
     19. PrintinFg Matters.  President McVevi brought to thre
attention of the Coramittee certain matters in connection
with the printing situation.   The matter was discussed,
but no action was taken.

     20. ..omDintr.ent, Reacpointments, Promotions, Increases
in Salaries, and Leaves of Absence.   The following list
of appointnients, renipointments, wronaotions, increases in
salary, and leaves of absence was oresented by President
McVey and on motion duly seconded wat approved.

     Resignation of Miss Margaret Williams, stenographer in
the President's Office was accepted, effective July 1, 1929.

     Appointment of Mrs. Eloise Galloway, stenographer in
the President's Office at $100 a month, effective August 1,

     Appointment of Mrs. queenie M1. Grable, stenographer in
the RegistrarTs Office at $90 a month, effective August 1,

     Resignation of Mrs. Virginia Anderson Bozeman, instruct-
or in Mechanical Drawing.

     Appointment of Mr. Henry He Hill,        j.r of Educa-
tional Administration in the College of ld-. tion, at a
salary of $4,000.

     Temporary appointment of Miss Mary L. Didlake, acting
head of the Department of Entomology and Botany, effective
July 1, 1929.

     AppoinLtment of Iliss Ronella Spickard, associate profes-
sor of Home Economics Education, at $3,000, effective Sep-
t:2lMber 1, 1929.

     Appointment of Miss Blanche Tansil, assistant professcr
of Home Economics, at $2,500, on a ten months' ba.is, effect-
ive September 1, 1929.

     Appointment of Mr. W. A. Price, head of the Department
of Entomology,     entomologist and botanist in the Experi-
r.ent Stations and professor of Entomology  in the College
of Agriculture, at a salary of $4,000, effective September
1? 1929.