Pftf Twe

Alumni Notes
Editor Alumni iterator?
Somerset, Ky., April 4, (Fint
Friday Regular)
meeting, 7:30
,.p. m., Dr. Norfleet's office.
Philadelphia, April S. (First
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
Engineers' Club.
Buffalo- April 10. Banquet tcr
visiting senior engineers and
chemists at 7:30 p. m., Board of
Commerce, Main
and Seneca
New York, April 11. Annual
dinner dance, Waldorf Hotel.
Lexington, April 12. (Second
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
12:30 Lafayottc Hotel.
Chicago, April 21 (Third Moa- day Regular) luncheon 12:30 p.
m. Marshal Field's
Men's Grill.
Cincinnati, April 26. Dianer- dance. (Time and place will be
announced later.)
Detroil, April 26. (Last Satur- day Regular) dinner, Dixieland


Is on Program

of Alumni .Banquet to
Be Held During K. E. A.

The latest reports from the committee on the alumni banquet, to (be given
in the rathskeller of the Seelibach Hotel Thursday, April 24, are to the effect that everything is working out
Wellington Patrick, chairnian of a
committee on arrangements at the
University, has had a number of letters from Leo J. Sandman, who is in
charge of the Louisville part of the
Mr. Sandman has arranged to have from 200 to 500 served
according to the number of applications for reservations before the night
of the banquet.
The Kernel, on another part of this
page, has a blank to be filled out by all
alumni wanting (reservations for the
banquet. Each alumnus has the privilege of inviting a friend or two of those
who may be in Louisville for the K.
E. A., whether they are former students or not.
Dr. McVey will be at the 'banquet
and probably Governor William J.
The Glee Chib, which
will probably be on the regular program of the convention, will also furnish part of the entertainment at the
Mr. Patrick desires to hear from all
alumni who expect to attend the banquet so .there may be some way of estimating how many to expect,
ex-1- 4.



have been made by the best speakers
in the bureau.
Early in March C. M. C. Porter, a
member of the senior class, went to
the Finchviillc High School, in Shelby
County, and made an address before
200 students
and patrons of the school. Previous
to that H. H. Grooms, of the law college, appeared before the Alumni Club
at Somerset.
Recently H. C Johnson, of the law
college, was the principal speaker at
an all day meeting held at the Bucna
Vista High School, in Garrard county.
In old fashioned camp meeting style
the congregation brought their dinner
and spread it out for all on the ground.
This meeting was also well attended.
The last week in February, James
Darnell, of the junior class, appeared
before the Kiwanis Club in Pineville.
Two weeks ago he appeared before a
joint meeting of- the Kiwanis and
Young Men's Business Clubs of Louisville.
Darnell addressed these clubs
at a luncheon at the Brown Hotel, at
which more than 500 persons were
Later in the spring several of the
speakers will have arrangements to
make addresses at the high school
commencements. C. M. C. Porter has
already consented to make the commencement address at Fordsville, in
Ohio county.
Letters which have been received
from the places where these men appeared are uniform in their favorable
expressions of the speeches of the
members of the bureau. The speakers bureau gives the individuil students an opportunity to work for the
University and at the same fmc Inacquainted with more people
themselves and give the high schools
and business men the true story of the
a crowd of more than


Just before Christmas the business
manager of the Kernel received a let-from the Canrier Engineering Corporation placing an order for an ade
vertisement to run forever. The
said "just a :it'le token of good w'll
to run on the alumni page forever."
The Carrier Engineering Corporation is engaged in manufacturing and
installing air conditioners. The add
says "manufacturers of weather, to
make every day a good day."
J. Irvine Lyle, class of '96, is general manager and secretary of the corporation, and John Esten Boiling,
class of '15, is in charge of the publicity of the company. Every xcar the
company takes several new men from
the senior class until now there are
fourteen graduates in the employ of
the company.






The office is glad to announce that
some of the lost are found. Of the list
The Student Speakers' Bureau which published recently about 10 persons
was organized last year to send prom- have been located. We aire glad to reinent students from the campus to ad- port that of the old graduates located
dress gatherings in various sections of aill were alive and apparently well.
the state has been fairly active this Glance over the list published this
winter and a numlber of addresses week to see if you can't lend a hand

