_sity whith atteunpts to atttatt an 1\llllIlIIl S(‘llllIli|l\. an <-xptrtitneut in interest of the two groups might be
tantling l.1tult1_ l11 .111 elltut In toutiutiittg t~1l111;1tio11 tl1;1tl1t1s11ot<111l1 enjrited.
t the l'11i\1·tsi11 ol Keiittitky to lountl g(’lll‘lJIl appmxxtl :11111111;.; the lll order to obtain funds for activat-
in its gootl tt·a1l1<*1s.1111l to t·n11»u1 altuuni. but whit I1 has btuugltt dis- ing and tletnrating the niansion. Presi-
- them i11 wtititng and l`('\(‘ill(ll, 1l11· llII\¤‘ ·•1<’ ·1ll¤‘1i11;:, \lllllllll `•(‘llIlllill' pmgiuiins %·51l,t|.1lit1l1 lI·l* ]1|i`\<‘lll¤‘il lllérlnllu. ;:11(lZlllUI1 has been the capital gifts
hnamul In my Ummm lsuml lln,,Hgh \l‘\\l¤l\\Il l’1L<. ll('Q|l l.t#sing11»n. known tanipaign inztugtirated in June 1959
annual ghmgv as l·*¤lll*ll('.|lll l‘_.lllIl. lor tl1t· ptirposo and known as the .\lUlHIll Century
#4 ·»I lll(ll'.|\lllQ_ tht- l4Ill\<'l`~lI\ ol lien- (Ilub.
`   .\l·l`NlXl *l‘Z\ll\-\R* lll(ls\~\ l.11n1 lioltliugs, The L`niversitv ol lientucltv will be
At thc stunt- llllll' the l·.1tul1x \\\.Illl ou (l()l(l\ll`(`lIlll llNIxt·;11‘s old i11 l965 and v0urAlun1ni
program was llllll.lll‘ll. lll(‘ \llllIllll \s- 1.11111. 11l1i1l1 had bt~1·u 1»ttupit·d lor six lixetltitive (lotnniittee. with the hope
s0(i;1lilll)$[3Il[lZll (OH[1'll)ll[lOl"I
University gr.1tlt1.111·s and lUl`lll('l ~lll- l4IIl\t‘l~ll\`~ and the \llllllIll ,\~~<1tl.1- to the institution upon the occasion
dents a §[ll]llll.lllllQ opptitttttiitx to 1io11`~ .111~\\<·1 t·»tl11·11¤·t·tll·»1 :111 .·\lun1- ul her tentennial, asked President
keep abreast ul lll<>(li‘lll sti1·util11 and Ill·l‘l.I(l|ll\ (.l’llll‘l wl1t·1‘t· both groups Djtltq in Mit-jeg 35 [O [hg {gpm in
""" gultural (lC\L'll)I)Illt'l]l\. \llUll\Ul`(`ll and Illlglll gel t··gt·tl1<·1 lot wtiill llll1llS whith a tangible gift may be presented,
l"l‘~ linantetl tht- hrst ol .1 ¤l'l`l(‘\ nl ;1|11111;1l .|llll |lll'l`llll!* Lilltl \\`llL‘1`t‘ il\L' KUHIIIWU His suggestion that we adopt 21 [wo-
fuld purpose for the fund-raising carn-
\l I- paign has been followed to the letter.
MIN ;_ALUMN| SEMINARS tal He requested that the tangible
4 gilt take tl1e lorni ol an .·\lL1IIlIl1 Cen-
liililmw gap ter where visiting alumni would have
|\_"lw_ er: an 1111-ll]g badly needed space 111
Hm" `   . ‘ ` ‘ the Student L`nion. a11d where meet-
"l""'   -` __   » _ ing ruuins would be ztvztilable to fae-
""`     _ H , 5 _' `   ·_ ultx and student groups. (bl President
"' ·l l" Q   ie. _     Xe 5} /`   1)it`Lt·1· then suggested that lll the
‘l|l\ l` .. i i'   A   si .     - tampgiign we Cllll)llll>l]€ not 0Ill\‘ lllff
l‘·"i   ly; `   g` W     building prugrant b11t additional- sup-
"" "l`   l¤—¤§-ry “` _. - iiii ii silt.; purr lor the variotts ongoing projects
Ml"` B,             i ol the _\ssut`i11titu1. suth as the Semi-
I lim"     ‘ ,       nars. liacttlty Awards and Scholarsliips.
"` "l"` ·   Lili. _ L ji at,   2 ii` ___,   and additiuual tinautial support where
ml "'l`       -— · _     and wlien the lil1l\`t‘l`>ll§` licels the need
ll l"‘l"   _,   =‘°   l i Q  lor [unds not llllIllClllll[Cl§` z1\‘11il1lble
·l" ""‘l I .Q¤_;fl:il*¥R·;ii¥` `    Q lmin the budget. This has been the
""l‘ "l'   iii i   ii 4,   1   ‘ pmgrani ul the Altuuni (Zentttry Club.
"|""""l infix} _&__ __   [     11·I1ei·t·in we aslsctl at least 500 zthunni
"'ml"H`   { 1`»   `  `*-  X; ;` i   and lrieutls ol the l`ni\ersity to ton-
>2—i’»2lm { -1 jsl       i·   li`} tribute Slllll il year lor l:1\`t‘ \C1l1`>. \\'lIll
  V it     `     the luipt- ul` reatliing our $230.000 goal
·l*  e  {  " `    lit \$1tifi_ 'l`u date. alter thirteen
'*`·"l"l`   ` "`l `i_,. ‘ {   fg;     mtintlis ol appeal and solicitation, we
·""l ll" ;•_i`__,   __    if KT Q  i l`, i°*' ·»     latlt il])[)l`U\lIllillt‘l\' l2 nieinbers to
ll<'lll ol i `     ` i i `