Your report to the Board of Trustees in September suggested
three approaches to the problem which you presented.    Your
primary interest Was that not only should there be a sound
administrative set-ups but that certain educational functions
and responsibilities recognized in all institutions should be
retained by a representative University Faculty. It was
with these expressions in mind and a study of the appraisal
presented by you that the Committee proceeded with the work
assigned to it.

Careful attention has been given to the suggestions made in
the report of the President to the Board of Trustees entitled
"An Appraisal of the University's Administrative Organizations
The Committee surveyed and considered in detail the experiences
of the educational institutions of first rank. It was con-
cluded that with minor changes, the suggestions in the Prep-
identsw report would provide a sound basis of organization
both from the standpoint of education and of administration.
It would also provide the mechanics to meet the problem of
promoting a cooperative democratic administration which the
President asked fore

The report of the Committee of 15, which was unanimous"y adopt-
ed and signed by each member of the Committees is transmitted
herewith. The main features of the Committee's report are:

(a) That the President of the University is the executive
officer of the institution and of all the work associated with
it and gX officio a member of all faculties.

(b) That the President at his discretion may appoint or have
appointed such temporary or standing committees of the teach-
ing, research or administrative staff as he may deem Wise,
including an advisory or administrative cabinet.

(c) That the Faculty of the University be expanded by the
addition of certain ex officio members and forty members of
the rank of assistant professor or above elected by the
professorial staff.   This body shall exercise jurisdiction
over all matters of University educational policy, but shall
have no management or administrative functions.

(d) That the University Assembly shall be continued and shall
consist of all officers, staff and employees of the Universi-

It is believed that the organization and duties proposed
will permit the University of Kentucky to function effective-
ly9   The powers, functions and responsibilities of the of-
f ice of the President are preserved    There is segregated
to administration the powers and duties that accrue to its