K. E, A. MEETING, APRIL 24, 1924.

in finding the rest of the ninety and
nine for there is more joy in the alumni office over one lost alumnus found
than in getting three letters from old
faithfuls. However, some of you old
faithfuls write into us and offer some
suggestions of a good way to detect
the whereabouts of some of these mis-

placed alumni.
Class of '15 Esther Mae Bailey,
Jcancttc BcM, Logan Bcntlcy
David Dallas Donohoo, Elizabeth Fcarn Eldridgc, Zachariah Pierce
Hamilton, Mclvin Hays Judd, John
McGarvcy Ligon, Airchic Xavier Pfef-fc- r,
Charles Stephenson Rainey,
Adolphus Rice, Thomas Hart
Robinson, Clarence Barbour Shoemaker, Newell Pcmbcrton Smith, Arthur
Eugene Wcgcrt.
Class of '16 Ralph Emorson
Norberto Dcvara, Sue Hunt Frost,
Logan Noursc Green, Mrs. Bessie
Foglc Judd, Chairles
Frank Kurmli,
Benjamin Harrison Mitchell, William
Crowder Mitchell, George Page Nea-glHomer Lloyd Reid, Dudley H.
Starns, Orvillc Roberts Willett, John
Henry Williams.
Class of '17 Carrie Frances Blair,
Frank Moore Crum, Benjamin Franklin Foster, Jesse
Forrest Gregory,
Ronald Hutchison, James William
Nonris, Floyd Wellman Potts, Burton
F. Williams.
Class of '18 George Clifton Brad-IcErnest Berry Fleming, Henry
J. Kolbc, Sara Winn McOonneW, Minnie Evelyn NeVille, Todor Nicholoff.
Class of '19 Ruby Karl Diamond,
William Whitfield
Smith, Carl Albert Timmer.
Class of '20 Commodore Fisher,
Herbert Proctor Ha'ley, Ruth Phylis
Hoag, William Hugh MoGord, Joseph
Stuart Misrach, John Caleb Morris,
Dean Slagle, Morris Vilcofsky, William Yourish.
Class of '21 'Reginald Ernest
Mervin Kohn Eblen, Gustave
Berry Foster, Jesse Otto Osborn,
Eugene Sheridan Perry.
Class of '22 Carrie Louis Dwyer,
Lafayette Brown Herring.
Cay-woo- d,






Betwixt Us;


Four Members Have Appeared Before
High Schools and Clubs

Riggs is manager of the Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company at Paducah.
Mirs. Riggs was formerly Miss
Hackctt. The family resides at
314 South Fifth Street
Miss Ruby Ringo Fleming is a law
student at George Washington University. Her address is Hibbs Bldg.,
Washington, D. C.


Elizabeth Scott "Lily" Threl-kclwho for two and
has been home economics case worker
for the Family Service Organization,
Lexington, has resigned to become
home economist for the Family Service Organization of Louisville, Ky.,
her duties beginning April 2.
Thrclkctd created the position she
held in Lexington, beginning the work
Vincent B. Milligan is in the Divis- as an experiment Her sccintific management of the commissary has reion of Music, U. S. Navy. The present address is U. S. S. Reuben James, sulted in savings in the bills each
month and she has also taught fami-- I
care Postmaster, New York Gty.
lies the principles of marketing.
of office records which she
, system
established is another valuable contriMiss Grace Elizabeth Baker is teach- bution to the organization, enabling
ing in Jefferson Davis School, Lex- them te- keep in closer touch with all
ington, Ky. For several years Miss phases of life of the families assisted.
Davis taught in Missouri and for
awhile after returning to Kentucky
taught in the high school at Paducah.
News of the arrival last week of a
Her residence and mailing address is
little daughter at the home of Mr. and
226 East High street.
Mrs J. N. Browning, Maysville, Ky.,
reached friends in Lexington.
Browning was Miss Carlisle Chenault
John Esten 'Jack" Boiling is pub- before her marriage and' one of the
licity engineer with the Cairrier Engi- most popular girls on the campus durneering Corporation, 750 Frelinghuy-sc- n ing her college years.
Ave., Newark, N. J. He is living
Harold T. David is with the Otis
up to what the '15 annual said of him: Steel Company, of Cleveland, Ohio.
would probably have made Mrs. David was Miss Ruth C. Ham"Esten
good in any department in school mond. They arc living at 1720 Page
since his talents and attainments are sbreet.
He has been 'Jack the
so varied.
this year.' " He was a
member of the Glee Club, the Strollers,
has accepted a
Irene MsNamara
University Quartette, the Idea Staff position with the Lexington Herald.
and President and Class Orator of the She is living at 249 South Limestone
1915 class.
During the World War street, Lexingtjon, Ky.
he rendered valuable service as engi"Please send my Kernel to
neer with the Drying Systems, Inc.,
Ky., instead of Madisonville. I
a process of drying and curing foods am teaching home economics in the
shipped overseas high
so that they could be
school here." 'Opal Cox.
in much less space and yet retain their
Vene C. Rogers, 'who is with the
flavor and food values. Since 1919 he Armstrong Cork & Insulation Comhas held his present position with the
pany, has been transfenred' from MemCarrier Corporation.
phis, Tenn., to the company's offices
at St. Louis, Mo. His mailing address
is 5129 Garfield street.
Josephine Lyle
one of the
J. G. Bruce, who finished his law
course in the first semester, has acceptbeen eligible to membership in the As- ed a position with the legal departsociation, is bacteriologist with the ment, Fordson Coal Company, Pineclinic of several Lexington physicians, ville, Ky.
at 190 North Upper street. Miss
Lyle's residence and mailing address
is 176 North Broadway.










