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Alumni Notes

Birmingham, April 7, Banquet at
Southern Club in honor of junior
engineers on inspection trip and
Kentucky alumni attending American Chemical Society meeting in
Lexington, April 8 (Second Saturday), Phoenix Hotel 12:30 p m.
Carrollton, Ky., April 11 (Second
Tuesday), luncheon.
Louisville, April 13, dinner, 6 p.
m. at Tyler Hotel.
In honor of
alumni attending K. E. A. Convention in Louisville.
Chicago, April 15, Banquet at
Great Northern Hotel in honor of
senior engineers en inspection trip.
A special program will be given.
There will be an address by Acting
Dean W. E. Freeman A quartette
composed of 1922 engineers will
render several selections.
Detroit, April 29 (Last Saturday).
Dinner at 6 p. m., Dixieland Inn.
Pittsburg, May 1, Annual meeting.
New York, May 2, Annual meeting.
Buffalo, May 5, Annual meeting.
Philadelphia, May 6, Annual meeting.
Washington, May 8, Annual

known as "Big Tom," formor member
of the Kentucky Legislature and form
er gridiron star was unanimously
elected president to succeed Leo J,
Sandmann '14.
R. C. Mayhull, Assistant Superln
tendent Power nnd Fuel Engineer,
Louisville Railway Company was
and Mrs. Albert
Krelger '06 was


Alumni Association has announced
the porsonel of tho Nominating Com
mltteo ns follows: Harry Miller '14
chairman; Misses Teresa Buchlgnani
'15 nnd Nancy Innes '17 nnd W. C. Wil
son '13. This Committee will supply
ballots to members of the Association
within tho next two wooks with their
nominations nnd nny others coming
from alumni clubB or classes.
Miss Kate Reddish '21 is teaching
Miss Ruth Gregory '20 is the regular
substitute in the Home Economics
Department of the Louisville Public


Miss Isabelle Dickey '21 is teaching
A committee composed of J. T. the second grade in the school in
Pride, ex-'0Robert J. Raible '21, Louisville. Don't you know that she
Homer Puckett '04 and William is just as popular with her class there
(Budge) Walker '21 was appointed to as she was with the campus folk dur
represent the Louisville Alumni Club ing her four years nt the University?


School, Bowling Green, Ky.
"I havo been engaged during tho
past nine months in the copillng of
a largo scale map of Kentucky, which
I hope to have completed by Juno 1.
The mnp is entirely an orlglnnl compilation and will supersede all other
base mnps of tho State. Approximately four hundred maps havo been used
In constructing this one." W. C. Eyl
'17. 407-- City Nafl. Bank Bldg., Lex- "Would you pleaso forward mo a
copy of tho last Alumni Directory ns
I havo misplaced
mine in moving.
Know there must bo come of the Kentucky State boys around here and will
try to get them together. Have already
met J. E. McGulIcuddy who attended
the University in '12 and '13.
Best regards to all the Alumni. Will
write more when I get settled. This
is most assuredly a busy live wire
city." E. F. Schlmpeler
'12 1604
Walker Avenue, Houston, Texas.

"As a member of tho class of '17 in
mechanical engineering I would consider it a great courtesy for you to
mail me all the data you havo In regard to tho fight on evolution. I havo
been with tho Goodyear Tire nnd Rubber Company since 1915 and know
that this will be of Interest to State
men here. There will nlways bo a
warm spot in my heart for dear old
U. K." L. R. Hobson
Goodyear Ave., Akron, Ohio.



Atlanta Colony Is Loyal
"Our Atlanta U. K. colony has
dwindled down to three, to the best
of my information
Ed Danforth '14,
who Is still knocking them loose with
his high class sport page on tho
Atlanta Georgian and Sunday Ameripr '16,
can; "Lengthy" O'neal,
who Is with Pittsburg Plate Glass, I
believe, and the undersigned.
"We three got together and did
some lusty cheering for tho Kentucky
boys in the basket ball tournament.
North Cnrolina won the admiration of
everyone in Atlanta by clean sportsmanship and beautiful team work.
The comment was made often that
their qualities were the same as the
former champions, Kentucky's boys,
and many expressed the regret that
these two teams could not have met.
"I have changed my 'classification'.
Gone over from active newspaper work
Into publicity work, as Assistant
Manager of the Public Relations Department of the Georgia Railway and
Power Company, the local "octopus".
I expect to see you all Commencement
Week as I am coming up to see the
'Kid Sister' graduate." John R. Marsh
'16, Atlanta, Ga.
ex-'1- 5

