, on Wednesday, May 26, 1920, at the
hour of 12:00 o'clock, noon.   The following members were present:
Riohard C. Stoll, P. P. Johnston, Jr., Rainey T. Wells, Richard
P. Ernst, and Robert G. Gordon.   Frank L. McVey, President of
the University and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee
Were also present.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published.

     (1) Report of the Pusiness Agent.   The report of the Business
Agent was read and ordered filed.

      (2) Capital Account and Indebtedness of the University.    Pres-
 ident MoVey made the following report with respect to the capital
 account and indebtedness of the University:


 June 30, 1916, net indebtedness after deducting assets.... $100,687
 June 30, 1917, net indebtedness after deducting assets....     114,994
 June 30, 1918, net indebtedness after deducting assets....   108,801
 June 30, 1919, net indebtedness after deducting assets....     140,822
 June 30, 1920, estimated indebtedness, $153,500, deducting
      assets will leave approximately a net indebtedness of    63,000



II. Additions to Capital Account, July 1, 1918 to April 20, 1919

                       - General Fund

: 1918-1919  * 1919-1920

Real Estate
     Mulligan lot on Winslow Street        $
     Four lots on Winslow Street .. :
     C. B. Patterson lot on Winslow
        Street ....................:
     W. H. Scherffius lot on Rose St..
     Payment on Mulligan bond .........
     Embry lot on Winslow Street ......

     Administration Building ..........
     President's house ................
     Neville Hall ..................... :
     Superintendent' s house ...........  :
     Clock and bell system ............ :
     White Hall.         .. .        . :
     Green house ......................
     Home Economics ...................
     Automobile shop ..................
     Heating plant .................... :
     Absttoir....................       :
     Live stock pavilion .............. :
     Mechanical Hall toilet ...........

 Equipment, Books, etc .................

 Eliminated for sales, and transfers to
      be adjusted June 30, but now car-
      ried in total ....................

      Total for two years ..............







 16, 866,25


140 ,054e05


  70,033 .38






II. Additions to Capital Account, July 1, :18 to April 309, 1919

                       Experinent Station

: 1918-1919 : 1919-1920

Real Estate Purchased
     Experiment field in Paducah......
     Crimes property on Rose Street...
     Havenhill property on Rcse Street
     Graham Avenue lo-ts transferred
        from University..............

     Refrigerating plant,.............
     Incinerator .....................
     Li-re stock pavilion.............
     Dean's residence .................

     Equipment, live stock, etc.......

:  $155.00  :
: 6,800.00   :
: 5,350.00 0

I           :1

: 4,602.50   :
:   490.24  :

: 13,654.67 :

                                        : 31,052.41  : 18,608.73
    Total for two years............. :                49,661.14

    (4) Loan of $30,000 to Meet May Payroll.  The Business Agent
reported to the Committee that it would be necessary to borrow
$30,000 to meet the May payroll.  On motion, the Chairman of the
Executive Committee and Business Agent were authorized to borrow
the money in the name of the University.

     (5) Matter of Discontinuance of the Services of G. T. Wyatt.
Chairman Stoll announced to the Committee that a delegation of
citizens had requested that they be permitted to appear before the
Comunittee to make a statement in connection with the recent action
of the Committee in discontinuing the services of Mr. G. T. W-att,
distriot extension agent.   (See minutes of the Executive Committee
for April 26, 1920, paragraph 10).   At the hour of 1:30, a commit-
tee consisting of Mr. Wyatt, Judge Valter Prince of Benton, Kentucky,






General E. H. Wood of Pageville, Kentucky, lMr. Geoffrey Morgan, and
Mr. Tanner, a member of the Exeoutive Committee of the Ballard County
7arm Bureaubappeared before the Committee.

     (6) Purchase of Maxwell Hall and Other Buildings for Girls.
President McVey reported "c the Committee that the owner of Maxwell
Hall had offered it for sale to the University.   After discussion,
a committee consisting of President McVey and Mr. P. P. Johnston, Jr.,
was appointed with power to act on its purchase.   The committee was
also authorized so purchase such additional buildings in the vicinity
of Mar.ell and Patterson Halls as it might deem advisable.   This
action followed a statcraent by president MoVey that both Patterson
and Ma-well Halls were ful) for the coming year.

     (ok) Fa'e r nit v P Il3. 1 I',a  S  A report was made on the possi-
bility of pnrc ca-e of co-a4.n -operty on Winslow Street, belonging
to Mr. Deveereux, fr)t .ra;;ernity building sites.  The matter was re-
ferred to President lvloVey and Err. Johnston with power to act.

     (8) Insuranoe on Contents of Buildings.   A report from the
Business Agent regarding insurance on the contents of buildings was
read and ordered incorporated %n the minutes.   The Committee indi-
cated that the amount of insurance now carried is regarded as suf-
ficient.   The report was as follows:



     Value of Contents of University Buildings and Amount of Ir.sur-
ance Carried thereon.


