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N unquenchable good nature, a spirit of progress, generosity and firmness have made President Henry S. Barker beloved by the student body and friends of the University.
In the five years of his administration much good has been accomplished. Various departments have been given new life by his favor and encouragement, and new departments have been added, causing the institution to grow in numbers and influence. Under his guidance a certain unity has been brought about, which has made possible the advancement of recent years. Where there were 721 students in 1910, there are 1,445 enrolled for the 1915-1916 session. Likewise, the number of graduates has been almost doubled.
One of the remarkable features of the progress of the institution is the growth of the College of Agriculture. Five years ago there were twenty students enrolled in the four-year course of the college. Now there are 253. The work has been done with a thoroughness that has placed graduates of the college in demand. A new interest in agriculture has been aroused over the State, and farmers are depending on the college and the experiment station as never before. Able authorities say they expect the College of Agriculture to be vitally concerned with the advancement of Kentucky along all agricultural lines in the future.
The College of Arts and Science, under the capable leadership of Dean Arthur M. Miller, has become the leading college of the University in numbers, having sixty-six in the graduating class. This college has done much and will doubtless do more to place the University in the front of all Southern institutions. One of its most flourishing departments is the School of Journalism, directed by Professor Enoch Grehan. Although in only its second year, this department has about eighty students doing practical work in journalism. The course has been elaborated with its growing numbers, showing an increase of about one hundred per cent.
The College of Civil Engineering is rapidly gaining strength under Dean Walter E. Rowe. Especially good work is done by this college in its short courses, whereby county engineers are given technical training. It has done much to help along the movement for good roads in the State.
Dean C. J. Norwood is directing the College of Mines and Metallurgy very ably. The graduating class this year is small, but the underclasses are large, and much interest is taken in the work. Undergraduates of the college have handled responsible positions in mining engineering during summer months, being ranked favorably with graduates of other institutions.
The Graduate School has had an unusual growth since its establishment within the, last four years. Dean Mackenzie 'has handled its work with a vim and enthusiasm that has demanded recognition in nearly half the States of the Union.