I ’ I l _ -° ‘ F E A 'I' ll R E
  American life style against a very tradi- tinian problem and the basic driving
  tional adversary which doesn`t have a force behind terrorism will not really
II modern life st ile in manv res nects at be laid to rest until we have reached a Admlnl’"."v° s*"°m°'"
I I ’ I on the War
I' all. So that’s where we get back to your solution to tlte entafada (the struggle
  initial question — how will air power being waged by the Palestinians against A, · nm. wh"' ih. n-non
  work in this kind ofcontext? the Israeli government in the West Is at war, It ls Important te
I Geographical and environmental cir- , Bank — seeking political freedom.) |‘•|I\lllll ¤lll'¤•lV0$ of |ll•
. . . . I . .
cumstances favor tt, but with one provt- I If Saddam should be killed, what °rl°l°°d'l:°I"l:’ Tl ° ":l"""
sion, and that is of the weather. There would happen? Probably, Iraqi leader- S ly an ° an cu lie l °
_ , _ _ _ _ _ _ # , _ time-honored and humane
are times of the year when ttts very dtfft- ship will cotne to power that·wtll with- Prhdplos um, ch-ratio":.
cult to operate almost any kind of high draw from Kuwait and end this current university Ilte - even
tech equipment, notjust airplanes, but fighting phase of the war. ¤ll\l¢l$| il Il¤|’l¤ll¤l ¢l‘l$l$·
A something as simple as a rifle, because I How did he come to power? He came E’P°°l“"Y lll ““’ ""‘°
  ~ . I . _ _ . __ V _ _ I V ._ s _ _ the unlversity will make
  ; of the lngh wtnds and the blowing dust. ` to powet the same way his fout ptede- ovary °"°"_
  I This dust is not really sand. It`s so fine I cessors did —— by shooting the guy
P I that if you roll it between vour fingers I ahead of him. We`re talking vintage ui: ;‘::I::s:;: :2: :;r°:°°:I
. . , . . ’ . . ‘ e o a
‘ I tt s a little tnore like talcuntpowder, but I thug, here, sports. This IS not a guy members ai "IQ univenny
I tt has a very abrasive quality. If tt gets I who s a friendly, kindly, old buddy. ¢,mn“m||·y .. gfgdgnfsl ge".
_  blown in the bolt of your rifle, your rifle   First of all, Saddam came from a ulty and stall;
  probably isn’t going to work. It also ob- ° lower-middle class family. He was 2_ 1-, Prosorve me campus
I scures vision, and it’sjust a very diffi- brought up by an uncle who had been ag a place tor the free
cult situation in which to live and oper- I jailed by the British for fighting f`or •X¢l|¤¤§¢ ef NMIS lll |'l\•
I ate for any human beings. Iraqi independence and he came up in zrsl l""""°" °* d°'“°"'“'
Large parts ofthe s0—called empty the Baath party politics which is very “°u”°'
  quarter — in Saudi Arabia, ifyou pick _ rough and tumble. When he seized 3- '° '*'¤l“l'°l'* *°I°""'¢•
  up any tnap of`Saudi Arabia you’ll see a   power, he shot 2l of his closest associ- and '°’P°°I lu. an m°mh°"
i big chunk ri ‘ltt in tlte middle ofthe I ‘1l€S He had tnaneuvered for several oi the lmlversny cunmunnyl
I rv g _   ‘   . f i ‘ recognizing the sanctity ot
  country and there will be a label on tlte I years to gain power as tlte leader and ¤|| human nge, ",g."||,” ,g
 I map that says empty quarter — well, it   he shot those 21 associates simply so no race, creed, gender, religion
  ought to be called the empty three- I one would challenge him. He ltas been °" '"'"°"'l °"l!l"P
  quarters — because in about three-   brought up itt a very narrow frame- 4. To gentinuo the nqungl
I quarters ofthe country human beings   work. He has not had extensive inter- ¤¢l¤¢¤l’l•||¤l P!'•¢•$$ ll||'•¤Ql|
  really just cannot live. The demands of   national travel; he hasn`t even been to “'° '°°9°I°" m°°"”9 °l °I°“'
i the etivtt·¤tt¤tt»ttt are so i I ’ ‘ ‘¤ I B ' ‘ (`· ` ` ‘ D· · ‘ ‘ · l · l ' as and um scheduling °*
, . ( greatttat to tty I ett ut, JJIIO, ot amastus, t it ng educ-non-I and c°_cu"ku'-r
  to live there costs more than it’s worth   cities ofthe Arab world, let alone out to -¢"vl"·,' und,
I tn let ms of human misery, aggtavatton, i the \/\est to see xx h tt s going on. He had 5. Ib NWN, NI on and
.... . . . . p pp
 · and trying to survive. —— Wncwzt1)avzsz.v a fairly narrow view, a revolutionary ‘°un·•“ng hu, any"., °m°_
Y tiiwr/ang/`//tre l’a/tmsmt Salma! Q/'Diplomaqy and anti-imperialist view of world poli- |·|°n.||y ¤|{•¢|°.| by gh, wm-
  rmd lzttrtmalionril C0}72)7l{?)`(`l? and was a , tics. And that is what has driven him itself.
I Navy [zi/nt during {/Il? Vietnam l/Wu: against, in effect, the I/Vest and to play a U _d h I h_
II hattd that is very anti-Western and to I LI;Xf;°$,L:fg§m°;:®:,£a\:'\;°‘;;IlL’;g'°n’
I try to wrap himself in tlte flag ofthe Rgb€r,EgHem8nw5y Medicalcemer
I Q. Will the threat ol terrorism Palestinian issue and anti-imperialism. Chancellor pete, R Bosomworfhl and
end when the war does? . . . or, Now, why do people follow him? It’s Community College System Acting
with Saddam Hussein's demise not clear that they do follow him per Ch°'”°‘=`”°' Ben W· C0"-
I if that should happen. Explain se. In fact, by wrapping hintselfin this h b ' hl
Q S dd . . l . ._ V _ . Just ours e oro t s maga-
  a am Hussein to us - who ns Palestinian flag, this may be the most zh. wu", I. PN"' Fandom
EI he, what is he, and why do peo-   people he’s had behind him since he 3,,,-,, gum ,|,e|.".| . N,.
I ple follow him like they do? I took power. He has a lot of sympathy satlon ot hostilities. What
  I from the Palestinians who would go :° "'*;"°" ‘*""• *:12;*
A. The threat will diminish with the I with anyone who promised a resolution °·°' ul"' wl" un ° ng
. I . . ,. Is no loss Interesting to us
end of the war and certatttly be re- I to their problems. He has, in effect, now ul W. ',•.d ull, ln I,•|,_
` duced with Sadclam’s death, but the I seized upon this issue to try and keep I-°;P•q|, W. hg,. yu, ¤g.·•,_
I threat of l\tIiddle—Eastern terrorism is I himselfgoing. Although I think he's an — l.I·I, KJ
I born of the frustration over the Pales- I honest believer in it up to a point, it’s
  Spying 199] Kentucky .»\lutnnus 7