clear he certainly didn’t invade Kuwait serving way using television t0 provide ` D
to hel the Palestinians. That was a information to each sides res ective cit-
P P l
Ile'; My Brother post-hocjustification. He’s a very prag- izens as well as attempting to influence [2
matic and foxy guy. —]o/m Stemple, Pal- public opinion. — Douglas A. Boyd is tt
"I'm slttln there ln the · · · · · A
9 lerson School rjlhplomazy and Interrlalzon- dean of the College of Commumcatzons. He p
mud'. °* um nigh, looking al Commerce is a former career di 1l0ma/ has lived and worked in the Middlelfr sl his
atthe'I'VandI'mthlnkIng _ _"` _ ’_ I ’_l ' `“ __   " al
ho umu hav, b°°n m. and wlth exten.s2veex]1e12en1’ezrzl/ most recent vzszl bemgfrom December 27, g;
I could have been hInp,” 19901v]cmuarv 3, 1991. I C;
Kenny Walker told Mlke ; SI
I·\•PI¢¤» ¤ ¢°I¤¤‘I¤I|I I°' TM Q. Is television an insfrumenl I te
N°"°"°'° ui Imp, wanmng in the war‘·‘ Q Would ou ex Iain chemical l
TV thlnklng about Jerome. ° ' oy P , C‘
But at the same tlme I kept _ _ _ w°“P°“$• “ tl
tlglnlglng qbout me qml how A. Prior to the war, television, and I [ d—
I||¢I¢Y I ¤¤\· YN! knew IWW think I really mean CNN here because A. There are basically two kinds of W
I°°kY I wl" I° I’° h°"' wl"' it can be viewed by satellite in the Arab chemical agents, and both are to be dis- y(
u hh"' ii"' b-da",-"° "°w world was *1 ver ¤ im ortant di lomatic tin uished from biolo ical a ents The  
lucky I was to get spotted ’ " ‘ _l P P _ _ _ g _ g g ' » C‘
¤' - Proluglolu camp and channel. That is to say, and simplify it first chemical agents are the nerve I [}—
got out of Roberta that way. perhaps alittle too much, Saddam I·Ius- agents and the second are mustard   Vc
B•¢¤||¤• ll I h¤dn’t Q¤II'•|\ sein and George Bush were using tele- agents. Nerve agents work by inhibiting }
“‘° °I'°“°° I° 9° '° °°"°9° vision to communicate about certain an important human enzyme that is in- H;
b°"“”° °* b¤’k°“,."' I matters intentional] J intendin to volved in the transmis ion of el t `cal
would deflnltely have gone " _ _ l _ g _ S _ _ CC H T
In", nn munaryl nlm, as communicate unintentionally. CNN impulses alonganerve as itimpacts the E U
my brother." was becoming an increasingly diplo- muscle, or even between nerves. Let me i ag
IN¤II¢•|‘ •¤I¢I hc 9!'¤W UP matic channel circumventing the tradi- give you an example —— ifa cobra snake y OI
'd°"'l”9 J°'°°'”°° tional way that diplomats communi- were to bite a person that same enzyme   3
An". high umm" J°r°m° cate Since the war started and I don’t is inactivat d and th rs ’ l l
played basketball, brlofly, ' _ _ ‘ ’ C G P9 OH S musc €S’
gu. Mud'. 6,,,9;. (dbg, mean the invasion but the actual war, once contracted, stay contracted. The Tg
In Cochran, Ga. Desert Storm, television has become enzyme that was blocked by the nerve l th
`I`I\•¤, ¤|\• •I¤Y I\• ¢I•¢I¢I¤¢I more than a reflection of activities, it agents normally helps the muscles to   as
. . . . . >
I° I':" {hz A"”Y' h ' has become a participant. The cover- relax once the nerve impulse is Stlmu- 1 ar
e us camo ome o .
hu mo In was slung up Hm age that wc arc all aware of by CNN in lated. So you can see what would hap—   P,
hu"}: M, m°|.h°,.' °|. M., Baghdad prior to being cut off was a pen 1f a person breathed in this agent E al-
Walker, told The National. erfect exam yle of that. I mean both and then couldn’t ex and and contract a
P _ l P ,
;'II• $¤I¢:(»I 'Mrmmn. ¢¤I||'$•| sides are in an honest way and in a self- the diaphragm. You die quickly. The m
was ta ng n co egol
could lust as easy take In :_._;_;_,, _ 4, _, » _ l f"
the servIco.’ 'l‘hat was that,  ` · _   , 151
and off the boy wont." ..·fé$4·t*?v=»-.£?`·§$Fi »2’3£’%}:,’· "*·; in- I S(
.. .>» 1: -»#i·$=;·.n•$:>·..?€?~=-.;‘£~?=:. ·- ;¢>k$?*···   ·*.=’· t `
When Jerome came home .5 if§,’—`;·%§% ‘>¥“`°Vf'Zk;·:<€?i“`   ,,_·f:‘#-F5' "‘s.%§.'?·’e··z ,
,     ..,:=»<»2e&¤%*Z3I<’£ 4<;:%1·.·‘·. t E
on leave, Kenny s eyes Ilt up. ;_.-,._.3;g;;,,;_§1,.;§?.§.,£g,£·§,V _._;._:·.  .,,,__¥' A W:. ·,,_-:;gt,;,_; .`g:a.:?.3.q.%§.y,_y,'; U ,
"Jerome used to come  §};Z:1_§§j!§_*·§,·?§·;§:,i¤3.’;;§§§‘=;';§ · ‘   i._ _.;-—»-:4;.-<_g_Z‘;__.`·   Q
'}¤:i'£}¤`£¤-’.~ ,·r•lZS},$3i»€%‘_   _.¤1‘¤Q,¤"%I‘. nj'-! ` ¤;$&'ie.···i 1   .— ·_ ·"Til -  ’  ~ " - Of
-;._ . ·, . _ _ r. _ . _ ,-‘· ___   -· :_ >_` '  ·:§,`_ .. L '
-— Kenny Wo/ker is 0 former UK bas-   ~   B"' °" tl'? selldl   =»-we fj-_.;· .;_ ‘.. . **1 _ ‘ ~ Q ab
kerba//AN-American now Ia in with iivlilgiliycli E"!. ` I Aréipy desert     —' `i"A~;?     * ' I 7"· l lu:
fh N Y k K . k P Y 9 ;;46¤i•s;g|* Wter .,l__°II‘\I§‘\!!I'IY`WfI$‘ 1     r   · 1 .   s ‘ I ’ ·
8 ew er mc S" Jjijlijto drinking   S -set§s§rby,Kon¤  _. 4,., __,   A   er- '_   _ ‘ ' TV
’>‘*"!l°*’*9* “·$» e4.·Y`Z·**@§?‘F‘3I.7?!*YF*·i*i‘·‘Fer {1*   ei IY] ¤ -— . -
;¤£·cé¤rs.`=¥f= ¤·i¤é·f 2`1Q¤;¤i*%=zf·!!¤•¤·€;i.   ~ 1;   ir ;> abi- Q:Z'Y°Q.   . at
;3.¢ame°utIageg¤ets_’?;LilgtacIiment.   . "   _ I ·- ·¢r ; »;}¢E-i.§;-·@?t;   ¤ _
S l§t·ntu<‘kv .·\Iunn1us Spying ]99] Sp