ex-1- 6,

Edwin Chesterfield Aulick is a mem17
"Sould Film Actresses
headline. Yes,
ber of the faculty of Ohio Mechanics
Ellis Ewen Drake has been in the asks a cinema-pape- r
Address creosoting business ever since receiv- but only now and then. Londen
Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio.
No. 8 East Eighth street.
ing his B. M. E. degree. He is now Punch.
superintendent of the Colonial Creosoting Company "at Bogalusa, La.
A consistent member of the "honor p. o. box 557. Mr. Drake manried
roll" is Miss Lila Beatrice Terry, Miss Ernestine Wood in October, 1921.
who is teaching Spanish in Senior They are living at 317 Alabama Ave.
Sufficient money for final payHigh School, Lexington, Ky. For
ment on the Dean Lafferty porseveral years Miss Terry was on the
A double partnership was formed
trait for the College of Law hat
staff of the Kentucky Agricultural Exnot yet been subscribed. Checks
periment Station. Since 1918 she has when Rebekah Paritz, graduate of the
may be sent to W. S. Hamilton,
been teaching in the Lexington schools Law College, U. K, and William
were united in manriage in the
'07, 707 Marion E- - Taylor Bldg.,
and during the summer of 1921, travLouisviHe, Ky.
eled in Europe and spent some time early winter. Mrs. Hyman was admitstudying languages there. Residence ted to the Ohio bar in 1921 and is assistant librarian of the law library,
address, 120 Forest avenue.
Hamilton County Court House, Cincinnati. She is also in law practice,
partner with her husband, who has
Elias Elvolve, B. S. '03, M. S. '04, been in the profession five years.
Dues and The Kernel
Ph.D. '10, is a chemist with the U. S. They are living at 219 Northern Ave.,
One Year
Public Health Service Bureau, Wash- Cincinnati, O.
ington, D. C, which position he has
held for several years. His residence
and mailing address is 1228 "H" St.,
Walter L. Payne ex-- , formerly of
N. K.
Paris, is now living near Winchester,
University of Kentucky,
Ky., R. F. D. No. 1.
James Booth ex- has moved from
Ben Scherffius, one of the "not lo- Paris to Carlis'le.
cated," is farming near Dryden, Oregon, and from June until September
is fiire marshal for that district. Mrs.
Scherffius was Miss Lottie May War-diof Maysville, Ky. The home is
called "Huckleberry Homestead."
750 Frelinghuyien Avenue,
Hy-ma- n,





Mr. W. C. Wilson, Secretary Alumni Association,

University of Kentucky, Lexington,
My Dear Mr. Wilson: Yes, you may make a reservation for me
for the K. E. A. Banquet. I am a good alumnus and a booster for the
University. I expect to be in Louisville on April 24, and want to be with
the bunch. I don't know what the banquet will cost, but I know that
the Louisville Club is on the job and that I shall be well provided for.
I know that you will notify me later of the time and place. I will buy
my ticket at the door. Here is my name.

Carrier Engineering Corporation


William Perry B. Hamilton is a
contractor and builder, associated .rfitif
William" Rodes of the same class, in
Lexington, Ky. His residence and'
mailing address is Harrodsbwg pike,
Lexington, Ky.

Newark, N. J.
Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia


to make "Every day a good day"
with the help of the following Kentuckiana:



On information sheet received with
redues from Schuitz Riggs
cently, is this notation, "Two boys,
one eight years old and one eight
mouths. Funds on deposit to send'
both to U. of K." Just another example of loyalty to "Old State." Mr.
ex-1- 0,



Numlber- - of tickets wanted

Cut this out and mail

it iat once.


J. I. Lyle, 'N
E. T. Lyk, '00
L. L. Lewis, '07
M. S. Smith, '08
It L. Duncan, '12
Taliaferro, '13


Boiling, '15
Worskam, '16
R. WatcrfiU, '20
J. H. Bailey, '20
W. B. Thornton, '21
N. O. Belt. '22
A. P. IhaakUa, '2J
