
ilPiish Cart Derby
To Be Held Tomorrow


Derby Day UK stylo will bp tomorrow when
the fourth annual lambda Chi Push Cart Dei by
gets underway at 1:30 pm. on the Administration

Mntion WLF.X. who will announce the races to rhi
spectators over a public address system from the
Judges' table.
Judges for the originality contest are I Van I. I
Martin. Robert R. Mills. UK registrar; and Mi- I.ury Thompson from Stewarts. Their decision aV
to the winners will be final.
The Push Cart Derby Queen will be crowned Jml
before the first race and will reign over the afternoon. This year's queen will be crowned by Betty
Ciaskin. last year's derby beauty.
Candidates in the quern contest which was completed yesterday are. Fa ye Clibson. ATO; Joyce
neals. PSK; Margaret Hod'ukin. KKO; Joan Hazel-woo- d.
SN; Maxine Thompson. SX; Nancy Don
Freed. PKT; Oayle Schuler. KAT; Alice Hoggs. F1I;
Pat Long. TKK; Lonora Rogers. DTD: Sally Jo
Moore. ZBT; Helen Hoover. AOR; Pat Phelps. KD;
Carolyn Collier. XO; Carlene Mass. ACID: Pat Penny. KA: Carol Conrad. ZTA; Nelda Clarkson. SPF.;
Earlene Farrls. DDD; Sonja Danburg. ADP; Joyce
Ooff. KS: Joanne Wat.son. AZD; Joyce Ann Kane,
SAE; Helen Shuck. PDT; Jean Gover. Triangle;
and Greta Boswell. PKA.


This year's edition of the "push for prizes" will
begin with a gala parade through downtown Lexington at 12:30 p.m. During this parade the fraternity and sorority push cart entries will be Judged
for the originality contest. Prizes and trophies to
of both fraternity and
the winner and runner-u- p
sorority divisions will be awarded when the parade



arrives at the administration building.
A record number of 26 entries.. 9 sororities and
17 fraternities, will compete in the race
the circle. In the men's division the push carts will
start directly in front of the administration building and go completely around the circle with three
relay stations enroute.
The sorority races will begin half way around the
circle on Limestone and finish up in front of the
administration buildine. There will be three relay
stations for the girls also.
Officials for the races will be Bernie Shively as
the official starter, and Gig Henderson of radio




Kernel Kutic
With Spring; in the air, the thoughts of the male members of the Kernel staff turned to more than studies. As a result we're running a
Kernel Kutie each week for the rest of the semester. This week's
Kutie is Norma Jean Brandenburg. Norma Jean may pick up an
orchid from the Lexington Flower Shop, located opposite the Good
Samaritan Hospital.


Vol. XLVII University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., Friday, April 20, 195G



Third Party Formed By 10 Groups
Informal Rush
Banned By Dean

Jam Session

at the


sored by the Student Government Association, will be free to
all University students.






Groups in the party are Delta
Ton Delta. Kappa Sigma. Delta
Chi. and Sigma Phi Fpsilon fraternities, formerly of United Students Party: Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Delta Delta sororiLambda Chi Alpha
Fraternity, formerly of Constitutionalists; and Kappa Delta. Alpha
Xi Delta, and Alpha Gamma Delta
sororities, also formerly of Contwo; Commerce gains one; Edu- stitutionalists.
The organizations in a statement
cation gains .one; Engineering
gains two; Graduate School loses outlining their purpose, said that
one; and the Law School remains "every candidate for an SGA office should be chosen on basis of
the same.
Other vacancies to be filled are merit, regardless of affiliation, and
six in Arts and Sciences, two in should stand for the purposes of
Agriculture and Home Economics, SGA, not for individual gains."
After the announcement of the
three in Commerce, two in Education, four in Engineering, one ' third party was made, the United
in Law School, and two in Grad- Students Party voted to merRe
Constitutionalists. No
'with thecould be reached, how- -i
uate Scnooi.
Ten vacancies will be filled in ever, in a Joint meeting of the two
the fall election next December.
Sharon Miller was elected chairman of the new party in a meeting
Monday afternoon. Other officers
are John Darsie, assistant chairman; Nina Vann. secretary, and.
George Spalding, treasurer.




