[F f h
l i  ;  _ _
 bc cnmllittg approynnately 2.000 l¤~lt<·l1,¤‘¢ttltj. .\ new Departntccnt of locker room building with handball
‘ `ic"]'()ll|]]L'l]l ts oyer lilllll- l‘l(llU‘-S'} RY i~ being established courts, therapv rooms, and offices,
.   . . _ ·`; Will). I
ajfhg $']`lll)I·.Y\l l’»()l)\ ol tlte llnt- mh I IH (I V .) y ." I , T _ v_
versity ol liellillt ls}’ l\i¤* l¤¤<¥"*`i*“'*l lii. 'I`ltc· student news ia ier 'l`l·ll·` }{l·"¥— Ji Al (iixliui U'S ILAA pm-Icumg Cam.
rf RW] _] s(~)mHlm_ Um; m I _ V M V y y vly ] . . -. p us )u1lc11ng development for the
  yonty .-.» `tt · I Q T- ·· ll (ilyl |yl·.RY\l·.l.. has been ex- next decade has been completed
t ]()_l3;l_ tn Sc·pteutb¤‘l. WJU- pandecl lrottt a onc·-per-week issue by Hare and Hare, Planners, with
  6;ThC (;()Mm,,l_lN(; (;l_.N.l.|_;R' (_`_ to lotu issues pc·r week. the cooperation of the Campus
` lalilisltc-cl in NSS. bas grown in M.-l—|H_|h\N(;l,4\(;l4.I y\B()R'\,l_()RY l)l?*¥l¤111;; Committee of the Uni-
gmportttttte attcl use. lbis center II"` IMM (__l_||)li;l‘;(l `cmfinr ‘i"”'*}`·
, ._ _. V _ _ · . g our
(`“**l’l"* {hl) l lmcljmalhmulihl {hl owtt students attcl tlte community 22- SC"C"i*l (‘¤¥l|¥llU€€> which have pre-
tiseyctl tlte IBN-l ball (ttvlltlllllivlt ill lh “-(.||_ i yiously been administrative com-
Pty|·[m·ttt Alllllllllliyllll ll"?-Util lll -l - mittees have been Changed to FAC_
wttle y·artc·ty ol lteltlx ln. lil`l`|}§li£|lll\ lot thc· preparation ol ULTY COMMITTEES, thus giving
7·SMh»\RH·,S Ol: l4,·_\(,l,l'.l.\. mcmr l   \(.lll·.l{S ()l·` l·.Xt1l·Ql"l`l()N.~\l. tlte laculty greater opportunity for
bers haw Yiwu ;lI)lm_(i:lI)h during clnlclren have been inaugurated. participation in University affairs.
this four yc·ar period. as inclicatecl lg-l·l](_ Ummm W. ,A, ry. _,_, _)_ ,_ I _ _ _ _
tt ttt · ·»tt· »——» ttm ~»··t·~·· at ··e¢   or .s..t,sist.'{?‘.I..Qil‘;IT”ltLE "‘ lfiit;?};§.t“f}E.‘..;Z?i‘3.$1§Z.l‘Z?pl1Zi
Xlmlll MW" ttnclc·r l(L.\ sponsorship. has been gills campaign with the goal of
liétliytflg lT;:»l(¤;Pl expanclecl to include agriculture as $25U.()|ll) almost realized. ln addi-
-*5**Y*t — ’ ·’ well as c-nginc·c·ring and related sci- tion. tlte Alumni Association has
Deatts Sll.000 Sl·l.$l00 t·ncc·s. .\ contract with (}uatemala contributed four S500 research
Prolessors $.2120 l0.—ll0 is also itt operation. awards to outstanding faculty mem-
Assot-i;ttc· l’rolessot~ liflllil $.230 \_ ll PH\_Sl(_ U l_\(_H l_1_u_S I bers for the past three years.
