i be seen that there is some necessity to divide after the fruit reached sib
, for placing the time of effective one-half to iive—eighths of an inch ab
thinning, Naturally, we would 11ot in diameter, and that enlargement SU
want to begin thinning before the from then on took place as a result P9
_ June drop. On the other l1_a11d, our of the stretching and enlarging of lll
— _ studies show that no treatment or cells, rather than 811 increase in Pe
combination of treatments will their number, \Vith the period ol` tll'
i €ll3bl€ tll€ ll`9€ to $lZ€ UP {lll €Xf?€$· cell division over so early, it is Qt
l sive Qverloagi beyond certain fairly apparent that some increase in size "‘_‘
€l€il¤1’€€ l11111lS- might be expected to follow a gill
` »‘  · Things to he Reekoiied Tvith tn reduction in the crop quite late in  
t - Thjnningtfwith this nineh of an the season. This point was tested qt;
, t introduction then, we may consider out llllder the collllltlolls of ll€ll"}` dit
, briefly some of the things to be 9`ollplllg by lellvlllg the _l*ll`t§°l: ni,
. I done in the euitnrai program Whieh fruits on the tree and pulling on gr
‘ urih have a hearing upon the size the smaller ones, paying less atten. Ca_
of fi.uit_ One of the first things tion to size. It was found that. ‘
‘ · to be reehoned with is the age of during the second growth period, it M
1 the tree- Xvouug trees are ineiined was easy to find some fruits inorc hi:
. to size up niost of the fruit thieyr set than twice the lvolinne ot others ti"
T. because they generally produce an Hllil llltll, by lflllllltf lllll ¥lll"lllll*lt!·‘ ni.
ahundanee of vigorous leaves. of the larger fruits on the tree and Ti
After. the nrst few hears, (irons, making the reductions primarily ui
I _ . however, and as the tree hegins to from the smaller ones, yield was frf
‘ reaeh the larger size of the inid_ 11ot eut materially. In this way b_
year, sonie attention has to be given thinning can be niade effective 'well 1;
i _ to regulating grou.th_ This hrings up toward the. final swell. llll~ to
‘ e » i. both nitrogen and pruning into kind of thinning seemed to be wi
  .   the picture as Suppleulenting the €Sp€C]3.lly €‘i¥€Cf1\'€ Wlfll   uu
 ij i   growth stimulus coming from culti- The C,·;;{(·a[ Pp,·t0(1_-T tt t tt p e hi,
‘   Valloll- Fl'0m_tll€ m€‘3$lll`€¤l€¤t$ come to a head then at picking at
  · _ ? ii'? llaV€ lll3(l€t lt BPPQEYS lllal ll€l`· time in a rather critical form. and on
  ¥_—     l UllZ€l` &PPll€all0ll$ alld Pllllllllg we have some rather difficult things we
Qi     § ll3V€ 3 Comparable Slllllllllls _llP0ll to reckon with which seem to point so
·‘   5 lll€ ltmglll of gl`OWlll llldlll?€§l lll lll€ in opposite directions. For in- eh
  3 wp Sh.<><>tS·_ The growth induced Stance, as mana-ity is appt-t3aeit.».i. to
. 9 ‘ it  by heavy llltlale *lPPll€—°lU0llS, €0lll· quality increases as long as the it
.jir··   i l>l¤€€l Wliill ll€aVY Pllllllllgy l`€Sllll$ fruit hangs on the tree. On the tg
ill K A   ii lll 3 llllck lol) Wlllcll always other hand, the carrying ability of ° 1-0
;‘ ·.i»-   lllalllles llle flllll lal€· Wh€l€"€l` the fruit drops vary materially a~ be
  Q1 the Sel ls ll€aVY, llOW€V€l`» llle ripening comes on. Growers are
  °[_   Exllelillllellls $ll0“’ tllaii the tree (tal? tempted to take into consideration l
is   ti   not SlZ€_l;lP all €_X0€$$l"€ load Wllillf a large number of factors at har-
j_   Out llllllllllg ll»_lll Pall at l€a$l» by vest time, and hindsight, unfor- l>¤`
    Pllllllllg Oli lllllllllllg Ullclel llc tunately, is always better than Sl
  1;;.;; conditions is it possible to size up foresight it is a temptation to D;
  _"t-`   - 8 tlll€lllY €lll$l€l`€€l Sel- pick early while the price may be
  I it i   number of very interesting good and tl1e carrying quality dc
   T l` ‘ ,. things have come out of the thin- highly satisfactory; at the same eil
      v_ ning investigations. For instance, time, the fruit is enlarging as long l
5   i; -_ in the growth studies of the fruit, as it hangs on the tree. And we at
· ‘ I . it was found that the cells ceased must always 1·cckon with thc pos- al
-   .