hed sibility of bad weather or unfavor- h ?T·t€0T8¢i/fl Ig Shel sssssulss Ysfv I
_ .   · o, eoveroae ree wi rpen
mh f?bl3.“?gtI£i?r it }1;iu€btfU:Fé‘_ Ou; first. At the University this year the
ent stu 18** m ma B flat 8   UDP 0 Gage variety about ten days before _
iiiii peaches may build up lll volume harvest, dropped one-third to one-half
,0i at thc rate of hve to ten bushels of lhs ¢¤‘0D 011 the uulbiuued. Over-
I in per acre per duy’ depending upon lozgiifelstfoffi What is the after effect Q
l of t¥€t§rOwth colfdwfiis *3* the floss of the overloaded tree as to hardiness?  
·_ o e season. ll e ie vo ume Dr. Dorsey: The hardiness of the .
‘_., li increases by waiting until the back- tree and buds is reduced. l S
bm ground color changes from a green- ang““"°"° W; fain? pst ';‘°'° {aime { D
r · . . . mon n =
.i; ish w a yellowish cast. much is time l...§’.,?. thinilig 2222nZi aftmi .
fwd also gained from the standpoint of you think? Q
LW quality. Our tests show too that Dir Dorsey: After the June dwp Q
- dsonn shipments can Safely be uisis msrbs s lst sf sxssss b·‘s¤ssss· é
ger d _.ti ti _ _i _ft ‘ th some bearing and some not bearing. .
I my ma Q “' I lc pedfl d sr _ C Joe Hale and I tried shoot thinning in i _
iw ground VOIOY 8$$Um€$ 6 Y€llU“'1$h relation to fruit thinning, and we found Z
ii cast that ln about four or five minutes,
li".; r`s¤‘*¤·¤s*s*>’» ssms sf Us   2I}?'.§"l‘.5§.§°§..§.‘3.$.$’2’,}";‘l;.".i£*..°§3}f‘St? Q ·
l(ll't‘ reulnt St.udl€S’ by DI" Lloyd and tribute those left to good advantage.  
imp his associates on precooling, point Quesiion, At what Stage was the  
` the way out of the difficulties we cutting done? l_
[iii may encounter by later picking. D"- Défseyf Vgsbuut Ugiuliiug tiréie.   A
. l`hese studies begin where the tlnn- Q“°’°"°"· l at *S { B 3****** ate e »
· · . . . . . ‘ J l · ‘ t‘llh .
Hili nin investi ations leave off. lt m u Y that wil can thu} and S I avg i
wig f   _ I Hg tl t {1 ti no decrease in the value of your ·
__ _ I`lll IS C OH l€ 1`€€ uu] IQ [hinning?   » '
  background color takes 011 a yel— Dr. Dorsey.- Thin about three or j  
Thi lowish cast, advantage can be taken Eimrf Wiggs sftsr rriwdggaegrggh *223    
~ , - , ie ur r you go, i .
t be to   greater extfnt Ot the `olume take advantage of the injured and I - ‘
which comes during the hnal swell, Smaii fruits and at me Same time i I
and at the same time fruit of leave the larger ones on more easily. §¤ i
ll H s hi¢··her t ualitv and of a much II1OI‘€ Ouesflduf HOW about 8 m0¤th   ·‘’‘ e i
· ° ·l ` b for lravest" ‘
kms attractive a earance can be put *2 E 1 ‘ . . ig; _
pp , . . Dr. Dorsey: That is still good. The s ,
and on the market. l`h1s is about where (me has Hammiiy Started to make    
IUIQS we stand on the problem of tree Some of [hg fruits larger and run  
JOHN conditioning the fruit. \Ve know advantage can be taken of that fact.  
111- enough of the various factors in- MQ}“?~°’iI°"* _'Th€ Juss drop IS use _j4;isi’
zhetl. volvetl to place before the consumer ‘B’_t‘;)0;‘;‘;/·_ it comes about in May gig';
th`) if Pwqucl which- will bs mush more in the southern part of the state, six I f 
Thr 1 tempting and which will 11Ht11l‘3ll)‘ to seven weeks after bloom, and it  
IY ui, result in an ever-increasin num- varies with the set. The heavier the  
E .
W- ii. bei. Oi- repeat Orders set, the earlier it starts and the heavier ;,y {sg
" ' the drop. };'YQ.Zj
L lll`t` ;i;é’;_·,j
llill`- b Question: Cglnediioinil zion might REVISION QF STATE FAIR  
f i-. ring out in t e eaye iinnmg is Ima  
liiilm that, thinning after the June drop, leaf PREMI LIST _  
‘U hoppers and the worm bitten fruits can The attention of all the fruit  
il: bi begemgved to axgreater ffiigmérs can g1‘0\\‘crS who have exhibited in the  
_' * r. orsey.- een-eye nun _ ._ _ _ eggs
lalitv do a lot in picking off the bad fruits hfutlfultmil d€PH1?m€ut of the  
.. `. and leaving the good ones. Quite often kentucky btate Fa1r is called to  
Stllllt _ _ _ . , ;7Fi».
iiiiin th‘2)i“j;{"€d ‘r}r€rStlr“`° °:“S;€"€;{€mg€ certain changes in the premium _ 
= ues ion.- iose re s ‘ 2 · · ,  
ii WU {li)0l1t   p9IlCll€S, will they lHHt.lU`€ EStS` q;th€rh_f)1T;11g g§O`;§rS    
pos- ahead of a 2,000-peach tree very much? ave no ex 1 1 e a e L`; +3*
ZT .
» 5    