Assistant l’rol`essors 6.070 7.2.0 /· * ~ ·- -   - .   tic
lmtmttttt-c j_2lll ci,l20 l'¤¤l\<‘1`~il}· in aclclition to the tre- 2·l.'l`he ALUMNI SEMINAR, a djs.
ntendous Nleclical (Ienter >lant. has cussion session of two or three da *s
B.'l`lte l’.\"l`l`liRs()N S(Zll()()l. ()l·` constrttctecl Sltawneetc>wn.la $2.000.- duration. has been held for thrge
Dll’l.()\l.\(]\' attcl ltttc·rttational 000 housing unit lor 185 married years. with topics centered about
(Zonnnerce was c·st;tblisltecl itt Sep- tottples; lloltnes llall. a residence crucial issues of the day such as
tember. ISGS. one ol the live schools hall lor 300 women: tltc· 55llll.O()(l comtnunications. the U.S. Constitu-
ollering sttch work itt tltc· l'nitecl tlollege ttl l’ltartttacy liuilcling: anci tion. and our American heritage.
States. ten lraterttity and sorority houses. This seminar has brought real dis-
\l‘l`\lll*’ as clcr U i`-· i ‘ Y`? · - ` ` l `· ' · " -
mc ¤*¤<<><=¤<·~~¤ <>·-i <=¤·1¤¤·l¤<-¤- .t ....   t,. ...{.l't`.'tE`,.`.T"tlIZZ,,§.L‘Z..$fII IIIZT?"   mi   °f "““
“I`¤N**<’N<·* ¤*M`··i*<··*~*¤>‘* ~‘=·   t......t.`t».» t .... t—t»tt»tt attrtt-ttt ttsttstttg "
reorganizecl and tlte l·ixtendc·cl l’ro- l)mi(_(l will] 225 mms was (_(mi_ 25.GRADE STANDARDS for stu-
grants concept has been developecl. )l(_u_(l in [ho hu Oi- 1,),,6 dents have been raised to assure
strengtltening to a signilicant cle- I i " ` those interested in this institution
grce tlte oll-cantpns artn ol` tlte l'ni- tg tht. l,,tt,,“-mg ];|_'llAI)]N(;S in-C that students are working as nearly
versity. mm. Ciltwl- in lh, l,l,,m,mg Slug,. up to the level of their abilities as
10.Ttt¤ tu·;st·1.utc;n t·tc;t<.yxt ttl "‘i ""‘l"" “"""""‘“"“ is P°”ibl€‘
\[l`~ thc University has grown at a rapid (ihetnistry—physics builclittg Eli. (Z.-\RN;\l·lAN HOUSE, a self-sus—
nttl. rate. 'lhrough tlte lientucky Re- (Zollege ol (Zomtnerce taining faculty-alumni house and
xl tt Search l·`ounclation and tlte rc·gular l.ibrary adclitiott club. has been in operation on
sttxz dcpartmental research programs. Student l'nion Building aclclition (Ioldstream Fartn for three years.
Nt]- €0llIl‘:tc`ts and grants totaling   llormitories (l\\`0l thus giying at nominal cost the
~tltt 500,(lllll lor tlte lSl5€l-00 year are l'ni\ersity 'l`eaching Hospital opportunity for club membership
;s ltr 110win progress. _ to faculty and alumni and their
uhh l$l. lhe l'Nl\'l{RSl`l`\` PRESS ltacl plmilicg
ll.The UNl\'l£l{Sl'l`\` l.ll5l{.\Rll·]S gained nationwide recognition lor _
h?iV€ gl`0\\’lt not only in cptality lntt its excellent pt1l>lic`:tliotl$. The Ctlil- 27· $l‘U\DLETOP EARAI has been
{gl; in qlliilllily its well. The holdings ing and publishing ol tlte tc?tt— lluliiilulxml as im mlicsuncnb bl, rhs
..,-.,,t· have iltcreasecl lrotn 690,000 vol- voltttne set ol llenry Clay papers l‘C"““`kYR€$€*‘Yf`l‘F9““$lim9“·a“Y
`hm. UIUCS l0 l'i2ll.ll(l(l clnring the periocl is ol great sigItillc`4\llc`¢‘. hmds to be Iicahzefl m_l[s dlsposal
ml. - from 1956 m 1960. V y y { to be used for University projects.
T hg 20. New .\`l`lll.l·]'l`l(Z l‘l{.\(lll(1l; I·.·\- .»\ portion of the farm is to be de-
Iwl2. Departments ol .·\GRl('1Ul.'l`UR.\l. (1ll.l`l`ll·ZS ltaye been completecl. yotecl to the development of the
it ttt ENGINPZERING and (Il-lliMl(].\l. giving aclecptate space for [our University of Kentucky Spindletop
htatti ENGINl·ZliRING have been estab- lootball lields. a ttew track. two Research Institute and Park.