Andrch vs iaineat
UK's Entry In
Laurel Festival
val May



Assembly Members

The Student Government Association voted Monday night to
the number of representatives from each college according to present enrollment.
Under the accepted plan each
SGA member will represent 162
students in his respective college.
The Assembly will still have 30
The chances in the Individual
colleges are Arts and Sciences
loses one representative; Agriculture and Home Economics - loses









Big Show

26-2- 3.

The Mountain Laurel Festival is
an annual event held at. Laurel
Cove outside Pineville at which
candidates from each college in
Kentucky gather to compete for
queen of the affair. The girl who
is chosen is. crowned by the Governor and reigns for one year as
the most beautiful girl in Kentucky.
Last year Booker was chosen UK
May Queen and won the Sigma
Chi Best Dressed Contest. This
year she was selected as
Booker entered the University in
the fall of 1954 after having graduated from Stevens College. She is
a member of Kappa Kappa' Gamma sorority.





third major partv on campus the Students was iormcu
breakaway organizations from the United Students and
Constitutionalists, rarties early this week. I hey have announced that they will run candidates in the forthcoming May 9
Student Government Association elections.

Booker Andrews, a senior from
Russelville, will represent UK at
the 1956 Mountain Laurel Festi-

The crowning of "Miss Universe
of UK" will be the highlight of
the Cosmopolitan Dance to be held
from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Ballroom of the Student
Union Building.
The picture of the candidates
for the title have been sent to
Jeff Chandler, movie star, from
which he will choose the winner.
Attendants will be a Miss Asia, a
Miss Europe, and a Miss Latin-Amerito be chosen by the UK
students from each of these countries.
Following the coronation there
will be a floor khow of dances
given by UK students from

Iiharilcann will nil ,
..... f


Dean Martin

Dance To Be


at the jam session todi

Fraternities will not be allowed to participate in any kind
of informal rush next year, according to Dean of Men L. L.
Martin. Members of the Intcrfraternity Council were told of
this new ruling by Dan Woodward, chairman of the IFC Hush
Committee, at their meeting Tuesday night.
made the an
nouncement of the enforcement
of strict formal rush following a
recommendation from representative officers and members of the
rush committee of last year.
For the past lour years, only the
Initial fall rush programs have
been formal. This rush week was
followed ty optional informal rush
sessions, usually held during the
latter part of October and during
the first two weeks of the second
The IFC itself has made no ruling outlawing informal rush.
Regulations cf the IFC uotline
the procedure for formal rush, but
they do not provide for informal
rush periods. However, since the
inauguration of the formal rush
system in the fall of 1952, the IFC
has maintained one or more informal rush sessions each year.
JFormal rush requires all rushees
to register and also provides for
the calendar dates and length of
time ru.'hees may visit fraternities.
Informal rush is regulated by only
broad, general rules.

New Party To Enter
May 9 SGA Race


Right Down Our Alley", the
new Troupers Show will be pre-

sented Friday and Saturday April
20 and 21 in Memorial Coliseum.
Curtain time for the show is 8 pm.
clown acC
There will be a
starting at 7:30 pm.
All of the stage action take
alley in
place in a remote off-beNew York ' City. The show includes singing, dancing, comedy,
tumbling and an act by the
Troupers Adagio team. Also featured will be the new Trouper
orchestra in its first performance.
Tickets are $.75 for UK ktudent.1
and will be available at the door
or from any member. TTiere will
be no reserved .seats.
pre-sho- w



Push Cart Derby Queen Candidates

The Lambda Chi's annual push rart derby is scheduled for tomorrow
afternoon. Keignlng as queen will be one of 26 beauties. First row
(I. to r.l: Jean Gover, Helen Shuck, Alice Jean Boggs, Joyce Ann
Kane and Joann Watson. Second row: Sonja Danburg, Pat Phelps,
Earlene Farris and Nancy Don Freed. Third row: Joy .Moore, Faye
Gibson, Carolyn Collier, Joyce GofT, Carlene Hass, Helen Hoover and
Joyce Heals. .(Ten candidate Here absent when picture Mas taken.)
