strong. Emphasis was put on the show eases and retail counters. A11 et.
importance of each grower know- encouraging feature was that much  
ing his local insect and disease work on all of these lines was re- rt
problems and devoting time and ef- ported, and the producers and dis- (it
fort toward carrying out the best tributors both seemed to be grasp-  t in
possible spray program combined ing the idea that peach consump- W
with orchard sanitation, using the tion possibilities in the United ,t
t best materials available. States are almost unlimited if · it
housewives can be assured of get- ot
THE NATIQNAL PEACH ting :1 continuous supp y of ripe. F ti
, sound, high-quality fruit.
COUNCIL MEETING If you, as a grower, have not »  
p€§§rgr¤;$g;i=j;i§; <>;t3ii;t¤¤;Qg];3~‘’ SEE`? €i$$"'N*'$¤iii iiiiililiig em}?-l°1i   gi
gether at St. Louis on February 19, you Should do SO` ~ ll
20, and 21 for the Annual Meeting HOSE THINNING OF  _ ll
of the National Peach council. , =
Again, the organization fully meas- PEACHBS . ti
ured up to its record of service to KENTUCKY .._ 1945 V ll
the industry by facing squarely the Y , _  _' U
national oeaoh Situation trom the _\Ahilc various systems of hose, . tt
viewpoint ot all orooluoing diS_ stick, and pole thinning of peae_ht·s ` it
triotsh The greater need for Orgaii_ have been put ft)l`\\'Zll`(l from time . t
ized effort in the years immediate_ to time. it took tl1e llll'}.{C peach cron ‘ {
ly ahead, which are Certain to and acute labor shortage of ltlln . e
bring heavy peach ororlurtion and to bring this met_hod_ of Vthmmng t
a questionable eeonomie Situation into general practice in lxentucky. A c
WBS 1`€·COgl'liZ€d, and it was voted tg CQYlfl`_Ul1lCCl Willi il ll`(‘ll1Cl1(l0LlS thm· g
double eaeh States assessmehh ning job and with little or no extra L r
Tl1€ Council was very helpful in lilliilrlill T{?llllilg§`{'i*`)lr) SVQYETS ;;1<`C ether 1>l`=·¢¤<‘<· *><·i=¤¤#<~ T i
. . . ucv ia rea o 1 in reccn ar-
Congicti Wgh gh? Igatmnal m.dc` ticles in fruit papers and magazines 1 s
Ren en an C am`S Ore Orgamzéy describing hose thinning. Others `
SQQE m§g§i§i;ib1li·;;§,;?c;‘j)1;)0Yif $23; were acquainted with the method 1
t;;<=;,;;g 1946- but Mgmt me the ;l§L1°?§i£‘rt1.§’.§;.S0'l?.li1.S°;‘£.‘21’?‘§i.a‘1‘;"?; 1 i
' · t of Kentucky growers with " 1
The whole theme of the meeting   e to S its Ci hee thin, ¤ ·
centered around increasing peach nisgf p ach C p C h 2  
consumption by putting a better . 1·   · `
product in the hands of housewives. thilnlhenei i;,eC;eSintg?e;ti§lg\t§L§,e   ~ (
Toward this end, the need for high- almost ° every orenardtet nan`  
er quality hardy varieties of early Sneoial tyoe ot Stiek or nose or it l
to late ripening season zvas stressed. eoeeial way ot uttaehing the host.
Several States and the U· S· De' to the stick Most generallv used  ·
Pertment Of Agriculture are mak' was a light sprout about l inch} in I l
lng excellent progress m develop` diameter at the base. 1; inch at the
mg these new peaches Delayed top, and 4 to 6 feet long. To tl1e .
lgleggeig tg %ye greater meeumtydami smaller end was attached a piece of
'Y e e rm was S,1`€·SS<> H discarded stiff spray hose about 15
lenglh as 3 means Of gettmg better inches long. Some preferred te
guehty end. larger pmduetlon have the pole extend only 2 or 3 ‘
{Oper ehmrlmgi $011 me¤¤g€¤¤¤¤t» inches into the hose, others for it
€fm1Z¤¤¤¤»1¤$·¢¤t¤¤d dlseese cen' to extend inside to within 3 or 4 _
trol} Fareful _PlCkmg» P3Cl$mg» and inches of the far end of the hose.
carrymgt gulek pYe'C0Oh“g? émd Still others used sticks slightly
gjgg;¤tai;<§1v§;};;Sggil algtgethslglgst sharpened, with me mp to or iz
2 ` inches wrapped with innertube
Beedfor better ventilated and non'- String or insulating tooo For the
rulsmg types Of eentemers Of,pe" low limbs some used the short sec- ,_
haps dlfferent Sizes was 1>¤1¤t¤