6 (llil'<'l(l((I` N1;. 7:7
SYSTEM OF l<`IililllN(l S'l`lClCl{S i\\'1ll·]l{~l·] (`ORN (lll S11];. i11u
(llllY)l Sll1.\tll·I IS l·])ll’l.()Yl·}l). y1·1
. . 1l:11‘
I11 1111tl111111g :1 S}`Sl<‘lll ol l'(‘t‘tllll§.l', thu Zlllllllllll 11t' >il;1g,·1,,1 my
llillltl Slllllllll l11- ¢‘Slllllillt‘llt1lllt·.·1~1·~i .,.` 1 y
l)l'C\'lUllSl}' 1-:111-11 L'|llltlllSl‘l‘ll 1m-:1l. th1-y will 1-111111- 1111 t~1tL2
Il‘Ollg'l1 illlll 1-at whilc the (llll(‘l'S 1`t‘l1lillI1 l.1:11·l;. At s111·l1 :1 tig:
it is easy to O\'Cl'—l`UC(l thc t`1-w that <·:1t. -\s Stltlll :1s;1iEiQi-
stccrs :11*0 eating thc ll1l'2ll. whi1·h Nlllllllll l11· i11 1h·- l'(}lll.>l\  
01* thrcc days, lll(‘l`t‘2l¥L‘ thc :1111r11111t Ql\'(‘ll 111 |lllO 11111111·i {-I
head, p1-1* day. llllll llll*l`C2llill‘l‘ lllt'I't‘ilSt‘ it ;fl'iltllI;lll_\' 1-1‘1-1‘jrf·‘l
days so that i11 Ill) ll2l}`S` thm- lllt'_\' will l)t‘ g·1~1ti11;· iijl 111-`1ill·
1101 l1L‘kl. whi1·h Elllllllllll Slltllllll l.11- 1··1111i:.`;·‘~1
1111til the- stm-1·s are sold. (S1-0 T:1l1lc 1.)
At tho and of 60 days shclll-d COl‘1l is i11t1·1*1d111-ml i111·1 die
1‘21ti<111 at thc l`2llC of 3 ])l)llll(l$ pl‘l‘ head, daily, tllltl g·1·:11l11;1Y}‘