               Building                  Value of    : Amount of
                                         Contents     : Insurance

administration Building  .    ........ :$12,579.24   : $10,000.00
Agricultural Building .       ............... :  14,633.54  :  12,000.00
Boiler at;d Tngine Room........   .   :    1,000.00  :   1,000.00
Civil Faginealing aand Physics ........ :      27,478.37   :   25,000.00
Education Ruilding    .      .........    3,932.31  :    3,000.00
Alumni Hall      .        ............    6,653.40   :    6,ooo.oo
Library..................:..........     31,591.95      25,000.00
Mining Engineering    .      .........    3,669.55        3,000.00
Mining Engineering (State Mines De-
   partment and Geological Survey)... :    9,223.45      9,000.00
Mining Laboratory  .      ............... :2,043.33       2, 00.00
Mechanical 11.0. ...................... :      25,?922.5-  :   24.000.00
Boiler Fouse Yo. 1....................       788.00       10c00.00
Boiler House No. 2.    ..    ......       3,520.25       3,000.00
Photometer Building    .      ........ :    285.50         300.00
Testing Laboratory    .      ......... :   8,849.30       8,000.00
White Hall.       .......................:. 10,599.65:    9,000.00
Neville Hall.       ......................4,418.04    :   4,000.00
Old Chemistry Building...............     14,280.14  :   10,000.00
New Chemistry Building   .    ........    11,204.30  :    9,000.00
Natural Soience Building  .    .......    26,517.25  :   25,000.00
Observatory........................       : 1,060.00 :    1,000.00
Patterson Hall.......................       0,829.74   :    8,000.00
Girl's Gymnasium.      ....................:500.00   :      500.00
New Automobile Shop    .     .........     4,000.00  :    4,000.00
Storage Shed........................         400.00  ;      400.00

                                         235,979.84  : 204,200.00
     ______.______________ ______________________ _________________   -. --

     A motion was made, seconded, and carried asking the Business
Agent to report the amount of insurance carried on the contents of
Experiment Station buildings.

     (9) Insurance on Government Ordnance.   President McVey read
to the Committee the following communication from Senator D. H.
Peak with respect to government ordnanoet



                                       May 26, 192o

    President Frank L. McVey

         University of Kentucky

    My dear President McVey:

         The inventory of government ordnance now on hand amounts
    to $34,190.68.   Outstanding orders will increase this to
    $38,690.68. WUe are ncw carrying $20,000.00 insurance on
    this ordnance.   This was probably sufficient while the dtu-
    dents had the uniforms but the uniforms are now in and we
    have a risk rearly douLle the amount of insurance.   Will
    you kindly ref er this to the Executive Committee?

                                        Very truly yours,

                                             D. H. Peak,

                                                  Business Agent.

    On motion, duly seconded, the Business Agent was authorized to
increase the insurance on government ordnance to $30,000.

    (10 Report of State Fire Marshal.   President McVey presented
to the Committee an order from the State Fire Marshal for the in-
stallation of certain fire equipment in the various buildings on
the campus.   On motion, the matter was referred to the Superin-
tendent of Buildings and Grounds for report.

    (11) Application for Fraternity Building Sites. - President McVey
presented to the Committee the application of Mr. William Nisbet,
secretary of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity
for a building site for that organization for the erection of a
chapter house to cost approximately $30,000.   The President indi-
cated that he had the verbal application of at least one other
fraternity for such a site.   On motion, duly made and seconded, the
President was instructed to inform these fraternities that as soon
as they showed sufficient evidence of funds for the erection of such
buildings, the Committee would provide proper building sites.

     (12) Farm Boys' Encampment.   President McVey presented to
the Committee a communication from Mr. L. B. Shropshire, Assistant
Secretary of the State Fair Association, asking if the University
will continue its policy of making contributions for the Farm Boys'



Encampment held annually at the State Fair.   After discussion, a
motion was made, seconded, and adopted, authorizing a payment of
$60o for this purpose.

     (13) Application of Centre.l Kentucky Natural Gas Company for
Right of Way for Gas Pipe irine.  President McVey presented a com-
munioation from Dean Cocper forvlardir.6 the application of the Ken-
tutky Central Natural Gas Ccmnpany for permission to build a gas
line across the grounds of te.e 7zxperiment Station.  On motion, it
was ordered that the applicati.o, be approved; that the consideration
be placed at. $25.00; and uhus !;'e Chztirman of the Executive Committee
and the Secretary of the Boavd be authorized to executbe a contract
with the company, emb dying cert1ain conditions stipulated by the
Director of the Experiment+, S'atC.1, the contract ts be similar to
that entered into with the G ea. Southern Refining Company.   (See
minutes of the Executive Committee for February 26, 1920.)