in encouraging the support of the She was in the popularity contest
Legislature for appropriations.
every year during her stay nt the
The announcement of the meeting University.
was made by cards mailed to the mem"Change my address for the 'KerX
bers by Mrs. Albert Kreiger.
MIbs Helen Taylor '21 is teaching nel from 3820 14th Avenue, Oakland to
Home Economics at John Marshall, 5447 Virginia Avenue, Hollywood,
John Marsh Land '21, Versailles, Portland and Salsbury Schools.
California." Thos. E. Beatty '12. Mr.
graduate of the College of EngineerBeatty is with the Oakland Mazda
ing is now employed in Louisville.
"Never can I refuse to do anything Lamp Division of the General Electric
within my power for the University Company nt Oakland, Calif.
Misses Mary Elizabeth Downing
and the Kernel. One suggestion I
and Mary Elizabeth James
"Thomas M. Howerton class of 'OS
have to offer Is that you send sample
who are now attending the University copies of the Kernel to the alumni is now located In Frankfort for the
of Louisville took part in the produc who are
together with time being and is engaged in engineertion of four one act plays given March letters reminding them of their duty ing and contracting work in this city.
20 and 21 by the U. of L. Players
as alumni. I am sure that they miss Since leaving school he has been in
Miss Downing had the leading part in having the University news and would the employment of Union Develop
"The Climbers" and "The Admirable readily subscribe on your suggestion." ment Co. Chatanooga, Tenn.; Knox-vill- e
Crichton," while at the University of
Pow Co. Headquarters at Knox-villMary Elizabeth James. 2219 Deering
She was also voted the Court, Louisville.
Until recently he was engaged
most popular student at the University.
in highway engineering and construcX
Misses Willette Fritchner, Ethel
tion His present address is 324 West
Professor C. A. Loutlermilk
are in is connected with the Department of Main Street.
Koope and Virginia Lynn
Blue and White Unites Enthusiastic
"I am now practicing law here In
Agriculture at Western Normal and
Lewis A. Darling '100, Is reported ill
In Pennsylvania
expects to remain with them for an Frankfort and my present address is at his home near Philadelphia, 237
We had quite a meeting of the
Miss Elizabeth Kraft '21 has moved other year. He married Miss Vivian 410 McClure Bldg. I am a member Roberts Avenue, Glenside, Penn. Mr.
alumni last week. Invitations were from Louisville to St. Matthews, Ken Hastie in September '21.
of the class of '18 and a graduate stu- Darling is connected with the Electric
sent out early in the week by H. Lee tucky.
dent of the class of '20 having re- Service Supplies Company in PhiladelX
Moore '11, for all alumni to meet at
Prof. W. J. Craig '01 is the head of ceived my master's degree in that phia.
Miss Louise Will '20 will return to the Chemistry Department at Western year. I am getting along nicely."
his home in Ben Avon, bringing wives
Perry M. Perkinson '21 was a visitor
or, those lacing best girls, and I Louisville May 1 after having taught Normal, Bowling Green. Professor Morgan M. Atchison.
in the Alumni Office last week, asking
thought you might be interested in a in the Pine Mountain Settlement Craig played on the football team
that his Kernel be mailed to London
School for the past year.
few of the details.
"Please note a recent change in our Kentucky.
He is with the Departwhile at the University and won his
About forty were graciously enter"K". He Is a very enthusiastic boost- address from 430 May Street to 1002 ment of State Roads and Highways
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elsey are now er for athletics especially
tained by Mr. and Mrs. Moore. A big
for his Park Place, Hammond Indiana. We and has just been transferred from
blue "K" hung on the white doorway, residing in Louisville. Mr. Elsey '20, favorite game of football.
can't get along without the Kernel. So Owensboro, Daviess County to duty in
gave the first thrill, the old "Blue and graduate of the College of Engineering
far as we know now there are no other Laurel County.
is employed with the Dow Wire and
Eugene A. Willard '19 was on the
J. R. Whitmer
is with the U. K. folks in Hammond. We are a
A wireless concert was sent to us Iron Works. Mrs. Elsey was formally Western Normal In the Department of Kentucky club of two members and campus this week, renewing old friendfrom the Westinghouse board casting Anna Jean Smith
Agriculture and Federal Training. He hold meetings once a week to read ships. Mr. Lillard went with the
station, beginning with an announceexpects to be at the University this the news from home as sent out by the Doherty Training School, at Bartletts-ville- ,
Miss Hannah Weakley is teaching summer to finish his work for a degree. Kernel.
ment of the meeting and a solo, "My
Oklahoma, immediately after
Old Kentucky Home." Mr. Moore has Home Economics at the Eastern and
"We are sincerely glad to hear of graduating; from thence to the TenxX
quite a set and the message came in Western Department Schools and at
J. Franklin Corn '16 is a member of the University's success at the last nessee Copper Company at Copper
perfectly to us in Ben Avon. We the Hiram Roberts School.
the law firm of Bell and Corn. This session of the Legislature a success Hill, Tenn. He is now with the InspiX
spent a delightful evening at cards
firm was started March 1, 1922 and is certainly well deserved and we add ration Consolidated Copper Co., InspiRobert J. Raible '21 is employed at now doing a good business.
