done to the buildings, furniture, or premises. All damages, inju- V
ries, defacements, etc., which rooms and furniture in the dormi-
tory sustain during occupancy will be charged to the occupant ~'.
thereof. All injuries, damages, defacements, etc., which the halls I
and dining-room sustain will, unless specifically traced, be
charged to the occupants of the respective sections collectively.
For the accommodation of students sent as beneficiaries of
Legislative Representative Districts of the State, rooms for one
hundred and forty students are provided in the dormitories. To
these, good substantial board is furnished at $2.25 per week, pay-
able weekly in advance; but no student under seventeen years
of age will be permitted to room in the dormitories, unless all of
his classes shall be in one of the regular collegiate courses. Good
boarding with fuel, lights, and furnished room, can be obtained
in private families at rates varying from $3,.50 to $4 per week. »
The students who board in the dormitories are, for business
purposes, organized at the beginning of the collegiate year under
a Chairman and Secretary of their own choice, whose successors
are elected on the first Tuesday of each term, and who serve for
one term. At the business meeting, held on Tuesday night of
each week, the weekly dues, $2.25, are paid. The boarding
department is managed by a Board consisting of the President
of the College, the Commandant, a Treasurer, who is a member
of the Faculty, and into whose hands all the weekly dues are
placed when collected, a Steward, and the Chairman and Secretary
selected by the students. It will thus be seen that the boarding
department has no official connection with the College authori— T
ties. The College, as such, does not board the students, and is in ,3
no sense responsible for any debts created by the boarding
department. Three members of the Faculty, in their individual
capacity, assist in the management of its funds. _
No provision is made for women in the dormitories.
Each Legislative Representative District is allowed to send,
on competitive examination, one properly prepared studevzl each
year, to this College, free of charge for tuition.