Robert Kevin Absher '87 is a me- Jimmie A. 0'NeaI '88, a Na 'I‘in
chanical engineer with the Common- seaman, has completed recruit train- for
i ,   _g_,_;.__   wealth Aluminum Corporation. He ing at Recruit Training Command, Or- and
  __ ‘ W   lives in Owensboro. lando, Fla. Md
{ .>,, V   Spa
  * _ — "` ‘`.‘ il  ·_.. , . .
  ,3;, 4     . John Ma or Bradford '87 works as Jettre S. Thomason '88 is an
l·*£»·’/.—i. '¤   '    <   N y
  1 IE,   manufacturing engineer with the Boe— equity analyst for Hilliard-Lyons in
.2** .,,; {iz?. . ` 4 ...___ .·ff:;_  ._ . . . . .
 Tg;    _,,,   __ ,.  gg, ing Company Commercial Airplane Louisville. I S
, ..-·    "   _   I   Group in Wichita, Kan. · i T
    —·.,.  .  `   ` Michael A. Hornbeck '88 is an en- Mia
i'  Q’  ‘    Shannon S rauer '87 is the s irits si n in the Nay . He is assi ned to the tem
li`z~@ a%t·?&’f·-{ “’ `7    P P g ry g .
  ° "        on-premise market supervisor for the Precommissioning Unit, fleet ballistic , I-Ie,
 i l    ” ‘ _ i`  southern California and southern missile submarinejefferson City, based
A   Nevada sales territory for Brown—For- at Newport News, Va. , Ana
man Beverage Company. worl
Capt. Gregory Waldon Timothy J. Laubenthal '88 is a fi- gy R
Brinsr hiv HPPPY *9 Guy M. O'Neal '87 is a December nancial account analyst for the Cleve- n
"l°'°°m 1990 raduate of the Southwestern land Clinic Foundation. He lives in Tod
g . .
Glwgory ul-ld". ,18 G ux Baptist Theological Seminary 111 Fort Lakewood, Ohio.  
mllltary sclonco Instructor, W0Yth» Texas- 1  2 °°
locturos his classos on his Kevin M. Grebe ' 88, ’ 89 is a sys- ,  
P•"°¤¤l •¥P•|'l’¤¢•F °'l l’l\• Robert D. Phillips '87 is an ensign tem analyst for the Computer Re- <    
Am°'l°°n uv" w°"" in the Navy. He received a master of sci- sources Corp. in Louisville. ;
Waldon has boon a mombor d f h . . f 1
•t ¤ Clvll War rs-•n¤¢nn•n• CPC? Cglfic mm t ‘f` lJ"‘V€““Y O _ _ f
snmp ·Inc• ·|gy3_ Cincinnati in 1989 andjomed the Navy Garnett P. Furnlsh Jr. '89 IS an ac-
Ilo says that wlthout in April,1990. count representative for N.A.C.M. in .
rosoarch and a script, tho Loujsvillc j as aj
M“°'l°°l b°"l°° w°°ld °nd Angela G. Collier ' 87 is an account Q
In chaos. Last October ono ot . . . , . :
“‘• I-._g°“ umm-I banks manager for Guernesey Sales, Inc. in I·Ioll| Belinda Noel 89 IS a sales { And
. Louisville. re resentative for Brown & Williamson l ond
was commomoratod In Por P ,
ryvlllo whoro tho battlo was Tobacco Corp. in Tampa, Fla. She lives   the k
|'•P"¤*l¤¢•¢l l• ¤* l•¤¤* IW"' Deanna Brashear Katko '87 is a in Ft. Myers. é
:;::’ ::°m' 5:::: :l:‘;l:l° senior tax associate with Coopers 84: Ly-   Lori
m•n':•'°'_· and uudhnca °' brand in Lexington. She and Nicholas Gary A Vllright. '89 is production   in th
abou, ·|g’°gg_ unr, as Glo'. S. Katko '8'I, '83 were married 1n engineer with Union Carbide Chem1— Tarr;
as wo can got to a Clvll War july of 1990. He is accounting manager cals and Plastics, Inc. He lives in Rock-  
bil"' ‘*'"l'|°“' P•°Pl• UW"' with E.D. Bullard Co. in Cynthiana. port, Texas. l Jear
ally gottlng kIIlod,” Waldon 3 is an
says. “'I'ho domonstratlon . , . _ . . , l
allow, umhnn io so- ""*_ John D. Griggs 88 is a sales repre- Daniel J. Itewnlde 89 works for i lice c
1 . “ sentative for Standard Re ister in Ft. the Presb terian Church USA as staff
hand what wo vo boon talk S Y
lng about. You can road Myers, Fla. accountant in Louisville. He recently Karc
PIN"' " * Y"' N"' "lk became engaged to Tina Murphy f `joine
ab"', I" I"' ull, 'l'°‘" lu" Clark Gross '88 is a development '9D. No wedding date has been set. Cres.
how cornpllcatod lt was to .
was- . uv" war ba"'. brands market supervisor for Brown-
w.|g,n and .n°g|,,, Forman in the northern California sales Susan A. Smith ' 89 is an auditor for Micl1
toachor, Capt. Chuck Parkor, territory. He is based in San Francisco. the U.S. Department of Agriculture in ed th
toach ono class drossod as LOuiSVi]]€_ [hg p
°’l’°°l”9 °°H°" °' "'° cl"' Kerry Steven Bohannon '88 ° Cent·
War to domonstrato tho k_ I. l B _. C C D .d w C ul ,89 k_ f h .
VI"'. and dr-,. °, nl. ·•I_ wor   or tie oeuig .ompany om- av! . a ers wor s or e is
gh'-, ag gh., nm, g, gh. mercial Airplane Croup II1 \/VlCl11[2l, Merck Sharp Sc Dohme as a representa- y staffl
class. Kan., as a manufacturing engineer. tive in pharmaceutical sales. He man- J profe
_ ages a territory that includes 17 coun- i
ties in Kentucky and Tennessee. Q Stepl
l an au
= fense
28 Kvrittirky Ahmimis Spring 1991 i Spring