-1 2-

and before the word Lo.r?" by inserting the following words "in
each croup for the re-presentntives from th!t orou'n".

     Cn 'age 10, by inserting after the fifth raragrnph the
following Paragraph and words:  "Nothing herein shnll affect,
in en,, :articulsr, the resolution adopted by the Board of
Trustees on the first day of Anril, 1941, relating to the
creation and functions of the Denartment of business Manage-
ment Pnd Control of the University".

     President Donovan stated that it was not the intent of
the Committee to change, or alter, the Denartinent of Business
Mana-emneat and Control as created ba' the Board of Trustees on
April 1, 1941. Thereu7)on the following resolution offered
and being duly seconded was unanimously adopted:

          Be it resolved that the re',ort of the Committee of
     Fifteen, of which Dean Tho-nes P. Cooper S s Chairman,
     which is copied herein, be and it is hereby amended by
     striking out the word " stately on page 6 and inserting
     the words "in each groun for the representatives from
     that groun" on -)a-e 9, Fand inserting the naragranh on
     nage 10, "nothing herein shall affect the resolution
     adopted by the Board of Trustees on the first day of
     Anril, 1941, relating to the creation aild functions of
     tile Denartment of Business Mantagement and Control of
     the University", salid amendments being inserted, as
     designated above, and, .As so amended, the report is
     hereby a-r*roved and adopted.