
     Appointment of Mr. W. C. Eskew, field agent in cream
grading, at $2100, effective July 1, 1929.

     Temporary appointment of Miss Virginia Meacham, assist-
ant in the Department of Home Economics in the Experiment
Station, effective July 8, 1939, at $100 a month.

     Temporary appointment of Mr. W. C. Boatright, assist-
ant- in soil survey, -at $140 a month, effective Juv ! 1,

     Miss Genevieve Farwell, assistant in the Department of
Animal Patholoiytc nave her salary increased from $125 to
5150 a month, effective July 1, 1929.

     Promotion of Dr. Wellington Pa-brick to full professor-
ship in Education, effective July 1, 10 29.
     AppoionsTment of MIrs. May K. Duncan, assistant./in Educa-
tion for 1929-1930.

     Appointment of Mr. John Mauer, instructor in the Depart-
ment of Physical Educaticn, at 33300.

     Appointment of Mr. Bernie Shively, instructor in the
Departimiient of Physical Education, at '.:Q.

     Appointment of M-r. John Devereaux, instructor in the
Department of Physical Education, at $1000.

     Appointment of Mr. Frank Mann, trainer of athletic teams,
in the Department of Physical Education, at $2700.

    Appointment of ilsr. Claire Dees, student assistant in the
Department of Physical Education, at $300.

    Leave of absence to be given to Professor A. E. Bigge
for the year 1929-1930 without Day.

    Appointment of Miss Helen Connell, full-time assistant
in the Depar tment of C-erman, at *1200.

      Substitute to be appointad in the Department of German
for the year 1929-1930, at I1300.

    Temporary appointment of Mr. M. H. Filson, assistant
in the Department of Chemistry in the Experiment Station,
at '100 a iiontlh, effective June 5, 1929.