Vol. 1 June and July, 1939 No. 10
W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor I
Notice.—The June and July issues of this bulletin are being combined. -
The next regular issue will come out in August. i ·
FRUIT GROWERS AND THE the manner in which their crops ‘
, TRIPLE-A are classified under the program in i
V ROBERT S. REED, order that they may plant within j
, Siam AAA- ONCE their acerage allotments in 1939.  
_ The Farm Program offers prac- l·`irst of all the acreage on the farm
r tically every fruit grower in Ken- is divided into two main land uses; j ·
g tucky an opportunity to solve one cropland and non-cropland. Crop-
; of his most pressing problcins. land acreage includes that which is g
’ The problem we speak of is that devoted to depleting crops, non- { “
· which is common to all farmers; depleting crops and also idle acre- Q
l the maintenance of soil fei·tility. age in the regular rotation. The  
- The fruit grower in order to im- acreage devoted to strawberries is  
i prove the quality and increase his considered as depleting only when l "_
s yields must maintain and improve the berries are harvested for any  
- the fertility of his soil regard- purpose except when in a h_ome ly .
i less of whether he grows apples, garden. However, if the straw-   3
peaches. or berries. The Farm Pro- berries then become destroyed by   _
gram is not designed for the benefit water. frost, or do not bear for any   -
of any particular class or type of reason. and are not harvested in 3  
farmer. Its purpose is to improve 1939. the acreage occupied by the   .
farming conditions in general. The strawberries is then non-depleting. if ,. j
5 program provides for conservation Strawberry growers who have lost   g
l payments in order to encourage their crops this year may substitute    
3 farmers to take better care of th_eir an acreage of other depleting crops lf  
V land by seeding legumes, terracing, for their non-bearing strawberries  
· . using green manure crops, and without incurring any deduction  
I many other soil-building practices. for exceeding the general depleting lf}- t.‘·_ ,
· ` These practices are not foreign to acreage. Any acreage of new  
· the fruit grower for our better strawberries set in the spring of  
· _ orchardmen have learned long ago this yeai· will be considered as non- ,52.3
· that in order to stay in the fruit depleting.  
9 business they must maintain the (`ommereial orchards. that is  
F fertility of their soils. orchards from which most of the i  
F All farmers in the program for production is sold, are considered  
9 l9Zi9 have been informed regarding as occupying non-cropland. Culti-  
· the number of acres of depleting rated blackberries. dewberries. ·  
N Crops that may be grown on the raspberries. gooseberrics. and vine-  
- < farm in 1939. Payments on special yards ai·e also considered as  
t crops such as tobacco and wheat. occupying non-cropland.  
f are made to producers planting In 1939 a maxiinum payment  
’ within their 19339 allotments. which may be earned in connection  
F ‘ Fruit. growers are interested in with soil-building practices is com- `Q 