
                                       May 26, 192o

    President Frank L. McVey

         University of Kentucky

    My dear President McVey:

         The inventory of government ordnance now on hand amounts
    to $34,190.68.   Outstanding orders will increase this to
    $38,690.68. WUe are ncw carrying $20,000.00 insurance on
    this ordnance.   This was probably sufficient while the dtu-
    dents had the uniforms but the uniforms are now in and we
    have a risk rearly douLle the amount of insurance.   Will
    you kindly ref er this to the Executive Committee?

                                        Very truly yours,

                                             D. H. Peak,

                                                  Business Agent.

    On motion, duly seconded, the Business Agent was authorized to
increase the insurance on government ordnance to $30,000.

    (10 Report of State Fire Marshal.   President McVey presented
to the Committee an order from the State Fire Marshal for the in-
stallation of certain fire equipment in the various buildings on
the campus.   On motion, the matter was referred to the Superin-
tendent of Buildings and Grounds for report.

    (11) Application for Fraternity Building Sites. - President McVey
presented to the Committee the application of Mr. William Nisbet,
secretary of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity
for a building site for that organization for the erection of a
chapter house to cost approximately $30,000.   The President indi-
cated that he had the verbal application of at least one other
fraternity for such a site.   On motion, duly made and seconded, the
President was instructed to inform these fraternities that as soon
as they showed sufficient evidence of funds for the erection of such
buildings, the Committee would provide proper building sites.

     (12) Farm Boys' Encampment.   President McVey presented to
the Committee a communication from Mr. L. B. Shropshire, Assistant
Secretary of the State Fair Association, asking if the University
will continue its policy of making contributions for the Farm Boys'