and listening to many tales of how
our thanks to those of other Alumni ration, Ariz.
things "used to be" by the old grads the United States Foil Company.
who appreciate the magnificent work
There were two members of '11 class
H. L. Wilson
is with Wilson-Chas- e
Paul Dixon '15 is a member of the of all the Universities representatives
Miss Lucille Blatz '20 is teaching at firm Chaney and Dixon.
and the rest of us were scattered all
in the Legislature." Mrs Ruth Duck-waFurniture Company, 521 West
the Ballard School, Jefferson county.
Gordan '19 and Charles W. Gordon Main St, Louisville, Ky. Residence,
the way down to the class of '21.
Mr. J. V. Pritchett 'IS Is a member
Resolutions of congratulations to
2614 West Main.
of the law firm Jones and Pritchett '20.
Miss Louise Mayer '20 is teaching Mr. Pritchett is also Superintendent
President Emeritus Patterson were
passed and plans for a meeting at the Home Economics at Monserrat School of Sunday School at the First ChrisMiss Elizabeth Farra '16 says she is
time of Doctor McVey's visit to Pitts in Louisville.
tian church and is making a fine record enjoying her work at Woman's Mediburgh were discussed. Blue and white
cal College, Philadelphia more every
William "Budge" Walker '21 is atyear. She Is a junior and hopes to
ices reminded us again that it was a
J 5$$Jn$
tending the University of Louisville
come to Kentucky this summer beKentucky meeting.
Preston Cherry '20 is a member of
fore beginning her hospital work.
Dean Anderson talked of the Uni- school of Pharmacy.
The F. D. Lawrence
the law firm of Martin and Cherry in
Mrs. Leighton Reir (nee Lois Barett
versity as it is and the plans and hopes
Bowling Green.
'15) writes that her address is Sth
Electric Co.
held for its future. We had no end
Avenue N. & 20th Street St. Petersof fun talking about the "monkey
Fourth St. Cincinnati, Ohio
Forest Bell '21 is Superintendent burg, Florida, Care of R. T. Wedding.
battle" in the Legislature. F. Houston
of Schools at Von Lear, Kentucky.
Miss Mary King Burrier, '15. is
Shaw '21, Care of Armstrong Cook &
Electrical Supplies :
teaching Home Economics at Midway.
Insulating Co.
J. W. Vance is practising law nt After graduation she was home demonX
Evans Is Promoted
Distributors for the General
Glasglow, Kentucky.
agent in Bourbon County for
Herndon Evans '21, former field
Electric Co.
two years. Last year she was resiX
Seniors will be Guests of Honor at representative of the Extension DeX
Beverly Vincent is practising law dent instructor at the Practice House,
Annual Dinner of Club
partment nnd the Alumni Association,
University of Kentucky, receiving her
Sec'y, Sales Mgr.
The annual meeting of the Chicago who was on leave of absence at Frank- at Brownsville, Kentucky.
M. S. degree in H. E. in Juno.
Club will be held Saturday April 15, fort covering the Legislative proceedX
J 5 $$$ J
$mI 5 J $
6:30 p. m. at the Great Northern Hotel. ings for the Associated Press has been
"I believe there was an Alumni club
The visiting seniors and professors transferred to Louisville office whero formed here but nover knew when It
will be the guests of the club at this he is Night Editor. This connection met. Am trying to get the folks tomeeting. All former Kentucky men met with the approval of University gether for a meeting some time and
are urged to attend this meeting. It officials because of the great service permanent organization.
promises to be the best the Chicago Mr. Evans was able to render the Alma what I am doing I might say that I am
750 Frelinghuysen Avenue,
Club has ever held. Those who will Mater in his work there. Following still with tho Western Normal as
attend are requested to notify J. R. his successful work at Frankfort ho Head of tho Department of Physics.
Newark, N.
Watklns, 5314 Winthrop Ave. so that was offered a post in Chicago or Louis- If I can get leave of absence I want to
Boston Buffalo Chicago New York Philadelphia
reservations will be made.
spend next year in U. K. trying for a
Nearly a hundred
Almost every student activity on the Master's Degree
representing classes from '75 to '20 at- campus has felt the presenco of
I am trying to' got what Information.
tended the meeting last year, which Herndon Evans Ho was a member of I can and will do anything in my power
was probably the most successful that Kappa Sigma fraternity and of several to make tho Alumni Association and
with the help of the following Kentuckians
had been held to date.
honorary societies and fraternities In- the University of Kentucky. I nm a
J. I. Lyle, '96
X f" X
cluding Lamp and Cross and Alpha booster all tho time and frequently I
J. E. Rollins. '15
E. T. Lyle, '09
PEP SHOWN IN FALLS CITY Delta Eignui; major of the battalion have n chance to say a good word for
II. Worsham, '16
L. L. Lewis, '07
Club nnd
Louisville Alumni
It. Waterflll, '20
president, stago utanagor and tho Alma Mater and send a good stuM. S. Smith, '08
loading actor of the Strollers.
for Year; U. K. Group Grows
dent up there.
J. II. Bailey, 20
It. L. Junes, '12
The annual election of officers was
W. B. Thornton, '21
If I can help further pleaso lot mo
It. It. Taliaferro, '13
held at the Main Public Library last
G. E. Zerfoss, '21
Nominating Committee Named
know." Geo. V. Page '17 Head Defamiliarly
week. J. T. Pride,
President Rodman Wiley of the partment of Physics. State Normal
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A lumni Directory





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to make "Every day a good day"

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