Tina Shah Adams '89 is working
for the Exxon Com an ’s real estate
and engineering division in Baltimore,
Md. Recently married, she lives in
Sparks, Md. b
Ro ot 'Ib See.
~ Tim Weatherford, a senior computer science maior at the University of Kentucky, was
Mitllllel W. Bbwllllg '9O is a sys- given a "dead" robot to fix as part of his co-op job with NASA Langley Research He
tems designer with South Central Bell. ml Only llxfid ll- he Save li Sight-
. HC lives in Louisvilla For his efforts, Tim won NASA‘s Superior Accomplishment Award, becoming the first person
other than an experienced full-time engineer to do so.
What Tim did was to devise an infrared and ultrasonic sensor system that gives the robot
Anunllhu R' selihuralnen '9° the ability not only to see up to six feet, but to judge distance. He is now working on a video
works fer the Center fer Applied Ener- camera to provide the robot with o ··iitimtiti eye:-
gy Research at UK. Tim's system, destined to become an important part of Space Station Freedom, will enable
, .   robots ro perform jobs in space too dangerous for astro-
Todd Gruybeul :9° is the Product     nauts. On liarth, it could prove helpful to the visually
  ,E ,_..    manager for ECO_   rtV·     and physically handicapped, h l
    -V-» .       ··   Where does ability like this come from? Tim attrib-
  ·       gafdt IHC, H Sub-     · · - ~ -
 gm .   ,   _ _ _     -—   utes it in part to his father showing him howto
   it _;   Sldlary 0fVa1VOIm€·     . , il   "iix things" on the family farm near Murra i, and
_ ' _ »··~.»,_iJ ° gw · aft _;' :3: _`nE§g{:§¢$."·     )
[_     V an   He was marketrllg   _,   ,-_‘   _,, ·-_‘   t to the outstanding education he‘s receiving at UK.
    analyst for Mac ’s i  ‘  >     The fact that nine other UK co~op students are
      Oi] and Chemicals, Z   IH,    working for NASA, and more have been requested,
    (IAI   I ..     ly ` I nc. He   Gin 6 d ` I     says even more about the caliber of education at
  ....»   no   t,`   . vaivsiim in mso f e‘,— e V.    ,‘”‘,f‘?‘°l,f"€ “"’°§"L§"‘i,`L,S·"'€’li'“i* fe
_ _     or rig young s u en in Ea
gs g Mgg g 5,3135 I·€pr@5@n[3[1V€_   the future The sky is no IODQCF  
Andrew V. S*I*|¢h '90, a Marine sec-      ,-, `-  
ond lieutenant, has graduated from »-g  iii. `**§j;;,_·¥L;' . A ’ _ __ {
the basic school in uantico, Va. » A . =, li- ‘ ` l\, ‘* ". ·‘··   r"   r E t . -, °°"° /
Q —   l`·l`\‘=\;‘t\‘   i—- i ill `iee. `     i   #“"° .
• ' I E —,_ -. YH- V    \\~_   _ S ,_   t·,_ tit ~. r        
Lara C. Hudson '90 is an associate ,E`\§*\`\`it w, lliy-lt       _i_\,_`i\i`ij \*»\¥l·,V x l gl. ‘       V  
in the Lexington law office of Wyatt, r`\_"¤_ ‘t_ li, i it I i‘l i it `»t` ir   ily       -:,;§=.    
Tarrant & Combs. r if r ` ·_ ”. . it . \ i w l X ti .2, `x i r, = `t»·  
 A Q_ ‘ ‘» y i, { aitiilili   l *.        
$7.    _‘ \ H `   \ XX xxi IIE ; 3 T hi 1 Y   §   Za `\ XF. A"?     `\"\·    
Jean W. Bird '90 ofBowling Green fr   _\·_·    A i`   l 3 _ 1 llt`rl1`il’,` l 1 ily.   ‘\.l·\‘·l'·l§,\¥\   "
. . . . . ' " i\ Y °, '  l_` " l'  ; k . ‘ ¥‘l";i§   ·» ·-  _;,g£`
is an associate in the Louisville law of-   fy i  K x   l l · ·’ \\ i  l   ‘ -%‘l\,l‘N$:~,   /
I  , _·  -   . [ _ " Zi i"-. L
fice ofWyatt, Tarrant 8c Combs. '  , . j   ‘_ t   i ·_       \  U . _ - l \>.\‘ ,.·   i .
    1-:     E \ F?  ·· V;   li   l l,.} I ll  f  
Karen Medley '90 Of`LOlllSVlll€ has ,   ·  lg       { 1 \\,  _ ll        *-,1
`joined the accounting firm of Eskew 8c _,     `   ;   _ ‘    if ’  ‘ · ,   `·`‘   i     
. 1 str  , tt ‘·   . » ~ . . i*   =   $2-;-*.
Gresham, PSG as a staff accountant.   _  i qi; ·  . ,     ,   ;;:'At`f3“
    * ill _, · ` *_ ` Q   ,   rp · _-    
· .     li   ’ : » ` t ·,  ‘   Q  -           i.’i  
Michael P. Neal '90 has complet-   if J,   _.·  -.  e F         ._”‘ i
. . .   ·.   . ‘ . .    Li'? * .‘·- ‘'‘—   "·*`*"°" "
ed the officer indoctrination school at     ‘   ,_   _ i     agri,  
the Naval Education and Training   Q} l I , , ’ __  Y ni    *_ `_  
Center in Newport, R.I. An attorney,   i` (·  Z    '     I--
. . . ew »._ V · ’         ._  
he is prepared for duty ll'] the Nzivill F · ‘  ,,‘ it   UK $rncleniTirnWeurlierlord
staffiield correspoding to his civilian 1%- `L ""` "   ’
Stephanie Marie I·Iayd¤n '90 is '
an auditor with the Department of De- o •
fense Inspector General’s office.
Spring l99l Keiirrickii Alriiiiiiiis 29