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§ `“:;‘’   ’‘;‘` " p Q by rtw t~M~·
 ‘ Deans
. Professors
 i :\ssoci;tlt· l’it
 i Assistant l’rt
 Q y i _ A `-` A lll\ll`llllUl\
_.  REPORT TO THE ALUMNI   8.’r1rt· l’.\'l'lil
  _ l)ll’l.()\l.\(
  ‘ J. (loininertc v
ii;  t i . tember, 1958
  A University is a dynamic institution 2.COI.DSTR1£.-\M lf .·\ R NI , Z1 l`iC11 ' otlering snr!
.   and changes and innovations should Bluegrass farm of 1,067 acres, was ¤ , States,
F  always be taking place. However, there purchased for an experimental farm   9 Tl y PR ) _
z   ` seem to be certain periods when even for the College of Agriculture in E   _   ('
 Q, more activity than is normally true is 1957. The addition of this farm has _‘ iLi\_5l()
»   underway, The period from Septem- enabled the College of .»\griculture   lq“g*uH’°d
 g· ber, 1956, to the present; seems to be to increase the allocations for the 4 ifilflj]" (°"‘_°
  such a period of time. It is impossible various departments as follows;   Misilglluinlu
 E to list all of the changes which have .·\gronomy`s acreage has increased  7*  glehlim UH"
 _. occurred and the new programs under- in the l)2lS[ five years from 85 to  ` * icmlh
r, way, but the following will serve as 190.2. Animal Pathology now has 10. The Rl·jSl·Q‘
if _ ~ examples 0f the manner 111 which th€ l40.9 \\'l1Cl`€IlS in 1952 it l`t2l(l Ullly :;_ cum l{l.;N·\·[t(;K\‘ IAIIXIE y{[~ the Vnirerci
y University of Kentucky has moved for- 7.5 acres. Beef cattle acreage has mh C_,,,r,li$],,.,] 2,, \\·,,\.,.r;,,,,; rate. ilihrrn
I   ward in the past four years. increased from 120 to 820.8, while (hir wm. h,,m,._ l,,,,,,,.,r ,, search l·`r»nn
' • ` l)airy has increased from 105 to 699 Higrm. Mm R,mr_ '[hie H tlepartnrermr
y   ` _ l."1`he MEDICAL CENTER, includ- acres. Entomology which had no api"., with thc mlm,. m,,_,,_ contracts ;n·
Q   ing the Colleges of Medicine, Den- acreage in 1952 now has 25 acres, mc ?,u“Pm_ \`.ill ,.,mm,. ,r,. 500.000 for
    A tistry, and Nursing, and the Uni- Forestry research land has increased \.,.,.`i,\. r),.m.,. U, [umu he ry l10\v in pro;
_ _; versity Teaching Hospital, has from 4.7 acres to 204.7, while Horti- M lhé l)1.mc(.,m. Ur \.,Il,,,,r,], _ y
i f i reached the stage in its develop- culture has moved from 23.7 to 64.7 or l,iSm,.i(.ul \,;,lUC_ H‘i1h° UDIY
 ,   . ment where the first class of medical acres. In this hve year period Swine f““`° %""‘f`1¤
;   students began their work in Sep- acreage has increased from 23 to ·l. ()l·`l·`-(i.·\Ml’US (1liN’l`lil{5  m (l“*l'“"l`
Z   tember, 1960. This $28,000,000 118. Poultry has increased from berland, ,-\slrland, lIemlt·r~··t lm '“"""*‘
j  `_ ’ structure, operating with a budget 18.5 acres in 1952 to 89 now, while Knox, and liliyalyetlrtown ltztl mms m_92U
 ' ii.  of over $3,000,000 from state funds, Sheep acreage has jumped from authorized or est;rl»lisIrc