     (14) Appointments and Resignations.   President McVey presented
to the Committee the following list of appointments and resignations,
which on motion, was approved as presented:


     Appointment of A. L. Darnell as dairy extension specialist,
Extension Division of the College of Agriculture, at a salary cf
$3,000 a yeer, effective July 1, 1920. or at such date as he may
report fcr duty.  He was graduated from Mississippi Agricultural
and Mechanical College with the degree of B. S. in 1914; he received
his M. A. degree in dairying from the University of Missouri in
1916.  For the past three years, he has been director of the
School of Agriculture at Stephenville, Texas.

     Appointment of R. H. Ridgell as chemist in the Department of
Fertilizer Control at a salary of $2,400 a year, effective at such
,date as he can report for duty.   He is twdnty-nine years of age,
and was graduated from Clemson Agricultural College of Soath Caro-
lina with the degree of B. S. in 1914.   He was research chemist
at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and instructor in
chemistry in the College of Agriculture, University of Arkansas,
which position he now holds.

     Appointment of Miss Generva Lipps as stenographer in ;'
Extension Division at a salary of $60 a month, effective      1,



    Appointment of Dr. Gerald Hoeft as assistant in the Department
of Veterinary Science at a salary of $1,600 a year, effective May 5,
1920, the appointment to be on a temDorary basis for the present.
Re is a graduatd of the Veterinary Department of the Iowa Agricul-
tural College and has Been praetising for one years.  The appoint-
ment may be terminated at eay time and is to require action if it
is continued after July 1, 1921,

     Appointment of Mrs. Roxl.e H. Ro.I;nson as clerk in the Depart-
ment of Feed Controc, Experiile:;. Ststion, at a salary of $80 a month
effective May 17, 1920O

     Appointment of E. j. Kii-at.rick, county agent. McCracken County,
Kentucky, as district age-lb Or the Western territory with headquar-
ters at Paducah, the arra-z.gements to be temporary.

     Appointment of Alered I{. Blastock as extension specialist in
marketing to assist in giving demonstrations in the method of market-
ing wool, grading, etc., the appointment to be made effective at
once and the rate of payment to be $7.50 a day, his services to ex-
tend over a period of twenty-five or thirty days as they may be re-

     Appointment of Ross Taylor as county agent, Washington County,
Kentucky, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, effective May 1, 1920,
for a period of twelve months.

-   Appointment of H. J. Childress as county agent, Carroll County,
Kentucky, for a period of two months and nineteen days, at a salary
of $200 a month, effective April 12, 1920.

     Appointment of David P. Morris as county agent, Owen County,
Kentucky, for a period of twelve months, at a salary of $175 a
month, effective June 1, 1920.

     Appointment of C. B. Ouckolls as county agent (colored), Carroll
County Kentucky, for a period of four months, at a salaxy of $100 a
month, effective May 1, 1920.

     Appointment of Gordon B. Vance as assistant county agen., Jeffer-
 son County, Kentucky, for a period of two months, at a sala2:y of
$133 1/3 a month, effective May 1, 1920.

     Appointment of Mrs. Octavia Evans as home demonstraL4.on agent,
Daviess County, Kentucky, for a period of twelve months, at a salary
of $150 a month, effective April 1, 1920.




     Resignation of Miss Anna F. Lockhart, nurse in the University
Dispensary, effective at the end of the year.   She resigns to take
up hospital work.

     Resignation of Oe I'HanlfIns, swine specialist in the Extension
Division, effective May i.6, HQ2O.  He leaves to acoept a position
with the United States Department of Agriculture.

     Resignation of J. R. Dawson, extension dairy specialist, effec-
tive June 1, 1920.  He rei.igns to accept a more remunerative posi-
tion with the Pennsylvania State College.

     Resignation of Miss Max-ila Lyman, clerk in the department of
Animal Husbandry, effective with the close of business, April 30,

     Resignation of Miss Minnie Parker Durham as district home demon-
stration agent, effective May 15, 1920.   The Committee passed a
resolution expressing appreciation of the valuable service which
Miss Durham has rendered to the University and to the State and in-
structing the Secretary of the Board to convey this information to
Miss Durham.

     Resignation of Mr. Glen Hacker, inspector in the Creamery
License Section, effective May 31, 1920.

     Resignation of W. 'VI. Owsley, county agent in Washington County,
Kentucky, effective April 30, 1920.

     (15).Printing of Thesis of Mr. Commodore B. Fisher.   A communi-
cation from Dr. Edward Wiest was read asking that the thesis of Mr.
Commodore B. Fisher, entitled 'The National Farmers' Educational and
Cooperative Union", be printed.   On motion, the matter was referred
to the President with power to act.

     There being no further business, the Committee adjourned.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                              Wellington Patrick,

Secretary of the Board.


Missing report(s)